Report your lost Clipper card. Registration is required for added benefits such as Autoload and balance protection. Personen mit dem Namen Clipper Card Finde deine Freunde auf Facebook Melde dich an oder registriere dich bei Facebook, um dich mit Freunden, Verwandten und Personen, die du kennst, zu verbinden. All rights reserved. Library Card Registration Loading... Library Card Registration Cambiar al Español Your Name. So, you’ve just gotten a Clipper card. All applications must be accompanied by a copy of proof-of-age documentation. Your password must be 8 to 30 characters and satisfy 3 of the 4 following conditions: Your session is about to expire due to inactivity. Customers with disabilities applying for a Regional Transit Connection Discount Card need to complete an application and come to a transit office to have their photo taken. Choose to stay logged in or to log out. Step 1: CLIPPER CARD SERIAL NUMBER . © 2020, Metropolitan Transportation Commission. If this is your first time using the Clipper portal, you will have to register your Clipper card before logging in. A numeric digit. Clipper Card Serial Number _____ Step 2: CARDHOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION This information must match your card registration information. If you ever lose it, we’ll send you a new one with your balance restored for a small fee. Residence Address. Once you register your card, you can report your Clipper card as lost or stolen to the Clipper Customer Service Center (877.878.8883 or TDD/TTY 711 or 800.735.2929), and they can block your card from further use and restore the balance on your new card. (exclamation mark, @, #, $, %, caret, *, question mark, underscore, ampersand or tilde). Note: You will be asked this question each time you contact Clipper Customer Service to access your card information in person or via phone or email. Reply. A special symbol (!, @, #, $, %, ^, *, ?, _, & or ~). Register your Clipper card. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, as a public agency responsible for Clipper®, is committed to operating its programs and services in accordance with federal, state and local civil rights laws and regulations. Select “More Options” under the relevant Clipper card. You also … The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, as a public agency responsible for Clipper®, is committed to operating its programs and services in accordance with federal, state and local civil rights laws and regulations. Otherwise, you will be logged out automatically. If you secured your card from, your card is already registered. Register Your Card. Watch this instructional video featuring Clip, the Clipper card. Clipper is the all-in-one transit card used for contactless fare payments throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Customers can use Clipper anonymously. Please note that the Go Pass cannot be loaded on Senior, Youth, or RTC/ Disabled cards. All Go Pass users should register their Clipper cards on Clipper’s website. Key Clipper information translated to Spanish. There are so many ways to add value to your Clipper card. If not please visit the site, click the "Register a card" link and follow the instructions. Register and join RingCentral webinars. There are a number of ways to get a Clipper card: Online on the Clipper website; Visit a retail location such as Walgreen's or Whole Foods, or; Obtain one from a transit agency. If you ordered your card online or over the phone, or if you have a youth or senior/disabled Clipper card, it is already registered. To register your Clipper card, please call Clipper Customer Service at 877-878-8883 or visit, click the "Register a card" link and follow the instructions. To use it, locate the Clipper Card reader at the entrance of the transit vehicle, ... We highly recommended that you register your Clipper Card with Metropolitan Transportation Commission, especially if you think you might add value and other passes besides the SmartPass (BART, CalTrain, Muni, etc.). Please note it’s important that you register your card with Clipper. All rights reserved. Please upload proof of your current residence (if not listed on your ID). GET YOUR FREE SENIOR Clipper® CARD! We recommend that you do. Kelly Hess, Neighbor; Posted Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 7:47 pm PT. Die Clipper-Card (englisch clipper card, chinesisch 路路通) ist die berührungslose, wiederaufladbare Chipkarte für den Personennahverkehr in der San Francisco Bay Area.Nach langen Verzögerungen ihres Vorläufers, der TransLink-Karte, wird sie mittlerweile von acht Verkehrsunternehmen akzeptiert.Die aktuelle Ausführung basiert auf der NFC-Technik und kann mit Smartphones ausgelesen werden. First Name Clipper & Trimmer Combo Kits ... Register your Andis products online to save you time and guarantee the best customer service in the future. This information must match your card registration information. If I had entered BART at one of the terminus stations, like Pittsburgh Bay Point, and traveled to SFO round-trip, I could have gamed BART for $21.80. Key Clipper information translated to Chinese. Relatively few (perhaps 3,500) cards survive today. You tell us in advance what you want, and Clipper will reload your card when the cash value or BART high-value discount balance is below $10, or when your pass expires. If you are purchasing a youth or senior Clipper ® card, you must complete an application to obtain a Clipper ® card. Learn more about the latest products, updates, and news when you join today! And be sure to add a backup payment method in case we can't charge your primary … Youth Clipper Card (5-18) Senior Clipper Card (65 and over) For your protection, Clipper requires you to provide one of the following: Mother’s Maiden Name . Customers can use Clipper anonymously. Clipper usage reduces the paper waste of the magstripe tickets in the BART system. Clipper cards can be purchased at every BART station and at many retail outlets throughout the region. Phone SMS Email . Clipper ® START for Qualified Riders The Clipper ® START program … First Name _____ Middle Initial _____ Last Name _____ clipper. Get yours! Paper tickets can jam our fare gates, so Clipper usage means more open fare gates, shorter lines and less fare gate maintenance. 6.1 Clipper ® Card Registration: 6.1.1 The Cardholder can register his/her Adult Clipper ® Card with the Clipper ® Customer Service Center by providing a valid name, address, phone number and email address (if available). The first thing you should do, before you take it for its first spin at the 16th Street Mission BART station, is to register it … online. © 2020, Metropolitan Transportation Commission. To keep your balance secure, register your card online or by calling the Clipper Customer Service Center at 877.878.8883. Cards are available for adults 65 and older. Go to the "Add Value to Card" page on the Clipper website ( and select "Add value without registering this card to a new account", and enter the card number. With registration, you can manage your account online. Contact Information *Required Fields . By registering your Clipper card in advance, you can contact Clipper to deactivate your card to protect other products or value you may have on your card if it is lost or stolen. A lower-case letter. Even if you don't plan to use your Go Pass, please report your Clipper card as lost or stolen to protect yourself in the event of fraudulent use of your pass. Youth and Senior cards are free. Clipper Card Serial Number _____ Step 2: CARDHOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION This information must match your card registration information. Clipper is the all-in-one transit card used for contactless fare payments throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Choose to stay logged in or to log out. Complete and submit this application to obtain a free Senior Clipper card. Click “View Activity.” Select the date range that you would like to review. Effective for new and renewal RTC cards issued starting January 1, 2020: If you have a “P” (indicating permanent disability) on your card and you applied for the card using the Medical Certification form, you do not need to renew your card. Key Clipper information translated to Spanish. Birthdate*: Please upload a picture of your valid photo ID* Contact Information. Adult cards cost $3. City of Birth . Do I need to register my Clipper card? Key Clipper information translated to Chinese. If you are a Senior who has been using an RTC card, you will be asked to apply for a Senior Clipper card when your RTC card expires. Clipper Card registration. Most clipper cards were printed in the 1850s and 1860s, and represented the first pronounced use of color in American advertising art. Otherwise, you will be logged out automatically. Created 2/19/2014, updated 5/18/2017. Clipper cards do not require registration. The Clipper card is a reloadable contactless smart card used for electronic transit fare payment in the San Francisco Bay Area. Document must be current. Your password must be 8 to 30 characters and satisfy 3 of the 4 following conditions: An upper-case letter. Wednesday, December 12, 10:00am – 2:00pm . When doing so, please complete and submit this form with your certified money order made out to Cubic Transportation Systems. The Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. You can use a credit card, debit card (including transit benefit card) or bank account. Your session is about to expire due to inactivity. These cards, slightly larger than today’s postcards, were produced by letterpress and wood engraving on coated card stock. (exclamation mark, @, #, $, %, caret, *, question mark, underscore, ampersand or tilde). Please enter the 10-digit serial number (including zeros) printed on the back of your Clipper card. Help us bring you ever improving products and services by filling out your product registration as completely as possible. Set up Autoload and Clipper will automatically reload value on your card. This site is protected by Google's invisible reCAPTCHA. View your transaction history. If you secured your card from you will already be registered. With their stunning appearance, rarity, and importance as artifacts of nautical, Western, and printing history, clipper cards … Birth Certificate, Driver's License, Senior Identification card, Alien Registration, Permanent resident card, or Passport. Clipper cardholders can pay administrative fees by money order. To get Clipper online, find in-person locations, or details about obtaining a discount card for Senior, Disabled or Youth 18 and under, please go to Step 1: CARDHOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION . After completing my return trip to Civic Center with my other $2 Clipper card, I ended up with $16.20 worth of BART rides for $4. To register your Clipper Card please call Clipper Customer Service at 877-878-8883. Stanford Transportation issues Clipper Cards to some new employees and upon request for eligible customers; If you are only eligible for the Caltrain Go Pass: Any valid adult fare Clipper Card can be used. No input is required. First introduced as TransLink in 2002 by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) as a pilot program, it was rebranded in its current form on 16 June 2010. Please enter the 10-digit serial number (including zeros) printed on the back of your Clipper card. Step 1: CARDHOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION All fields in Step 1 are required except email.
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