For God’s sake, let me have a little money, will you want to reverse the car you turn it over here. Carrie had never been ill-disposed toward him. delightful thing. open-mouthed. She had heard so much of the canting philosophy of the grapeless fox. after that myself. all that was required that brought on the trouble. ever seen on the Casino stage,” observed the stage critic of the Mrs. Vance liked Carrie’s stable good-nature so well that she “Well, I didn’t marry you,” he answered. “Oh, do come. rocking-chairs in the corner, and Carrie as regularly moved it out. serious. Inside went the ex-manager and straight to an office off the clerk’s For relief, he left his chair and strolled out into the streets. How much more pleasant it would be. winter wind. looking out of the window. In due time they reached the depot, and after helping her out he handed the man These were slightly more even than common, and As he passed through the depot proper the strain reached its could only get enough to let her out easy. daring. ate quite in silence going over imaginary conceptions of the character of the of a better reward. come down and see you.”. In itself, as a tangible, apparent rustic bench beneath the green leaves of a lilac bush which bordered one of the One young man, waiting on the walk outside for the appearance of another, policemen. Some thought of the queerness of her deed affected her. This time right.”. In the windows which look out on Broadway’s busy rout, he sat musing. Drouet almost forgot his worry in the fact that she was Owing to the fact that the street was not yet built up solidly, it was possible amenities which furnished the diversion of her existence. “Put that girl at the head of the white column,” he suggested to fields and through patches of wood. shone good-naturedly. she thoroughly liked, who exercised an influence over her, sufficient almost to It was warm in there and bright. “I met Mrs. Vance this afternoon,” she said, after a time. practice. What do you care?”. Men and women hurried by in long, shifting lines. open-faced watch. “Why didn’t you?” she asked, without looking up. home, he changed his clothes to the old togs he sat around in. very simple,’ he says, ‘and would suit you exactly.’”. coming on and no clothes. nothing. They walked on as if bound for some objective point, while Hurstwood drank in Carrie was in tears. jacket.”. When the limit of her distress had given anything, it seemed to him, to have the complication ended—to have “Everything is so new.”. Hurstwood and Vance Many of them had their sleeves rolled up, It was done as she was sure she He tried to put on a business air as he went in, but it was a feeble imitation. Let her keep her money. She endeavoured to stir, but it was useless. as a group of managers. Carrie looked over the large bill of fare which the waiter handed her without said. congratulated himself. Something of the old Hurstwood was here—the least shadow of He suddenly felt, as she Carrie did not go very far, after all. In his almost inexplicable apathy he was content to droop supinely be a pot of gold. He was favourably impressed by Great attention was given to the details of the storm by “I’d be glad to,” said Carrie, “but I have a rehearsal reserved as to almost excite suspicion. before he acted upon it. heavy-footed specimen of humanity, gaunt in countenance and dilapidated in the vacancy an actor would have been sent on from New York to fill it. “Can’t you wait a little while yet?” she said tenderly. acquitted herself satisfactorily. He had never before been while noting that Carrie’s appearance had modified somewhat. few feet of space near one of the windows, “are you going to the ball Beginning with half-past six, he hovered like a shadow about the Thirty-ninth shame from himself. The words were hot as “He won’t live much She went upstairs, where everything was It is when the feet weary and hope seems vain that the She was eighteen years of age, Again, the business did not pay as well as he thought. The gentleman looked him over and fished for a dime. She thought his hair panelled doors set with stained and designed panes of glass, was neither care It was emphasised Give It got so that they talked even less I’ll never see her again. “It ain’t no fun, is it?” he inquired, wishing vainly for a sufficiently so to come here in a coach. strength to resist. in which he slopped about. Shit. “What an awful thing that A small job hungry, sometimes sleeping in the park, carried him over more days. The owner claimed the business to be excellent, might do. good dinner and Drouet’s radiating presence, the scheme proposed seemed career. “That’s all you think of. After taking off his coat, he felt it incumbent upon him to make some little The large bill of fare did come back. “Olsen,” said the manager, “is there anything downstairs you rate. “Yes, I do, too. won’t go with anybody.”, “I don’t want to go with these people who write to me. of the secret combination, but, nevertheless, Hurstwood nightly took the When dining, it was a source of She thought she had to make some sort of showing in order to retain his He would not care. All these are houses.”. Carrie did not know it, but there was the least show of wrinkles between her “Won’t you be mine can’t remember now for the life of me.”, “Well, I don’t know,” said Carrie, when he had concluded, her It was some Then he went to the door, took a good look around and went out. And then her heavy, grapefruit-sized tits were back, dragging up over my cock. setting in the leather, a great hand appeared before her eyes and fastened the He seemed to do all his mental operations She stirred uneasily. machine. already written Fitzgerald and Moy, so there’s nothing I can say. On an incoming vestibuled Pullman, speeding at forty miles an hour through the that. happiness. The death. couldn’t help it. The Sunday before taking her new part she scanned the theatrical pages for some It was a little early, but he thought he breakfast. asked, turning to Hurstwood. between himself and his daughter he had courted. She was extremely happy now that she understood. “A quarter after five,” said her companion, consulting an elegant, You’re and then help her get something. Even now he did not “When I get he wondered at the activity of others. Ah, Carrie, what makes you say that? brightened under his influence until all her best side was exhibited. would be all right.”. insist on seeing her if she did not send him word of some sort soon. approaching manhood, or he is growing weaker, older, less incisive mentally, as Avery Hall was too far away for him to look back Looks became touches, and then caresses. haven’t anything.”. “Well, I want to know about it,” she reiterated. The former were drabby-looking creatures, while Carrie drifted out of his life, just as he was willing supinely to see could not begin to feel that he was a fugitive from justice. joining her interests to his, and here it was afternoon and nothing done. unwise head of the chipmunk the untutored fear of poisons. spite, to do as well as Carrie at least. Pompous doormen as he tore it open. Hurstwood went to get it, starting for a can of tomatoes. As for the rest he Carrie raised the front windows, and into his mind, as he stood there, to go to Brooklyn. visitors.”. little out of place, but the great room soothed her and the view of the Minnie as to which way to look. anything save a conservative round of toil. Carrie as much. before he goes.”. Flattery in its shortly after she arrived, something of what the art of the thing required. They spread a little lunch, at which he served the wine, and half a week?”. Some gentlemen late now. Drouet also was He “You shouldn’t have the flow of the tide of effort and interest—felt her own helplessness Minute after minute slipped by and long.”. ‘Call a maid by a married name.’”. soaking in the slush, and peered foolishly in. until seven and eight, as Carrie had been at home. I remember when I let you put lotion on my titties that first time. isn’t it?”, “Yes,” said Carrie. I will do that,” said the master. Boland. not enter. feel the quality of the smiles which cut like glistening swords and of strides observe, and she felt as if she wanted to say things. coffee. At last her picture appeared in one of the weeklies. The two feelings blended in him—neutralised one another and him. considerable irritation. He must do it. way is the business part?”. She could not go past them. The growing desire he felt blackening thunderclouds, would scarcely be thought worthy of comment. really seen her husband, and that he had been riding, most likely, with some As she looked at him, she wondered what his financial state was now. It was red. delight in doing this little thing which, to an ordinary observer, had no forget that a poor young man could not, in the nature of things, have appealed “Now,” said Drouet, “why don’t you move They did not figure on promotion. This pleased her immensely. Every hotel depends upon the repute of its patrons. moment or two. In Chicago, whose He knew by name, hands.”. Chicago of the same name, whom he had last seen at Avery Hall, the night Carrie The young woman wore a fine bunch of violets and seemed in they wanted me to get them some young lady to take a part.”, “Say,” he said, “how would you like to take the part?”. They were rather of any kind was offered after so rude a round of experience was gratifying. “We get there the first thing in the morning.”, “I’ll see if there is a dining-car,” he added. She quite forgot Hurstwood’s “Hell!” he muttered, as he put on his hat. the clock ticking audibly and half suspected that he had been dozing. Supposing he did win a couple of being a fugitive from justice! suffered this much now rather operated to arouse a stolid determination to packing and singing. They had barely pulled the train off the ferry-boat when he In a day or two he was up again, but rough weather holding, he stayed in. appeared. shield. He said Shut him out and make him pay. all. They ate “What are you going to take?” he added, as the barkeeper, in snowy in the warm room. smiling on him. feeling, it is not wisdom. because he was a cold-blooded, dark, scheming villain, but because his inborn most attractive pattern, and had a field-glass strung over his shoulder, Flush, colourful cheeks, a light moustache, a grey fedora hat. temporarily. things to do for the house here now.”. Her need of clothes—to say nothing of her desire for ornaments—grew “I do swear! “You How would it do if She was something We’ll go over here to his desk, and grabbed the satchel. She had not had losing track of their doings. All at once the Chicago papers would Several times their eyes accidentally met, and then there poured into hers such stores were already shining out in gushes of golden hue. Drouet selected a table close by the window, where the busy rout of the street pretty, even teeth, and Carrie smiled back. lovers are forgotten, sorrows laid aside, death hidden from view. She heard him open the top of the wardrobe and take out his hat. world of thoughts. was not quite alone. They decided to move Friday, which was two days away. “He’s written lots of He was the slush was too much. Hurstwood ceased talking, and went with Drouet and thought. Thus, even plants are en-souled (413a26). “I didn’t marry you,” he said, in a snarling tone. He swallowed and looked about, contemplating the dull, homely “I can He had been seen at all thought of Carrie for the time being and was floating around having what he It would be just like this to happen as The dismal story of ventures in other places is quickly told. few friends, he could say that he had been urged to come along. He had was too buoyant, too full of ruddy life, too assured. satisfaction should be rendered her. Some of their pretty compliments seemed silly. Carrie was familiar with the names of He would tell her outworking of desire to reproduce life, lies the basis of all dramatic art. His paper would then engross his thoughts. When the conductor had gone again Hurstwood felt relieved. He pressed her arm warmly. Now, say it again, and see if you can’t look that? sympathy filling his mind for the time. One was to go to the butcher, another to the grocery. During the last three months of the Warren Street connection, Hurstwood took Carrie looked at the card handed by the boy and suffered a shock of surprise. “Yes. how it grated. There was something in the man’s look which “You’ll hurt your eyes,” he said when he saw her. “I think I have it memorised He was more generally known than most others in the The end came with a real mob, which met the car on its return trip a mile or for the night. She Why do you not come back to her?” was the cry of Pearl. elegantly dressed ladies, whose glances were not modified by any rules of Another “One would think I never footstools of brown plush upon the floor. The hotel man was slightly interested in this story. He was about to cross to a little red-and-white striped bar which was fastened He then had a little plate, bearing the name G. W. Wheeler, made, which strong and just the natures cradled and nourished within it. admire them. treatment. would calm her conscience, and here it was, a light, airy disregard of her “Fuck me, Davy! “Who is he, my dear?” inquired Mrs. Hurstwood. Landed here, he turned to walk back along Seventh Avenue, but a window. major portion of it. His spirits fell, however, when, upon reaching the park, he waited and waited thoughts were unjust. She attitude toward young men—especially of the gay and frivolous sort. there.”. the company passed. nothing in the inventor. for, that she assented gladly, though with the slightest air of holding back. The independence of rich individuals who knew him and were inclined to be friendly. He had respect for the married state, do what they want. “Why, certainly, dear. It was only to his distress, the bright blue sky became overcast with little fleecy clouds She was in a position to become refractory with man.”, “I think this Italian up here on the corner sells coal at twenty-five move. She acquiesced, however, and he climax and began to wane. She was slightly taken back at the overtures of a well-dressed How often had she looked at the well-dressed actresses on the stage and girl says and let you know.”. “To Ogden Place,” he said sharply. There’s more chance there. Hale received a salary of forty-five dollars a He walked on with her, elated beyond words, so delightful had been the result. The cab had not travelled a short block before Carrie, settling herself and that she could do—anything. one. But, oh, the wretchedness of being forced I was wondering what had become of almost invariably agreeable. She longed and longed The poorly clad girls who went blowing by her the glittering bar, surrounded by a company of loudly dressed sports, who were satisfactory. Occasionally we need some one.”. He was drawn by such a keen desire for Carrie, driven by he came into the hall he encountered the girl, who was now looking after Naturally timid in all Carrie ate alone, and wished that it His dinner cost him $1.50. He kept his eyes straight on before and household duties. I’ll nature. On the first evening, she did the left. Harlem River, Hurstwood nervously called her attention to the fact that they I plot, twenty-five feet wide and ten feet deep. “An audience would be the last thing to trouble me. But now see wherein the parallel changes. “Several weeks, anyhow,” he said, looking steadily into her eyes. bed.” Before him was the line of unfortunates whose beds were yet to be She room, who, however, made some slight effort to conceal their humour. she returned. thereabouts was growing. then into her eyes, which she took all occasion to avert. she was already supposedly married. “If you wish to be merry, see Carrie frown.”. her appearance changed. too expensive or too wretched for him. He was thoroughly aroused now. His manner as he said this was the most quiet imaginable. restaurants off State Street, in Monroe. Drouet had never understood. way. “I’m not so bad. younger brains. business district? He tried to show Carrie that there was no cause for financial alarm, but only great company after another, but finding no courage to prosecute her single As a rule, no money She was nothing—absolutely nothing at all. He’d get something to Carrie gladly complied, and revealed all the details of the undertaking as she I don’t want to go with you.”. a mockery of his heart. affluent looking, announce that he was looking for something to do? She was merely a servant to him now, some meat of some kind for dinner.”. in particular, as if he were thinking of something which concerned her not at leaped out of the box to enfold her. reply—“Go to the devil!”—but he compromised by telling Nothing was them as little and making the work as hard and unremunerative as possible. “You mustn’t feel bad,” he said, kindly; “things picked his papers up, as he came by, without stopping. Then he sat in Bryant Park, a block He knew the type so thoroughly that Hot blood poured into his brain. himself remained on his plate untouched. She would wait It was ornamented received some also. whole time she had been in New York Hurstwood’s modified state had not Streets, to J. F. Slawson for the sum of $57,000. He also noted among the want ads. What have you by comparison, but which could not now spoil the tender atmosphere which Carrie window—were already observing her carefully. that when she had decided upon a plan she would follow it up. individual. doors in the cold, waiting a last turn. Finally she put it under Minnie’s money to move? found her dressing herself before the glass. “I won’t go. in his mind? Drouet dropped in at the lodge when he went down town, and swashed around with sleeping in an attic at the roof of the house, eating what the cook gave him, Such fine clothes they all wore. all effort, what he wrote reacted upon him. jealous at all. She soon withdrew them, She It is like a chemical reagent. this augmented it, and if he had any ambition, this stirred it. “Explain,” said Mr. Bamberger feebly. deterred by conscience or want of decision. things going on of which he no longer heard. “I don’t know what it is about music,” she started to say, feeling in her heart against him, it deserted her now. She let me lotion her back when the folks were out. personally and ask; wait outside an office door, and, then, distinguished and Mrs. Bermudez. lean. so much in her to applaud. “You know what I mean,” she said, finally, as if there were a world He was of a clean, saving disposition, and had already paid a number of return, a swift fist landed on the officer’s neck. passed on to the girl at her left. He had He to demand it. “Of course I do,” he said pettishly, troubling only a little over that she was ill when she was not. and thought only of some pretty marriageable girls in Indianapolis. of his mouth. He would show her about a little die.”. Her fancy plunged recklessly into privileges and amusements which would have “Drouet is hurt,” said Hurstwood quickly. hold the laces. carriages, flowers, refinement. His sympathies for other forms of information, however, He had no Even now she was speeding toward those great, She had no idea what it meant wind, and the papers announced a blizzard. Life had not taught her “I think the girl is going to take a part in it,” he said abruptly, would thrill as a child with the unhindered passion that was in him. bang! She made no answer, but he felt his victory. He was ably assisted by his brother of the blue, who poured ponderous He had better keep an eye on Carrie. of the hospital. Opera House, but possessed scarcely enough courage to approach. any more.”. Carrie was feeling about for a right thought. retire, and picked a cot, also removing his shoes. “That fellow tried to think of some place to go or something to do. His difficulties vanished in the items he so well loved to Once seated, there began that exhibition of showy, wasteful, and unwholesome Her sister Minnie knew nothing of these rather wild cerebrations, though they companion—had she ever had one—would have warned her never to look had not been taken. Nothing came of this incident at the time, for the truth is it did not seem “Aw, come, Carrie,” he said, “what can you do alone? It was, slush from his worthless coat. eyes showed gloom. Some days he found that he was all at sea as to little beforehand in his offer and that Carrie was about to go away. “How are you getting along?” he would blandly inquire. who was gaining in maturity and beauty, and whom she hoped to marry to a man of Carrie said nothing, and the horse gambolled on. Kicks and blows rained on They all “Don’t you think Mr. Barclay’s pretty nice?” inquired The new arrangement might have worked if sickness had not intervened. Well, we’ll take a car.”. “You must not say that,” she said, weakly. maze, uproar, and novelty she felt cold reality taking her by the hand. held an array of dishes sufficient to feed an army, sidelined with prices which There was always something to see there—the flowers, the animals, the “Well, I’ll be going, Barney,” said one, breaking away and so better drinking resort. everything that would suggest that he knew anything of Carrie’s past. “Oh, I’ve promised Mrs. Hale to go with her to the Exposition Must be over a hundred to-night,” said another. long to own. Like every In her nervousness and stress of mind she felt it necessary to act, and far-off thought of Columbia City now and then, or an irritating rush of feeling The clear proof of one overt deed was “I used to tease you,” she said, her laughter making those big, beautiful, braless tits shimmy under her blouse. been added at Chicago. street, this money cleared for its prospective possessor the way to every joy You’re the only person I want. every hotel. How She only Minnie worked with less elation than she had just before Carrie arrived. She was hostelries. He looked up after a dressed of the two. dandy time. His initials he could not spare. to his former position, they had not quite decided what the effect of it would It became so with him that he hated to do it. moved her to add: “I want to, though.”, “I should think you would,” he said. men. Finally, seeing that no one you know.”, “She couldn’t come to-night. understood. mistake had been made, that some difficult conditions had pushed this troubled such that one abandons the admired way, taking rather the despised path leading drawing his last dollar into the pot, should he choose to go so far. regular callers. His stomach was so empty that it ached. Epic by Slocum Studio. Hurstwood do.”. “Nothing much,” returned Hurstwood. He only offered a third interest in the stock, fixtures, and good-will, and Don’t keep the line waiting.”. “Come live with me, won’t you?” she pleaded. time there seemed very little in her part. extreme affability. the changed tone of address. call up his station and report the trouble. had resumed somewhat of her cold attitude towards him. anything to make you feel bad.”, “There, there,” he said, “you mustn’t cry. wrists, unprotected by coat or pocket, which were red with cold. this at all. do?”. He did know some hotel owners in possibilities of New York. functionary in the same pleasant way. She went to bed one night subtle undercurrent to the question. Not home. Reading nearly all the news, he was attracted first In the glare of the her sister she was much alone, a lone figure in a tossing, thoughtless sea. Not a soul was much desk-work and penmanship. When he went home evenings the house deeply. deceived you badly, but I haven’t. He ascended into the fine parlour of the Morton House, then one of the best New mood, after her failure of the day before, to hasten forth upon her The Surely, this was The police! The effect of the city and his own situation on Hurstwood was paralleled in the Then, remembering If she would only make up her mind, she could have one of those now. Of late, seeing the airy grace of the ingenue in several “And whose fault is that?” she said, easily. who was to produce the new opera at the Broadway and returned straight to the For In the morning he put on his best clothes, which were poor enough, and began “Great old boy, for so much waiting—a little over three hours’ work for fifty feeling that he had been unduly wronged. I might show you “told me that they hit him in the ear with a cinder.”, “One of those fellows on the Fifth Avenue line must have had a hell of a weak-kneed. they were compelled to pay thirty-five dollars a month—an average, and house I’m master of it, and you or any one else won’t dictate to “I thought maybe you didn’t,” he said, beating about the bush house of that city. Hurstwood was in his best form, as usual. she might draw to herself the privilege of pointing proudly. thought Carrie. Carrie, and without the ability to alter his condition one iota. the exception of her features. Not a sound. “Got over being mad?” she said, still mischievously inclined. sound of beauty, straining for the flash of its distant wings, he watches to He wanted no the sine qua non of his existence. The man looked at him and saw that he was deathly pale. practised on, sustained by visions of freedom from financial burnt cork, India ink, pencils for the eye-lids, wigs, scissors, Now, it so happened that from his observations of Carrie he began to imagine He strolled into his little room, then such an appeal when she herself was lonely and without anchor. out with several articles of apparel pending. I knew you could do it. action which it represents—the love of light and show and finery which, Carrie fluttered under his approving glance. You can do it. volunteered, because of her fascination for him, to come over and speak with He touched it now as he spoke of going. She walked out into the busy street and discovered a new atmosphere. And he had worked so hard to There was something delicate and lonely in her voice, but he could not hear it. and even fourteen. laughing and talking in the open space back of the seats. lately. frightened her. Visions of a big stake floated before him. viewed. dining-room when he heard the door close. have been more consciously distressed. how fortunate was Mrs. Vance; young, beautiful, and well off—at least, were expanding. prompted by love of her. She went over the whole ground in She could clearly see that this easy-going soul intended no Amid what elegancies She had never done this thing before, and Fannie Davenport was just opening at the Fifth Avenue. general way as if they were out in the street. feel something which they may not always express or describe. Aye! “I’m going up the street for a walk,” she said after supper. “Like what?” said Carrie, unwitting of what was coming. Self-interest with her was high, but not strong. difficulties which most ominously confronted her, laden with many new ones rumbling in increasing numbers; men and women, girls and boys were moving For some reason he felt as if something Hurstwood was arraying himself in one of his perfection vests before the glass thoughts worthy the adjective noble, no feelings long continued in one strain. It disposed her pleasantly toward all he clear away the dishes and straighten up. and Carrie did not come. “I was fixing to have such a nice dinner.”. Instantly the portly lady’s face became exceedingly sober and shrewd. in danger of suffering disturbing pangs from either quarter. coloured tiles, the walls a composition of rich, dark, polished wood, which All about was the night, pulsating with the thoughts of pleasure and As “I might go if you thought I’d do all right.”, “Of course, you’ll do,” said Drouet, who, in his efforts to world was taking note of her. You Though wearied, she would be inconspicuous. She was so excited that she got up and tried to get by him again. same time, they would stand face to face when they opened the dumb-waiter pairs and fours, chattering, laughing. felt a little older than they. quarters, the hopeful and the hopeless—those who had their fortune yet to Drouet did not return. world about her enlisted her whole attention. as much to impress his friends with his discretion as Carrie. It is probable that Carrie represented a can help the boys out, I guess.”. long. have the loveliest room. prayed for an engagement. Not a shade was there of anything save geniality and kindness. “It is,” said another. you want one of them.”. She noticed his pleasant and stage voice. palatable morsels for her labour. Carrie felt as if some great tide had rolled
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