Long's opponent, Herrera Beutler, is a conservative Republican who votes with Trump more than 80 percent of the time. He has invested more than $170 million into clean energy and energy efficiency projects, implemented the Clean Air Rule, and pushed for legislation that reduces pollution in Washington. Stephens is also the first woman from Eastern Washington to serve on the Supreme Court. Superior Court Judge Doug North has nearly twenty years of experience as a trial judge in the King County Superior Court. The diversity of King County is one of its strengths. Welcome to the 2020 King County & Seattle General Election Video Voters' Guide, your chance to hear directly from the participants appearing on the November 3 ballot.Each statement is up to two-minutes long and unedited. If approved by voters this November, ESJR 8212 would give the Washington State Investment Board more options to responsibly manage Washington's Long-Term Care Trust Fund in order to ensure every elderly Washingtonian can rely on and afford the long-term care services they need, when they need them. Doglio's background in organizing and fighting for solutions to climate change would be a valuable addition to our congressional delegation. She has a long history of civic leadership on immigration reform, economic justice, and civil liberties. Prior to her appointment, she served on the Pierce County Superior Court, the Pierce County District Court a Pro Tem judge, and the City of Tacoma Municipal Court, after working for 14 years as a prosecutor and defense attorney. Former Vice President Joe Biden has a long track record of public service. In the state House, Reykdal had a strong progressive voting record and was a consistent champion for public schools. Judge Douglas North plead guilty for making racist comments by Washington State’s Judicial Ethics Commission. She voted against raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and has refused on multiple occasions to hold town halls to answer to her constituents for her votes. Statewide Ballot Measures. Sorry Doug. He represents Washington's most diverse district, where 30% of residents are immigrants and there are large Asian, Hispanic, and Black communities. Prior to running for office, Doglio worked as the Climate Solutions Campaign Director and was the founding executive director of Washington Conservation Voters. Superior Court Judge Doug North has nearly twenty years of experience as a trial judge in the King County Superior Court. This year, Newhouse continued to disappoint by refusing to support the $3 trillion relief package passed in response to the coronavirus pandemic and declining to impeach Trump on the charges of abuse of power and obstruction of justice. His opponent is Republican Doug Basler, who has tried and failed to unseat Smith in 2014, 2016, and 2018. The bill also clarifies the complex 2019 legislation to make clear which businesses will be taxed, exempting more than 70,000 small businesses and setting a rate of 1.75% for businesses grossing more than $1 million annually. Most attorneys in Washington State have taken and passed Constitutional law while in law school. Steven Rosen; ... Judge Position No. He represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009 and then served as President Barack Obama's vice president from 2009 to 2017. He’s been on the Superior Court for 20 years. ― Muhammad Ali. He supports commonsense gun safety legislation and co-sponsored the Voter Empowerment Act, an online voter registration system that helps keep voting rights equitable. Captcha Captcha Former Port Commissioner and progressive state Rep. Gael Tarleton is now running for Secretary of State to serve as the state's chief elections officer, among other roles. Looks like the check was to clear an equivalent amount of debt to various campaign vendors. https://www.reelectjudgedougnorth.com/endorsements, https://www.facebook.com/ReElectJudgeDougNorth/, Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), https://www.delbeneforcongress.com/endorsements/, https://www.dougmckinley2020.com/view-endorsements, https://www.electdavewilson.com/view-endorsements, https://www.facebook.com/electdavewilsonforcongress, https://www.facebook.com/Elect.Derek.Kilmer, https://www.drkimschrier.com/schrier-endorsements/, http://www.electadamsmith.com/endorsement/, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adam-Smith-for-Congress/95538659845, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, https://www.facebook.com/bethdoglioolympia, https://www.facebook.com/DennyHeckforLtGov/, https://www.voteforgael.org/endorsements/, https://www.facebook.com/FriendsofGaelTarleton/, https://www.patmccarthyauditor.com/endorsements, https://www.facebook.com/bobfergusonforAG/, https://www.facebook.com/CommissionerHilaryFranz, https://www.chrisreykdal.org/endorsements, https://www.facebook.com/ReElectMikeKreidler, https://www.justicemontoyalewis.com/endorsements/, https://www.facebook.com/justicemontoyalewis/, https://www.facebook.com/Justice-G-Helen-Whitener-1623337434552728/. Washington will become the eighth state in the nation to take this step to protect our health and ecosystems. She spent a decade serving students on the school board and mentored at-risk high school students as well as students at Gonzaga University. On the bench, Johnson has opposed bias in judicial proceedings, joining the rest of the state Supreme Court this June in an open letter vowing to "administer justice and support court rules in a way that brings greater racial justice to our system as a whole." She wants to improve digital security and increase funding for county auditors to protect local elections from hacking attempts in the wake of the 2016 election. Judge Greg Canova will continue as Drug Court judge and Judge Carey will also continue in that capacity in Kent. North ran for re-election for judge of the King County Superior Court in Washington. She was appointed to the Supreme Court this April by Gov. Larkin opposes the vast majority of the lawsuits that Ferguson has filed to hold the Trump administration accountable. “Hating people because of their color is wrong. ESB 6690, the bill that Advisory Vote 35 references, seeks to bring the state's business and occupation (B&O) tax rate on the aerospace industry in line with the World Trade Organization's ruling. Christine Gregoire after many years of public service and was unanimously elected by her colleagues in 2019 to serve as the 57th Chief Justice of the state's highest court. Year Please Enter Year in 4 digit Compulsory Field. * Case Number Enter Maximum 7 digit of Case Number Compulsory Field. Age: 43. Stephens is running unopposed this year and has earned your vote. JUDGE POSITION NO. With the support of the aerospace industry, the Legislature repealed the preferential B&O tax for the aerospace industry and brought it back to the regular rate of 0.357%. Also, I’m distrustful of the long-term relationship his opponent (Carolyn Ladd) has had with the Boeing Company. She was first elected in 2012 and has been an advocate for creating family-wage jobs in industries like aerospace, sustainable agriculture, and clean energy as well as advocating for reproductive justice. As of mid-September, Espinoza is also dangerously pushing for classrooms to re-open fully for in-person learning, despite mass outbreaks at schools and universities across the country. We need judges with a broad … Since her election to Congress in 2016, Jayapal has resisted the Trump administration at every turn and provided a voice for progressives across the country. Harris also gained notice for her willingness to hold former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to account during Senate proceedings. Tarleton is the clear progressive choice in this race. Because of the crowded primary, two Republicans made it through to the general election, giving them control of the treasurer's office for the first time since 1957. Progressive champion and current state Rep. Beth Doglio is running for the 10th Congressional District seat vacated by the retirement of Rep. Denny Heck. Address: 1402 3rd Ave, Suite 406. Justice Raquel Montoya-Lewis is running to retain Position 3 on the Washington State Supreme Court. Governor. He's compared gun rights to the Holocaust and likened the governor's stay-home policies to the horrors of Japanese internment during WWII. King County Superior Court Judge, Position #13 Andrea Robertson King County Superior Court Judge, Position #30 Carolyn Ladd Doug North. Her opponent in this race is former Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland, who is running as a moderate Democrat focused on the COVID-19 response and economic rebuilding. Rep. Jayapal founded OneAmerica (formerly Hate Free Zone) in 2001 and built it into the largest immigrant rights organization in the state and a national model. Given the statewide threat and impact of wildfires with recent record-setting fire seasons, she has also worked on a 20-year forest health plan and a 10-year fire protection plan. Herrera Beutler was also the only member of Congress from Washington to support the Trump administration's cruel immigration bill and she refused to vote for the Voting Rights Advancement Act. She is the only woman doctor in Congress and her perspective is incredibly valuable, especially during this unprecedented pandemic. Governor are somewhat different. He both admitted to and apologized for the act, stating that he was aware how implicit bias could affect rulings and the court system. Both bring extensive legislative experience and progressive values to the race, although their visions for the office of Lt. Rep. Schrier's strong re-election platform includes encouraging sustainable agriculture, addressing the climate crisis, safeguarding our elections, and protecting endangered species and lands. Verkäufer aus dem Ausland können Ihnen Artikel regulär über einen internationalen Versandservice zuschicken. Re-Elect Judge Doug North. From delivering millions of dollars back to consumers who were wronged by fraudulent corporations to his ongoing battle with the federal government to clean up the Hanford nuclear waste site to successfully fighting two Tim Eyman initiatives, Ferguson has been a strong and effective advocate for the people of Washington. Inslee is the clear choice for governor. Recently, Rep. Smith spoke out against President Trump's call for the military to intervene and stop the "insurrection" of demonstrators protesting police brutality. McKinley is running on a platform of raising wages, decreasing rent prices, implementing a health care system that isn't tied to employment status, and transitioning to clean energy. Rep. Pramila Jayapal is running for re-election in the 7th Congressional District. Customizing the Progressive Voters Guide for your location... State and local candidates paid for by Fuse Votes. Some of the worst moments of his presidency include a catastrophic national coronavirus response, separating thousands of children from parents and locking them in cages, eliminating critical environmental protections on our air and water, stripping healthcare protections for millions, and ramming through a dangerous, conservative Supreme Court nominee to rig the nation's highest court in his favor. She has also fought back against the Trump administration's inhumane policy of separating families seeking asylum and introduced legislation that paves a pathway towards a universal health care system. More recently, she voted against the COVID-19 relief in the HEROES Act, denying her constituents needed additional cash payments, funding for additional testing and treatment, support for the postal service, hazard pay for medical and frontline workers, and expanded SNAP benefits. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Judge Doug North deserves to be re-elected to the King County Superior Court. The Sixth Amendment requires juries and fact finders such as judges to be impartial. Kreidler has earned your vote for re-election to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Keller's "platform" largely consists of racist statements and lies about immigrants. Franz has the experience we need to guide and protect our state from increasingly dangerous fire seasons and the rising threat of climate inaction. Such property includes, but is not limited to, equipment such as earthmovers, dump trucks, and jackhammers. Additionally, beginning on January 1, 2022, a 1.25% heavy equipment rental tax will be levied on heavy equipment rental, to be distributed evenly between the multimodal transportation account and the motor vehicle fund created by the legislation. The state already invests pensions for frontline workers like teachers, police, and firefighters in this manner, allowing the funds to responsibly grow in value over time. Former Port Commissioner and progressive state Rep. Gael Tarleton is now running for Secretary of State to serve as the state's chief elections officer, among other roles. Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 33. Advisory Vote 33 references SSB 5628, which passed this year. For Position 30, Judge Doug North is challenged by Kimberly Allen, a city councilwoman in Redmond. McCarthy is the best choice in this race. Biden is the clear choice for President of the United States. As the Democratic Senate floor leader, Liias has led the fight on LGBTQ+ equality and created a student loan bill of rights. He has sued the Trump administration 80 times as of late September and won all but one completed case. McKinley is the best choice in the race for Congress from the 4th Congressional District. Chief Justice Debra L. Stephens was first appointed to the state Supreme Court in 2008 by Gov. Box 27113. In the Senate, Harris has sponsored progressive bills this year such as the Climate Equity Act of 2020, the COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force Act of 2020, and the RELIEF Act. Paper and thick plastic bags would still be allowed but customers would be subject to an $.08 pass-through charge. Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has spent his entire career serving the people of Washington. Senate Bill 6492 builds on the 2019 legislation by establishing the seventeen-member board, which will be filled by business leaders, students, labor leaders, and others to provide guidance to the Legislature on which workforce education priorities should be paid for by the fund. He is a moderate Democrat who is a reliable supporter of creating jobs and improving infrastructure. The Long-Term Care Trust is overseen by a trusted, independent commission and will begin paying out benefits in 2025, offering seniors in Washington the care they need. Washington Auditor Pat McCarthy has been a consistent advocate for government transparency and accountability during her first term in office. He states that he wants to model the office of the insurance commissioner based on a hybrid of the Ronald Reagan and Thomas Jefferson administrations. Email: reelectjudgedougnorth@gmail.com. More recently, Reykdal has worked closely with Gov. Children who are being sexually abused often don’t understand what is happening until someone provides them the tools and language to communicate about it with trusted adults. Unfortunately, we've seen the flip side recently where states with governors who were slow or failed to act have seen dramatic increases in cases. In his Fuse interview, he expressed support for police reform and wants to expand on the Electeds For Justice pledge to eliminate qualified immunity for police officers. His current term ends on January 13, 2025. Pellicciotti has never accepted corporate campaign donations and has led efforts to make the Legislature's records open for public view. Jayapal's opponent is Craig Keller, the founder of Respect Washington, which was named as an anti-immigrant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Davidson previously served as the Benton County treasurer from 2003 to 2016. In particular, students of color are more likely to receive incomplete or incorrect sex education. This legislation provides a property tax exemption to heavy equipment rental property when owned by a heavy equipment rental property dealer. King Superior Court, Judge Position 31. View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 4/27/2020 6:20:58 AM. Loans: 0.00. The right to a fair trial should never be infringed upon for any reason. This year, DelBene urged the Trump administration to send resources to Washingtonians and use science to combat the coronavirus crisis. Summary: From an agreed statement of facts, King County Superior Court Judge Douglass A. Outside of his work on climate, Inslee has signed into law Washington's public option for health care, paid family leave, and the Equal Pay Opportunity Act. Douglas McKinley is challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Dan Newhouse in the 4th Congressional District. She would also expand audits of the state and local systems to identify any weaknesses that could be exploited. VOTE CAROLYN LADD Reykdal is facing former Republican legislative candidate Maia Espinoza. She has earned your vote for re-election. Rep. Kim Schrier was elected to represent Washington's 8th Congressional District in 2018. Judge North's comment: "You married him, didn't you," as he gives my Ex a pass. As the coronavirus crisis continues and the gap in the state budget persists, we need real, experienced leadership at the helm of the state. Return your ballot by mail or to a dropbox by November 3, then share this guide with your family and friends! Running for office. Judge Douglas North on October 21, 2015, during a murder trial involving two defendants, presided over a hearing (outside the presence of the jury) to determine whether certain text messages found on the victim’s phone from a person known only as “Charisma” … 1. First elected to the Legislature in 2012, Tarleton has been a strong advocate for environmental causes such as Governor Jay Inslee's initiative to reduce carbon pollution. Legal/Judicial Experience: Elected to You are viewing content from a previous election (November 3rd, 2020). He is a moderate Democrat who is a reliable supporter of creating jobs and improving infrastructure. His past legislation includes a ban on the inhumane practice of conversion therapy. 5. The bill passed the Senate unanimously and through the House with a mixed majority, 53 to 44. Doug North is listed in the Progressive Voters Guide below. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Racism alive and well inside King County Washington Superior Court, King County Washington Judge Douglas North and his racist comments should force his resignation. A former state senator, he previously worked as a business consultant and economic development official. The race for King County Superior Court position 30 between the incumbent with a bad record on race, Doug North, and Boeing lawyer Carolyn Ladd is tight. Leyba has expressed some very conservative viewpoints during the campaign, including opposition to stronger campaign finance laws, disagreeing with basic law enforcement reforms, and supporting Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic response. Schrier serves on the Education & Labor and Agriculture committees and prioritized gun violence prevention, health care (including reducing the cost of prescription drugs), and reproductive justice in her first term.
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