Use the top Master's of Computer Science program rankings to find the right master's program for you. I think it is a worthwhile degree for sure. I got a Python beginners book and started. There probably are more subfields that I can't think of off the top of my head. I was good at math because I worked at it. I chose Computer Science after originally wanting to change my major to Software Engineering, but realizing that the school I'll be transferring too only has Computer Science or Computer Engineering. And don't worry about finding algorithms difficult - you'll almost certainly never have to implement a quicksort, linked list, or whatever during your career. From what I've read CE is more building computers, since it's part Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Thank you again! a) What parts of your major/career were the most fun to you? D. Good income and job prospects. Not having a background in computer science shouldn’t deter you from pursuing a master’s degree in the field, Hescott says. Thanks for any help or advice! I know someone who writes programs that help people manage their diabetes. There is no greater feeling in the world than solving a problem you have been stuck on for hours. I want to succeed, but wont put in hours of wasted effort just to get C's in future classes because I cant find the answer to a problem I've spent hours looking for on the internet and in the book. Satisfaction knowing your successful and smart and many people are using your code. If they don't teach you best coding practices and only talk to class for 2 hours, then that's really bad. The difference between CS and IS tends to be a heavy focus on theory or application, respectively, but this will vary between universities. Starting a career in computer science isn’t as easy as graduating and showing up to a job interview. JavaScript is disabled. The job market is pretty good too. I have more of an interest in building applications, websites, and programs than actually working with building machinery. This option requires learners to complete computer science classes; digital arts coursework, such as computer graphics and … It's like the saying about hammers only seeing nails. I was really interested and generally enjoyed the whole framework of it. Don’t choose your major based solely on a romanticized image. but I'm thinking about switching my major to business major (my second choice) and maybe minor in computer science, so I can have more time. The computer science department also offers an MS in computer science for those interested in computer science jobs in the digital arts. You Don’t Have to Major in Computer Science to Do It as a Career Majoring in math, nuclear engineering, or even geology can lead to a well-paying software job. Double major in computer science and math? You shouldn’t worry about this. I chose Computer Science after originally wanting to change my major to Software Engineering, but realizing that the school I'll be transferring too only has Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Context: I went to a school which was (and is) consistently rated among the top in the world at computer science education. Computer Science Major (Science Program) - ASMAJ1689 . Computer science is really about using computers and computation as tools to solve problems and to build tools for others to use. Within a couple of years. While computer science doesn’t have a reading list, it has some of the highest contact hours and toughest exams – there’s much more to a computer science degree than people realise. You will not be Tank from The Matrix if you major in computer engineering. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I was intrigued by the concepts of algorithms and data structures as well as artificial intelligence and cryptography. Especially if it took a while to figure it out. b) You only need to be able to pass your math classes. Michael Solomon, founder of 10X Management, which represents about 80 coders, notes that many of them don't have degrees or didn't major in computer science. I am at an impasse with what I want to do with the rest of my life. The good thing about CS is that hard work is rewarded. Some class may come more natural to you so you won't have to spend as much time. Don’t let your lack of exposure to computer science hold you back from obtaining a master’s degree. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. And the satisfaction of completing some code and having a working solution big or small. My feeling is its always good to major in CS and to have a strong minor in business or science so you have something to apply your programming to. Basically I'm graduating with a Computer Science degree but I don't feel like I've learned how to program. the school I'll be transferring too only has Computer Science or Computer Engineering. “I don’t want to tell a student already at Mines, ‘You can’t major in computer science,’” Professor Camp said. You should look into the difference between CS and CE. If this is how its going to be, why do we need to have a teacher at all when I can learn this by myself? I dont have an understanding of the basics because I dont even understand how my program works or doesn't work. Still, I don’t think it’s controversial to state that computer science has something to do with computers, or that education helps one to become better at one’s field of endeavor. Want to be in computer graphics/game programming please guide, Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university. Don't Dismiss Georgia Tech's $6,600 Online Master's Degree. Grade of B or better in CS 112 OR CS 211. I'm 21 and recently wanted to change my major from Communications/Graphic Design. People learn things at their own pace. The computer science major is a door to many different fields and applications. If you care less about theory, go for IS/CE. If this is how future computer science class are going to be, I would rather not take part in such a program. It is amazing how easily things are forgotten if you don't touch them a few weeks. B. For students admitted to Arts & Science in the Year 1 Computer Science … You can have some freetime on weekends. While you did mention that you wanted a computing degree, I'd also have to ask if the university you are transferring to also has an Information Sciences degree. I've always wanted to push myself to have a degree that will leave me feeling like a decently well-off and well-educated woman. If I am leaving the class more confused than when I entered, I don't believe it is my fault in my learning. Hey there, CS grad student here. 175. "This is the degree for me," I thought. I did survive CS with my math skills just fine and just got into a prestigious Master's program as proof that CS can be accomplished. To all the computer science students who don’t really like computer science. This makes me feel sooooo much better. I was all set to be a writer for most of my childhood, but I discovered computer programming in high school and never looked back. I'm hoping I learn a nice balance between studying and friends. It's also nice to be in a casual environment (this is often the case). And finally you also can use your programming skills for things like helping make awesome things happen in the world. Hi there. Computer Science. I just hope I'm being realistic with myself. I work full time, exercise, have a partner, take graduate classes and do my own projects all at the same time and still have time for games or seeing friends sometimes. Russia deploys giant space telescope in Lake Baikal, Spacewalkers take extra safety precautions for toxic ammonia, Oil in the ocean photooxides within hours to days, new study finds. I just feel a bit discouraged since I don’t know as much as my classmates. Your Java class sounds like such a course. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We are given an assignment to do every week. People generally don't start out being good at anything. One thing to know about being a woman in a male dominated major: When men don't know something, they grandstand and act like they do. A place for women in CS to talk about Computer Science, programming, careers, social justice and whatever! Computer science majors, on average, were hired at $71,500, while the high salary for that major was $102,000. Landing Page Best Practices. This type of situation never happened with my math or science classes. I know math is going to be miserable at times, but I feel better knowing that I won't have to be a master at it to make it to my degree (and a good job, hopefully). I got to see where you can code something out that would otherwise be a problem such as making little mini-programs that remind me when I am running late for work. Finally, don't worry about "not being good" at something. Enrolment Requirements: This is a limited enrolment program. You know that technology is only going to play a greater and greater part in our lives. I know many "business major" friends don't … I'll definitely pm you if I have anymore questions. I don’t think I would have come this far without you all. ... 80 Jobs That Pay Over $50K And Don’t Require A Degree. ... models with this data and tested for which model would be best at correctly predicting if the person writing the reddit post we passed in was an a**hole or not. b) Can someone who has never been a strong math student push for this degree? Computer science is a major for problem solvers who want to learn how to use computers and computational processes to build websites, program robots, mine data and more. Posted by 4 years ago. Math major - computer science minor or add computer science 2nd major? If this is how future computer science class are going to be, I would rather not take part in such a program. I wish he would spend more time building programs and explaining each part of it as we go. Programming experience is NOT required for an undergraduate major in computer science. Hello all. a) Being able to build something to solve a problem. by Thank you! Your Java class sounds like such a course. Chemistry majors don't do much better. I loved legos as a kid; building software may be virtual, but it still scratches that same itch. Programming is just one part of the discipline. Part time flexibility - you want some work/life balance, work a 30 hour week. The career part was fun since I with with the part of computer science that is where the software and hardware come together in automation. Flexible hours - no set shifts, work when you want to work. Other people may do things differently. How do you think things are going to be in the real world? I'm sure I'll deal with a lot of men who will think I'm inadequate or who will want me to feel stupid in this major. When women don't know something, we are much more likely to act like we don't know. The computer science complex opened in 2013 at U.T. Industry Landscape. The trick is to not let your skills go cold. That's average for me. c) I had no free time during college ... because it took me till my very last semester to learn that I could study 20 hours for the A, or 3 hours for the B. learning the basics, through the book/internet. You’ve chosen a vocational degree. :-). I am better with math at my own pace. Biology degrees are "tricky" - in that most people who get them (at least at my school, CMU) either go to grad school or medical school. And you’ve read about skills shortages and the demand for technologists. And if you intern while going to school, your GPA may not even matter for that first job (if you transition from intern to full time). I am in differential equations and Calculus based Physics. Archived. Easily employable in a variety of industries (every industry uses software). It took me at least 5 years to feel fluent in Java, but I didn't let it deter me that my peers seemed to achieve fluency in a shorter period of time. So props to them to at least doing that. Computer science majors of Reddit, what advice would you give to someone looking to study computer science? For me, I have to commit to at least 2 hours of studying/programming a night after I am done with work while I go to school part time. Texas is not a fluke. And depending on the route you go you can have a great job and still not be overworked therefore you're able to enjoy your life outside of work. Find a nonprofit to work for. Dual Majoring in Computer Science and Astrophysics. It's also cool that you can merge multiple interests. Find the best Master's of Computer Science programs at TFE Times. If you can at least get through the classes even if that means getting tutoring, you'll be fine career wise. A. I really love problem solving. Don't like my calculus class, but want to be a math major... Should I major in computer science/computer engineering? Thank you for putting in the time to answer all of my questions! And thanks for the encouragement! Other classes will be more demanding so you will need to put in more time. My feeling is its always good to major in CS and to have a strong minor in business or science so you have something to apply your programming to. All three can lead to similar jobs in the end, but this will help in making your path to obtaining the degree more enjoyable. Any advanced physics students/academics that have failed. At my work, I work with AI in automation which helps people in normally hazardous places like oil fields or factories to perform their work where it is too risky for humans to go (as you probably know oil and factory workers have many workplace hazards). The ranking compares the top computer science schools in the U.S. Read more on how this ranking was calculated. Determine how a master’s in computer science aligns with your career aspirations. 4 Steps to Earning a Master’s in Computer Science for Non-CS Majors 1. So I'm pretty bad at math (Currently taking Algebra 2 as a Senior in High School), but Computer Science has been the most interesting sounding major to me. Secondly, since you mentioned you liked art, you might want to consider a focus on web design/development or human-computer interaction, since these two subfields are places where you can apply your graphic design skills. That said, I did work at it, and you will definitely need to put in the time. I really enjoyed the part of the degree after the initial programming class since you can do all kinds of programs for things you dreamed of. I was never a strong math student, always getting a B- to a C. I enjoyed math, but I was not the best student and the deadlines of it all made it worse. Get a .TECH domain: out the blog!
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