In Black men’s socialized self-hate, Black women and girls become the victims of misogynoir—the specific misogyny that encompasses racism and sexism against Black women and girls. THE black American flag has adopted a different meaning since it first appeared as a symbol of defense during the Civil War. in the black: [adjective] having more assets than debits. What that means is that, during war, enemy combatants are going to be killed rather than taken prisoner. The phrase “in the black” refers to being financially solvent or profitable, or sometimes more generally, just not in debt. This phrase is often applied to businesses and refers to the traditional bookkeeping practice of writing outgoing funds in red ink (and incoming funds in black). Examples. A business that is “in the black” is usually making a profit or, at the very least, making enough to get by without having to worry about going bankrupt. I have so many outstanding parking tickets that I'll be in the red if I pay them all off at once! In the black describes being solvent or accumulating money, it is the opposite of the term in the red. Into the black definition: into a profitable condition financially | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples For example, if a company produces a profit for a given period of time, it is said to be "in the black." In general, black flags are used by enemy forces to signify that no quarter will be given. When doing accounting, all of the positive numbers are black, and negative numbers are shown in red, normally with parenthesis are them too. Informal; describing a financial statement that ends with a positive assessment. How to use black in a sentence. Black definition is - having the very dark color of the night sky or the eye's pupil : of the color black. Additional info on the Biblical meaning of black. These practices are known as black magic. In an interview with MTV, lead singer Gerard Way explained that the concept of the album is "The Patient," who dies of cancer at an early age. In the black is another phrase with a figurative meaning that has evolved from a literal meaning.. See also: Red. in the red In debt. Right now, that meaning doesn't neatly line up with what the black American flag might mean. We're back in the red because sales are way down this quarter. So to be in the black is good, you have a positive cash flow, to be in the red is not good, you are minus money. Look it up now! In present day, the flag is … In the black definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. The Bible is clear in its condemnation of occult practices such as witchcraft, fortune telling (soothsaying), consulting the dead through mediums (channeling), sorcery, astrology and alike (Deuteronomy 18, Leviticus 19:31, 20, Acts 19:18 - 19 and so on). The term comes from the color of ink used for such statements. This is the first single from the album The Black Parade. When I pay off my student loans at the end of this month, I'm officially in the black !
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