Contemporary English Version Dear friends, don't forget that for the Lord one day is the same as 1,000 years, and 1,000 years is the same as one day. David, verse 15 and 16 say the great men, kings and wealthy hid themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains saying to the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne. Listen to Ten Thousand Years by Les 7 Doigts Feat. But during this silence the 7 trumpets of the tribulation sound on Earth. John learns that this great whore sits on many waters, which represent the peoples of the earth (see Rev. ), 3. So, the earthquake which occurred in the opening of the 6th seal, would have occured at about 1000 AD. Short of forcing my children to conform to my standards, what can I do? A time period in which we aren’t provided with very much information doctrinally, seeing that there’re really isn’t very much given to us in the Bible. (JST, Rev. Has the great earthquake mentioned as part of the 6th seal occurred? How can I teach my children to avoid abduction and other personal dangers in our society without frightening them? John sees that the church and kingdom of God are opposed by the great dragon (Satan) and are taken away for many years. ), When the first seal is opened in the beginning verses of Revelation 6, there is shown to John an important occurrence from the first thousand years after the Fall. ), 1. Yet the book of Revelation need not remain closed, at least for Latter-day Saints who accept modern revelation. (Rev. The first four chapters of Revelation are introductory, containing counsel to the ancient branches of the Church and setting the stage for the vision John is to be given. 6:3–4—about 3000 B.C. The fifth seal information presented to John represents both a time period and some events of which John knew a great deal. I think the 6th seal earthquake was Sept 11, 2001. v10 says the events in v8-9 which discursive the apostasy and restoration occur in the 6th seal. The 7 Seals make mention of the emergence of disease and earthquakes. It is likely disease and earthquakes had always existed, but the the devastation is a result of how these natural occurrences are magnified due to man's changing living conditions. 17:3); and is “drunken with the blood of the saints” (see Rev. He grew up in an anarchist community in Copenhagen called Christiania. Filling out the form below will help us to understand the problem you’re experiencing and contact you as we work to address the issue. The seven day theory or seven thousand years from creation theory. History doesn't record it, but I suspect there was a cataclysmic earthquake about 1000 ad. Again the Prophet Joseph Smith tells us: “The first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second also of the second thousand years, and so on until the seventh.” (D&C 77:7. John sees the angelic ministration of the gospel, which has the power to end Satan’s dominion. John sees a beast “in the likeness of the kingdoms of the earth” (JST, Rev. 14:9–17. John’s seven seals give an overview of the seven thousand years of earth’s “temporal existence,” as follows: John sees a representation of human contention and death. I was set to present a paper at the Mormon History Association this year (now pushed to next year), "Seventh-day Adventist Influence on LDS Creationism, from Joseph Fielding Smith to Ezra Taft Benson." 290.) This year on Father’s Day, Robbie Parker wrote of a surprise breakfast prepared by his daughters Madeline and Samantha, but then he wrote of the baby who made him a dad. After reading “Book of Revelation Overview,” you may wish to consider some of the following questions: 1. Daniel 7:10, "...thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him." Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord has given us vital keys to understanding the book of Revelation, particularly the meaning of the seven seals. Joseph Fielding Smith, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1938, p. 2:3). An angel proclaims the fall of Babylon (which symbolizes the sin and wickedness of the world, as well as those who partake of it). To prepare John to understand the final events that are to occur, he is given an overview of the opposition between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. With that as our basis, then, let’s take a look at Revelation as seen in the light of D&C 77. 4 Tracks. One year after broke stories about a secretive investment firm connected to the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints, the firm – Ensign Peak Advisors (EPA) – now operates with slightly more transparency about its financial holdings even as scrutiny from Washington may not be complete. We purposely give very little interpretation of John’s metaphors, except as is made available in the Book of Revelation. (See also JS—M 1:33; D&C 29:14; D&C 88:87. well, when it comes to this stuff, I always reserve the right to change my mind.But, D&C77, tells us that a seal is opened every 1000 years. v7 says each seal represents the events of each 1000 years. When the second seal is opened in the subsequent verses, John is shown something about the second thousand years. And what do the seals represent? 17:7–18.) In number they are like the sand on the seashore. John sees the Son of Man in heaven with the sickle and winepress. 17:6). John sees a representation of human contention and death. David, how did you say that the half an hour silence in heaven is about 21 years? The 1/2 hour of silence is in heaven before the trumpet sounds to annouce the 2nd Coming. 13:1–10. The earth passes away, and there is a new heaven and a new earth. The sun, moon and stars darkening refers to the failure of governments and the apostacy of the church going into the dark ages. ), 2. ), 2. Having been shown Satan’s power on earth, John is now shown the power that will overthrow it. This general view of earth history is also held by some other Christian denominations, so it is not unique to LDS theology or modern revelation. 635.) 14050 Followers. to 1000 B.C.) Although not needed for the chronology, it may be interesting to note that the 930-year life of Adam also turns out to be an exact number (582) of Venus cycles. This blog discusses the role the letter has played in our understanding of Church history. It is likely disease and earthquakes had always existed, but the the devastation is a result of how these natural occurrences are magnified due to man's changing living conditions. The Bible dictionary of the LDS edition of the King James Bible places the Fall near 4000 B.C. Letter VII. 14 verses (Revelation 6:12–7:8) The opening of the seventh seal to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ 211 verses (Revelation 8–19) The Millennium and the Final Judgement 15 verses (Revelation 20) The earth becomes a celestial kingdom 33 verses (Revelation 21:1–22:6) Each seal represents one thousand years of life on earth (see D&C 77:6–7). Tag Archives: thousand years ... Reading assignment from LDS Church Class Member Study Guide Lesson #21 “Looking Forth for the Great Day of the Lord to Come.” Gospel Doctrine Sunday School: Doctrine & Covenants and Church History. to 2000 B.C.) The Saints are called “out” of Babylon, that they might “receive not of her plagues.”. Satan is loosed afterward and deceives many. The period ends with an earthquake. I'm a 7th-sealer, but this isn't that important of a thing. 7:19–25); (3) a great star falls, affecting 1/3 of fresh water; (4) 1/3 of heavenly bodies turn dark (cf. A celestial city descends from heaven to be on earth. During that same period two witnesses of the Lord testify with great power. 38:22); (2) a great burning mountain is cast into the sea (cf. We all die in that day. An angel describes a great whore, with whom people of the earth have committed spiritual fornication. Search for records of your ancestors. Louis. Ex. (Rev. And so on through the first four seals. But the presentation, added to the explanations from D&C 77, should help clarify the central scope and message of the book of Revelation. We should note that we do not know if John saw certain of the events in the exact order in which they will occur, or if some events will overlap or occur simultaneously. Second Coming, David,Perhaps this site will be of some help in clarifying your interpretations of A thousand years with man is one day with God (2 Peter 3:8), so Jesus came after exactly four of those long days. What role must each Latter-day Saint play in building the kingdom of God? And when the thousand years are expired - See Revelation 20:2. Due to the political and cultural influence of China in the area, and in particular of the Chinese language, cognates with similar meanings and usage patterns have appeared in many … Colin Gagné, Julie Blanche & Guido del Fabbro, 57 Shazams. But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Tolerance, the Beginning of Christlike Love. It’s been 175 years ago since the Church was organized on April 6, 1830, in a 20 x 20-foot room in the log cabin of the Peter and Mary Whitmer farm in Fayette, New York. Babylon is to be destroyed by plagues, famine, and fire; her wicked supporters will mourn her loss. Zech. 14:6–7. This approach is supported by biblical chronology as well as D&C 88, which uses the seven thousand-year framework. The 6th Seal speaks of both the Apostasy (sun, moon, stars darken) and the Restoration (another angel). In 1983, the last year when the LDS church reported a birth rate, the reported rate of 24.5 per thousand was very near the Utah birth rate at the time of 24.7. John sees that this opposition actually began in the premortal existence and caused war in heaven. 77:5-7 have been cited as teaching the doctrine that there was no death on the Earth before the Fall of Adam and Eve, and that the Earth's temporal existence consists of a total of seven thousand years (c.4,000 BC-c.2,000 AD). Therefore, it is assumed that since 1983 the LDS birth rate has remained somewhat near the Utah birth rate, which can be found in this report , … DC77: 7;10 are the key to this. Also, the Second Coming doesn't happen immediately at the opening of the 7th seal. Stream Tracks and Playlists from LDS ROOM on your desktop or mobile device. Gen 5:11: And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died. 14), 1. ), A scene shows that angels are held back from sending further judgment until 144,000 high priests can be “sealed” and called to “administer the everlasting gospel.” (See D&C 77:9–11. This list does not include the thousands of LDS immigrants who simply passed through St. Louis on their way to Nauvoo or Utah. (Rev. The Apostle is shown a representation of those who “were slain for the word of God” after the opening of the fifth seal. He gathers them to battle against the Saints, but the Saints prevail and Satan is forever “cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.” (See D&C 88:110–16. The sixth seal covers the sixth thousand year period, which generally would be about 1000 A.D. to 2000 A.D. Days, Years, and Generations Deuteronomy 7:9, "…which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that…keep his commandments to a thousand generations ;" Christ returns in power and glory, and the angels of heaven come with him.
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