“Roll On” was written by the professional composer Paul Yoder in 1961 for University of California High School Band Day. Written in 1907 by Clinton R. “Brick” Morse; arranged by Charles C. Cushing. He makes it cold for every foe, Stalwarts girded for the fray, Each night they sat around singing, but no new song ever came to him.” The song has remained essentially unchanged except for the occasional addition of a particular player’s name (Cochran) or special day (Thanksgiving) to the lyrics when appropriate. “It’s a big undertaking,” admitted founding member Don Henley, 72. and guts! All Rights Reserved. State Bar Court case dockets are available online. And raise the joyful chorus, Listen It turned out that Levy had chosen “One More River to Cross” as the team’s official song as a motivational tool, having remembered the song from his days as head football coach at Berkeley during the 1960’s. “Roll On” was the fight song portion. From a distance all they shall see So…then… it’s… It was written in 1946 by Bobby Troup and first performed by Nat King Cole. For California through and through! The Rotterdam Dutch, and the Irish. #Riplaety.”. It saw family, friends and fan’s of Calif Record’s singer Laety Laetitia wake up to the sad news that she is no more. “All Hail Blue and Gold” is played by the Band at the end of all University events and athletic contests. Anne” was recently played at the ceremonies marking the 125th anniversary of the founding of the University of California. of the growling Golden Bear. Marching on, our drums and bugles calling Grrrr, Rrrr, Rrrrrah! The music and lyrics to “California, We’re For You” were written by Sydney K. Russell. The words were changed to what we know as “For California, for California, The hills send back the cry, We’re out to do or die,” and first appeared in printed form in 1906. Gayley was born in Shanghai in 1858, educated in England, and received his A.B. And for the Blue and Gold. However, the song survived and eventually became popular. When the Band resurrected the song two years later, it took a great deal of effort to reintroduce it to the student body. (Chorus) Tradition eventually came to dictate that the song be played ONLY after a Cal victory. To light the captain’s lamp. Though new songs have been written over the years, “California Triumph” is the first new Cal Song to be adopted by the Band since “Cal Band March” in 1978. Bingham is one of the most prolific composers of Cal songs, also penning “The Blue and Gold,” “California March,” “A Toast to California,” “Hurrah for California,” and “California Indian Song.” “All Hail Blue and Gold” was popularized by the Budweiser Quartet and the California Glee Club (both of which Bingham was a member), achieving the status of unofficial California Hymn. Rest in peace dear friend, gone so soon. For our glorious destiny, Hail to California, In this hour of Chemistry! Right overhead a jovial crew? Laety is one of the pioneer singers of Calif Record and was well known for being featured in the song Number Yako by Flexx in 2005. He might have been a Wolverine, Wolverine, We stride beside the fighting Bear. While at Michigan, he displayed his flair for school songs by editing the songbook, “Songs of the Yellow and Blue.” In 1889, Gayley moved to California, serving the University of California as a professor of English Language and Literature, research lecturer, and professor emeritus. Listen Do it again, boys! The steward went below. As a result, the Band became superstitious and refused to play it for almost two years. Californians have the right under the state Public Records Act and the California Constitution to access public information maintained by local and state government agencies, including the Department of Justice. And that wide river is vict’ry. And when the game’s done, “California Victory Song” is a little known Cal song written in the late 1930’s by Donald Levy as one of the last of the Daily Californian prize winning songs. Shall ring for ever more. Written in 1965 by Ted E. Haley; arranged by Larry Austin. calif-records. All Hail! As vict’ry fills the air. Her glorious destiny. But you know the Band will persevere, Because the wick was damp. On our rugged Eastern foothills, © UC Regents. Will be the symbol of California’s Triumph, Written in 1905 by Harold W. Bingham, arranged by Robert O. Briggs. (Sing:) California! Our Oski sounds and shakes the ground (Unofficial Third Verse) Gold and Blue means tried and true, Hart wrote the music and Wymond Garthwaite wrote the lyrics to the song in 1927. California’s name and her mighty fame Whose hearts are strong and bold. Stanford’s team will be found Written in 1961 by Paul Yoder and Larry Mandel. The matter came to a head in February 18, 1969, when Irwin Coster, working on behalf of the UCLA cause, received official word from the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress that “Big C” had never been copyrighted, and thus it was in the Public Domain. Though The Band immediately took up the song in a Larry Austin arrangement and recorded it as part of the 1966 “Spirit of Cal” recording. Francis of Assisi” from the Bohemian Club Grove Play by Irving Pichel and Charles Hart. “Fight for California” is played whenever a Cal athletic team enters the field of play, after every Cal Ev’ry man is ready for the fray Our banner Gold and Blue, Compilation of various songs (California, Oh Didn’t He Ramble, Rambled Into) circa 1939, arranged by Larry Austin. Fifteen submissions came from all over the United States, including California, Maryland, Texas, and Minnesota. He hugged them tight, our Golden Bear! California’s Golden Bear has carried the day. Listen You can now also link to iTunes and Wikipedia to hear more and learn more about the thousands of artists, records, songs and labels found in the fabulous world of 3345.ca RPM + Music World 3345.ca is also proud to host the RPM archive, celebrating Canada’s premiere publication devoted to promoting Canadian Music and related business. But the heat made it hard to endure. In the Spring of 2004, the Executive Committee of the Band decided to hold a competition to commission a new spirit song for Cal. In order to keep up with the demands of their popularity, Morse encouraged Glee Club members to write original compositions; his own contributions include “The Sons of California” and “Hail to California.”. When our team runs on the field, Superstition continues to surround “Palms of Victory.” For example, the night before the 1992 Cal vs. Stanford Big Game, the Band was coaxed into playing “Palms of Victory” at several alumni functions. Listen There’s the Highland Dutch, and the Lowland Dutch, Coming here from over all the nation. L ! From our hearts our song we sing. B. Kornblum and H. E. Kowalski And the ferry carried Harry to the shore; Lift your glasses to the sky. And march to Victory. And when we serpentine, Spreading light and goodness A less mythic story from the 1970’s claims that Bowles Hall convinced the University that the Band was “duty-bound” to perform for them after every game (back in the days when the Band received sizable income from the University). © UC Regents. David Mandel won a competition held within the band to write lyrics for the song. The upstart university from the west coast surprised everyone by winning the meet! “St. And when you hear the crash Let There Be Light (St. Anne/ All Saints) dedicated it to the commander of his R.O.T.C. Services provided by CDPH-VR include issuing certified copies of California vital records and registering and amending vital records as authorized by law. Currently, after any Bear’s win, this is the first song played. Right overhead a jovial crew? © UC Regents. … All Hail! As her colors we unfold. The only difference that year was that Big Game was played against the University of Washington instead of Stanford because Stanford had chosen to return to competitive play in rugby. Whether you like listening to hip-hop, jazz, rap, pop or punk, you are sure to find exclusive editions of … Written in 1895 by Charles Mills Gayley; arranged by Jonathan B. Elkus. What’s he say? (originally: By the Old Pacific’s Rolling Waters; also: Mighty Bruin Bear / Rally Song) He says: © UC Regents. When our Oski rips through the air. Or maybe our —- At the meet, the team had displayed a blue banner with a golden bear upon it for good luck, and when the local newspapers noticed the totem, they began to claim that it had “jinxed” the Eastern schools. Boldly, Sons and Daughters, Big “C” means look out below Here you can find the lyrics and MP3 files of many of our fight songs. We are Sons of California, Hail! A contest was held within the Band (as with “Roll On”), and Robert Bramson and Susan Mattson both won, each submitting one verse. for California. Of something getting smashed, All Rights Reserved. scoring play in football, and whenever the Straw Hat Band marches into a performance. One tradition that has died out in this regard, though, is the Band’s refusal to play “By” after a Cal-UCLA game – so thoroughly has this song been accepted by the Cal community as one of its own. This song was used by the Junior class as their entrance music for rallies during the 1920’s because they literally had “one more river (senior year) to cross” until graduation. The Cal Band traditionally sings “Hail to California” in harmony after playing the “Star Spangled Banner” at every home men’s basketball game. For many years now, “St. © UC Regents. Written in 1978 by Jonathan B. Elkus, Robert Bramson, and Susan Mattson; arranged by Larry Austin. (singing start) He convinced the Glee Club’s Senior Men’s Octet to inaugurate the song at a Peninsula party, and this beautiful acapella song quickly became a part of the repertory of the Glee Club and the Treble Clef, as well as the Cal Band. While some of the record labels went underground due to the stiff competition, some like Ogopa and Calif remain afloat. Up with the Blue and Gold, Drink it down and then, Social Actions: Black Lives Matter Movement. When they returned, both groups had joined additional verses of a whole new song to the old ‘California’ song. March along, sing a song. Our silent, sturdy Golden Bear! Of all Cal songs, “Fight for California” has the distinction of being played in arguably the most unique Our banner’s proudly flying. For whatever reason, the Cal Band continues to play “By” after every home game for the men of Bowles Hall. Rub a dub dub march on. Till the crimson banners fall. Sing glory be to God that there are no more of us, Our sturdy Golden Bear, Afterwards, UCLA continued using his arrangement of “Big C,” adding its own lyrics and renaming it “Sons of Westwood.” The UCLA Band began playing it regularly as their new fight song. All hail to California’s glory, victors we rise. It was their first album with guitarist Joe Walsh, who had replaced founding member Bernie Leadon, and is the last album to feature bassist Randy Meisner. When just sev’n stars are shining through, shining through And we want to lead the way. For when I’m drunk, I’m as happy as can be Although, the sun is still here, When the opportunity arose, they relieved the unrestrained singer of his pants while serenading him with “Roll On.”. In 1978 the Tellefsen Hall Directors commissioned Jonathan Elkus (currently director of the University of California, Davis Cal Aggie Marching Band-uh) to compose “Cal Band March” in memory of Chris Tellefsen. The tune appears to be unoriginal. Do it again boys, often! California Activates 'Mass Fatality' Program As State Sets New Virus Records : Coronavirus Updates California Gov. When the “Drinking Song” element that follows was also played, it was known as “Rambled Into.” In Roschelle Zella Paul’s master thesis, “Song Tradition of the University of California at Berkeley,” she mentions that “in 1939, the University Band and the Glee Club went down to Los Angeles for the UCLA vs. California football game. 6 years ago Top Record-labels In Kenya. Drunk the night before; Palms of victory, Palms of glory Written in 1909 by Earl Elleson McCoy, Robert N. Fitch; arranged by Robert O. Briggs. There’s one more river to cross. He says: Was that Harry couldn’t carry any more. For Cali-California! And we’ll win for California, Many different artists have covered the song over the years including Bing Crosby, Chuck Berry, The Rolling Stones, and Depeche Mode. The California Marching Band It was written to commemorate the creation of the large cement “C” built on the “rugged Eastern foothills” of the Berkeley campus in 1905, and the song was later entered in the Daily Californian’s then annual school song competition. And loyal to mighty Alma Mater, we will be strong. And when he hears the tread All Rights Reserved. How do you meet someone today and tomorrow they are gone????? Make way for the Bear! Marching fast and playing loudly, Hit ‘em again boys, harder! Her friend, Patt would reply after some hours; “I only met you yesterday, we did this shoot together and now I hear you are no more. For California’s Victory! The California Department of Public Health – Vital Records (CDPH-VR) maintains birth, death, fetal death/still birth, marriage, and divorce records for California. As the team made their way off the train clutching their banner, the words to “The Golden Bear” came to Gayley in a sudden flash of inspiration, and he soon set the words to a popular Air of the time, “The Pope.” Because he was known and loved by the student body for his sincere and genuine concern for their welfare, it is fitting that Gayley’s songs still remain a vital part of the California Spirit. A Californian through and through, Oh, they had to carry Harry to the ferry, He had his choice and lo – a Bear! A Californian through and through, He has a very patient air, patient air, All Rights Reserved. Before her demise, Laety was working on the song Alamo, one that seemed to be deep and inspiring.This song was released after a long period of silence from music and it seems the song Alamo was her comeback and her last one as well. March along, sing a song, One of the best songs about California is “ (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66”. Lift your voices; fly the banners; To obtain records of another agency, please contact the agency directly. He might have smiled on Michigan, Michigan, He is their frigid polar Bear. The oncoming rain is a pain in the rear, Hey! It must have been an accident that [he] remembered ‘Hail to California’ and ‘Sons of California’ and wrote them out for the Glee Club to sing.” “Sons of California” was always performed slowly and solemnly by the Glee Club. Or even gone Yalesian. Like our friend Mister Jonah, It has since become one of the more popular Cal Songs, and it is particularly popular during Big Game week. Surviving on sweat! Words were written to the first two strains of “Lights Out” to commemorate the joys and hardships of the 1976 Bicentennial Tour. Hey! And all the Western galaxy; Palms of victory we shall win Golden Bear is ever watching; For we her sons will fight, fight, fight, Oh, they had a little party down in Newport, Discover music on Discogs, the largest online music database. California, we’re for you. (Oh!) “California Drinking Song” ends on a dominant seventh chord, which leaves a sense of unresolution. And for Alma Mater fair. Rallying round her banner, He said, “So fire it up you son-of-a-bitch, On Breezes ye sail; The Glee Club learned the song en route, and performed it during their tour. Some regents and UCLA administrators thought it quite reasonable that this “little sister” of Cal maintain “Sons of Westwood” as a “reaffirmation [of the University of California’s] solidarity.” However, ardent students and alumni at Cal were never happy with the situation, especially Berdahl, who continued to fight for the abolition of “Sons of Westwood” through the remainder of his tenure as director. And march to Victory. One more river, Fighting ‘neath her standard, Digital collection of 6,000 cylinder records from 1895-1920s with downloadable and streaming audio held by the Department of Special Collection, University of California, Santa Barbara. California, Here’s to Thee. Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull believed “Hotel California” sounded suspiciously like one of his songs. In ev’ry son of the Golden Bear. And drink to California ‘till we wobble in our shoes. And once you’ve seen him, you’re all right, Berkeley, and one morning during the mission, mission control woke the crew to the blaring strains of On the way, the Band passes by Bowles Hall, a gothic, all-male residence hall, stops, and plays “By” for the Bowlesmen, who have adopted the tune of “By” for their own “Bowles Hall Drinking Song.” The tradition of playing “By” for Bowles Hall is said to have begun back when the entire football team lived there. Now the Souse family is the best family Listen Home for the Blue and Gold! And oh, that Bear’s a glorious sight, glorious sight, Written in 1921 (?) Alma Mater’s name will ring. “Roll On” became associated with pantsing in the early 1960’s. You’ve seen our California Bear. “The Stanford Jonah” was written in 1913 by Ted E. Haley for the annual song contest held by the Daily Californian, but that year the song lost to Williams’ and McLaren’s “Big C.” “The Stanford Jonah” got its break in 1914, however, when the Glee Club traveled to Europe. Alma Mater, carry on What will we do to the Stanfurdites on that great day? There was Harry, there was Mary, there was Grace. Will strive for us anew, Laety who was signed to Calif Records in 2000 saw her hit with the song Siwezi Mind featuring Kano Boyz. Listen O’er loyal Californians, Written in 1948 by Thomas V. Beall. After the selection process, Hirokazu Hiraiwa’s composition, “California Triumph,” was selected the winner. (Chorus) Down on the Stanford Farm there’ll be no sound, Fight ‘Em (Down From the North) 1950’s arrangement by Larry Austin of two secular songs, “One More River” and “One Ball Riley”. As a result, “The Stanford Jonah” became popular and won the annual song competition that year. One night, one of the boys said to him, ‘I see where The Daily Cal is offering $5.00 for a Cal song – Why don’t you submit it?’ He did and won the $5.00, which he took and quickly converted into another keg of beer. Listen (Chorus), No history of Cal Songs could be complete without mentioning Clinton R. “Brick” Morse. It is believed that the “Speaking Start” (The steward went below…,) is from a traditional Navy drinking song; the origins of the “Singing Start” (Oh, they had a little party down in Newport…,) are unclear. And Princeton and Schenectady, ‘nectady, And drink a toast to Bowles Association, Of our prevailing to bring a mighty vict’ry That brain and brawn will win the day. All shout for California Go all the way, Hey! Unless our spirit’s there We’re out to do or die, Fight the battle for the Blue and Gold, Our Alma Mater’s golden name The “California Drinking Song” is one of the most popular Cal songs among students and alumni – everyone knows the words to this song! California Victory Song Sing glorious, victorious, venue: namely, outer space. “Lights Out” is traditionally the last song of every Cal Band event. But no – he’s California’s Bear. Download for offline listening. © UC Regents. This event was a double header football game that pitted Cal against UCLA and UC Davis against UC Santa Barbara. However, for the 1921 California Song Book, Gayley asked that the song be reset to the tune “All Saints.” Thus, since 1921, “St. Hit it! unit. The lamp it would not light. We’ll drop our battle-axe on ‘Twas he that froze the U. of P., U. of P. Kenya has various record labels that have popularized the Kenyan urban music. Tellefsen was an employee of the Associated Students of the University of California student union who worked closely with the Band from the 1920’s through the 1960’s and helped the Band secure a new set of uniforms. © UC Regents. Let there be Light, One more river, As her colors we unfold Queen beside the Western Sea All Rights Reserved. The band would play for the players as they walked back to their dorm after the game. Insider Monkey Score – 100. The author of the text is unknown. The story goes that during a Straw Hat Band trip north, a bandsman repeatedly sang “Roll On,” undoubtedly irritating his traveling companions. Our sturdy Golden Bear… A big and brassy band are we, © UC Regents. Indeed, “Hail to California” is used as the Alma Mater of UC Davis, UCLA, and of the UC system as a whole. All Hail Blue and Gold, They’re joining hands to make the Bear! And for the Blue and Gold. And they had to carry Harry from the place. When you’re up to your knees in slimy green mud? As guards of California’s honor, we march along. Anne” was not played. Listen Listen O’er golden fields of poppies, We swing along ‘neath Blue and Gold so fair, Universal Music Group is the world’s leading music company. For California’s fame, Listen The song itself was rarely played until the trio was used as the third song of the Cal Band’s 1991 pregame show. Their red will turn to green, Laety who was signed to Calif Records in 2000 saw her hit with the song Siwezi Mind featuring Kano Boyz. All Rights Reserved. We will never fail; in 1878 at the University of Michigan. To fortune and to fame. Cheer your praises, strike the Band up; Katy Perry sizzles as a California girl! Or yet some other beast, I ween, The Golden Bear is on it too, on it too, Listen Oh, they had a little party down in Newport; And stand back if you please. write some words to fit the music.’”. All Hail! “Big C” is traditionally the first song of the pregame to which the Band marches its signature Flying Wedge formation. N I A ! by Sydney K. Russell, arranged by W. D. Denny. That ever came over from old Germany. And for the Blue and Gold. Calif Records. For I am member of the Souse family. Here's a collection of five key tunes. Stanford knows her fate is sealed, Californnnnnia! Written in 1904 (?) Rah! He became an assistant professor of Latin, and later Professor of English, at Michigan. California, here’s to Thee; F O R ! (Shhh!) So roll on, you Golden Bear, The oldest song currently in the Cal Band’s repertoire is “The Golden Bear,” with lyrics written in 1895 by Professor Charles Mills Gayley. California’s watching as you go; In 1919, football relations were reestablished with Stanford, so “Fight ‘Em” was only played for rallies and games with Washington. Hiraiwa was a trombone player in the Cal Band for four years, before graduating in May 2004. Hear our Oski’s mighty thunder, Quite likely, “By” may have initially become part of the repertoire in this way. At first, “Palms of Victory” did not inspire much victory. All Rights Reserved. He wears a Paderewski hair, ‘rewski hair, Her honor we’ll uphold, And lift them in the air. C ! (Cal Band unofficial words to Lights Out — written during the 1976 Tour) Stanfurd’s men will soon be routed A Tiger, or a Badger been, Badger been, Rumbling, grumbling, loud upon the air, All sing the joyful chorus All Rights Reserved.
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