Last November, America chose Kamala Harris as its next vice president. He said he knows what makes Americans tick as he has been to the U.S. for official business many times. We have pressing challenges to address: COVID-19, climate change, the rules for a new digital world, global security& reforming our rules-based multilateral system. While it may still feel like the world is on fire, a few things have remained steadfast over the past two days: Key battleground states have yet to call an official majority winner. The Americans were the first to believe in German democracy after 1945. According to him, the country now awaits witch doctors and pastors to give their interpretations into the meaning of the slots selected by the various political parties. The race isn't over yet, but in the meantime we can enjoy some Nevada jokes. The Morning After—A Deep Dive into the U.S. My anxiety and stress levels have been at an all time high because as a … He said that Joe Biden is a strong supporter of NATO and a strong NATO is good for America and good for Europe. Sorry to this Alaska. November 3: Maas has not directly commented on the election, however, he did state on November 3 that “We need a transatlantic partnership that works, we want a ‘new deal’ in this partnership and we are ready to invest in our relationship,” and that, “This is an election that will pave the way for something, especially with regard to the role of the United States in the world.”, November 7: Steinmeier commented in an opinion piece for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that, “Joe Biden’s election highlights something that connects us with our cousins across the Atlantic on the most profound level. The "command" and "R" symbols on everyone's keyboards have been rubbed off. November 5: In a RP Online news article, Markus Söder was quoted as saying, “I will not let my positive image of America be taken away from me.” Söder believes the foundations of American democracy will change depends on who becomes the president but the German-American relationship will still remain close. November 3: Chrupalla tweeted, “What’s certain is that Trump has given the unheard America a voice and improved the economic situation of many Americans. The EU must reflect more clearly on its own position in the partnership with the U.S.; the bloc needs to put nationalistic egotism behind itself and invests in innovation and digitalization sovereignty. “The tone under Joe Biden would be friendlier. On social media, people reacted in real-time to the election, sharing their reactions and participating in meme trends about the event. The choice of Joe Biden to the 46 th President of the USA and Kamala Harris to Vice President shows that respect and style can be stronger than aggression and hatred. November 4: Baerbock said that,  “The most important thing is that every vote is counted,” and highlighted that the votes in key states have not yet been decided., So you agree, the electoral system is out dated and doesn’t represent the will of the people accurately? Contact Reaction: 2020 has continued to deliver its same signature cocktail, The Best Social Media Reactions to the Debate, 'Game of Thrones' Fans Did Not Love that Big Death, Social Media Reacts to Joe Biden's Inauguration, The Best Social Media Reactions to the VP Debate, The Final 2020 Debate Got a Rise From Social Media, Celebration America is a Welcome Dose of Normalcy. Trump's supporters, … – It likely surprises very few people that responses to the announcement of President-elect Joe Biden have been plentiful after defeating President Donald Trump. If there’s one thing we could rely on this election, it’s that Donald Trump’s election 2020 reaction would end up on Twitter. As counting of votes continues in the U.S., the presidential election is making headlines across the globe. Election night proved to be no different as people took to social media to react to the close and increasingly uncertain race between Trump and democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Joe Biden Prevails in the 2020 Election, and Twitter Has an Explosive Reaction Biden's electoral win comes after four nail-biting days of waiting for states to submit ballot tallies. The human body was not made to expend this much energy thinking about Pennsylvania. He remained optimistic about American democracy and referred to the importance of “Checks and Balances.” Mass also called for trust in the electoral process and results. The American people have made their decision. On Election Day 2020, people across the United States voted to determine the nation's next president, congressional representatives, and state and local leaders. We Germans should be the last to give them lessons in democracy. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. Europe must unite, otherwise it will no longer play a role internationally.”, “Donald Trump’s appearance was startling,”, Episode 39: Revitalizing Transatlantic Power, USTR’s Promising Start for Transatlantic Economic Relations, Peter Rashish Calls for Enhanced U.S.-EU-Japan Trilateral Process in Foreign Policy Article. Bush’s 1992 concession speech. She also stated that Trump and all Republicans must accept that their policies and views were voted out by Americans. He emphasized his desire for the U.S. and Germany to start working on a new deal to repair U.S.-German relations. Initial reactions from German political leaders and allies in the critical aftermath of the election reveal what we may be able to expect for the next four years in the German-American relationship. He also said the government won’t comment on the issue until there is a result. We use cookies to analyze how visitors use our website and to help us provide the best possible experience for users. Joe Biden is the power to wish to unite a divided country.”. The divisive presidential election, analysts said, could cement the notion that America as a country does not care as much about democracy — either at home or abroad — as it once claimed. Elections Results. It is easy to be a winner, but sometimes it is hard to be a loser.”. This undoubtedly brings us closer than we are to any other region in the world, certainly more so than to China or Russia.”, Steinmeier also wrote to Biden that, “With your presidency the hopes of countless people are linked, far beyond the borders of your country, including in Germany.”, November 8: On the Anne Will Talkshow, Laschet said “Biden opposed Trumpism with a factual, calm campaign.”, November 7: Laschet tweeted: “Democracy is only as strong as our will to fight for it. Athletes across the country were out in full force Saturday after the Associated Press declared that Joe Biden won the presidential election. What happens in the politics is just an expression of it. November 4: Merz warned against being too optimistic about Job Biden’s victory with regard to post-election German-American relations. On 15 August, Lukashenko spoke with Putin on the phone. November 4: On Wednesday night, as a guest of Bild’s “Oval Office” show, Friedrich Merz talked about the U.S. election. ‘Trump is a liar’: Mark Ruffalo, John Legend and Debra Messing among celebrities to react to Trump-Biden debate. We Europeans should use that.”. #EveryVoteCounts.”. I have been waking up prematurely before my alarm rings to check the results. How President Trump Is Responding To 2020 Election Results The AP has President-elect Biden at 290 electoral votes to Trump's 214. Even if we had nothing else in common, we—Germans and Americans—would still be democrats. November 4: Armin Laschet gave an opening overview of the U.S. election and its implications for Germany and Europe at the German Marshall Fund’s online event The Morning After—A Deep Dive into the U.S. A stalemate with legal discussions won’t be good for the stability in the world.” Söder wants Europe to recognize the changes in the transatlantic relationship, saying, “Europe must become much stronger, economically, technologically, and also in terms of security policy, in order to ultimately develop an independent position more on par with the USA than before – regardless of who is president”, November 7: Scholz tweeted, “Congratulations, Mr. President-elect @JoeBiden. Noveber 4: Walter-Borjans said that, that whatever the outcome may be, it will have to be respected. Americans took to the polls, the mail, and drop-boxes this fall. While the U.S. is on track to hit the highest voter turnout in over 100 years, it's now clear that this election will be a close one. Oprah's Reaction to the 2020 Presidential Election Outcome Oprah Reacts to Biden and Harris's Election: "The Soul of America Gets a Reset" She also had an … Europe must unite, otherwise it will no longer play a role internationally.”, November 7: Christian Lindner tweeted, “The Election of Joe Biden is a relief. He highlighted, though, that if Trump is elected, he hopes that he will be better moderated. Officials in all these states begged people to have patience. Though this election may not be decided until the 2024 primaries begin, take your mind off the political purgatory by reading tweets from people making light of this political purgatory. November 5: Heiko Maas tweeted “What happened in America does not correspond to the democratic culture we know from the United States. See maps and real-time presidential election results for the 2020 US election. Supporters of Biden and Trump have not been quiet throughout the candidates’ campaigns and, in some ways, voices on both sides have been amplified since Biden received the more than 270 electoral votes needed to capture the presidency. “The most important thing is that every vote is counted, If Trump wins, the global order will change fundamentally. “Even if Trump is not elected today, everything will not be fine tomorrow. November 4: Markus Söder tweeted “US-election: Hopefully there will be a result soon. Celebrity Reactions to the 2020 Presidential Election 20 Uplifting Celebrity Messages to Read While You Wait For the Election Results. He said Trump’s responses are an attack on democracy. The U.S. has experienced radicalization on both sides of the political spectrum in recent years.”, November 4: He also tweeted “America is redefining its interests, no matter Trump or Biden wins the election. Nov. 5, 2020 The U.S. presidential election has finally arrived, with Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden going head-to-head. November 8: In an interview with the Bayerischer Rundfunk, Söder said that “the whole world breathes a sigh of relief.” He is relieved that America under Biden will return to the light side of power. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, The 11 Best Book to Movie Adaptations of 2021, John Mosley: 'Last Chance U' Left Out This Moment, Jon Stewart is Sorry to Dicks, Not Tucker Carlson, Anderson .Paak Is Ready to Do Some Damage, The Most Anticipated TV Shows of Summer 2021. Good cooperation! The choice of Joe Biden to the 46th President of the USA and Kamala Harris to Vice President shows that respect and style can be stronger than aggression and hatred. 234 Shares November 2: Merkel has not commented yet and stated on November 2 that she “certainly won’t do that one day before the election in the U.S.” She has stated, however, that “you know that simply because of my education as a physicist I naturally attribute great weight to scientific advice, and make use of it myself.”. Republican Trump has refused to accept that he lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden, now president-elect, adding to tensions. Only 40-ish hours have passed since Election Night 2020, but it feels much closer to 40-ish years. Former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Koku Anyidoho, has reacted to the presidential ballot slots for the 2020 general election. Of course the Internet has none of that. It will not be any disagreement with the U.S. disappear, but there is a chance for a new start of the transatlantic relations. Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States of America. November 4: Habeck commented, “If Trump wins, the global order will change fundamentally. This content is imported from Twitter. Source: CNN World News (15 Videos) Election Day was the culmination of months of campaigning and voting, but it still remains to be seen what the final outcome will be. He hoped a Biden victory will improve future bilateral relations and both countries would treat each other sensibly again. Joe Biden is the power to wish to unite a divided country.” November 5: Laschet retweeted footage of President … a congratulations to Biden, and that he hopes he can fix the large division in the American public. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it.”, November 7: Laschet tweeted: “There are days of hope! Elections Results. One of the most …, On Monday, the Biden administration released the 2021 Trade Policy Agenda and 2020 Annual Report, an annual event that the 1974 U.S. trade act requires take place by March 1. But I believe Americans don’t need any lecture from us.”. The internet, devoid of healthy emotional responses, has turned to its standard cynical and flippant meme-making to pass the time. November 4: Mass tweeted a thread about the U.S. election. See photos of America’s divided reaction. Electoral map if Biden only won states with a Bass Pro Shop inside a pyramid, Nevada after counting 3 votes, me trying to flip georgia:, Nevada is like "we're just going to wait until everyone is mad at Pennsylvania and then we'll let you know", Me typing in Arizona Nevada and Georgia to the twitter search bar for updates every 5 minutes It is important that everyone accepts the results. November 7: Esken tweeted her congratulations to Biden and Harris. November 5: Laschet retweeted footage of President H.W. …, In his recently published Foreign Policy article, “Biden Should Finish Trump’s One Good Trade Idea,” AICGS Senior Fellow and Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish advises the Biden administration to revive …, The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies Reaction. Now the bizarre spectacle of the last few days should come to an end.”. It is possible that the courts are called to determine the election result. “Regardless of the election result, Europe must be clear that the U.S. now is a different country than it was before 2016,” said Walter-Brojans. Building a Smarter German-American Partnership. Most of the AfD members prefer Trump’s allegations about the election fraud. Söder also hoped that U.S. troops will not leave Germany in the future as Trump plans. Global figures looked on in fascination at the “explosive” U.S. presidential election race between incumbent Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden, which remains undecided as … People celebrate in reaction to Joe Biden being declared the presidential winner near the Pennsylvania Convention Center on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020 in Philadelphia, Pa. Some people are not happy and didn’t want to talk to Newscenter 11 about it. We still don't have a winner as a few battleground states carefully count the last few votes. He believed the American government will turn inward to overcome the country’s division. More than a third of Donald Trump's tweets have been flagged as "might be misleading about an election." November 8: She tweeted: “I look forward to working with President-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. November 7: According to a press release, Alice Weidel and Alexander Gauland congratulated Biden’s win but noted that any irregularity in the accounts will be resolved quickly through the rule of law. All votes must be counted. US election 2020: How the ... "Congratulating Mr Joseph Biden on his victory in the presidential elections in the United States of America." November 7: Baerbock retweeted a tweet with the news of Biden’s win and captioned it with “What a liberating message!”. As of 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, officials in Nevada and Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania continued to tally the remaining votes while the world waited with bated breath to see who would be the next President of the United States. Together, we can do it.”, President Joe Biden has made rebuilding the transatlantic partnership a focus of his administration after four years of frosty relations between Europe and the United States. Our trans-Atlantic friendship is indispensable if we are to deal with the major challenges of our time.”. It [the bilateral relationship] will not be the same as it used to be,” said Merz. Still, President Trump has not conceded the election. The election is over. Esquire participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. AICGS will be compiling German and European leaders’ reactions to the U.S. election. In Case You Missed It: Election TikTok Is a Thing, and It's Glorious Concentrated catastrophe, if you will. @KamalaHarris: Congressman Lewis wrote: “Democracy is not a state. The Best Celebrity Reactions To Joe Biden's Win In The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election America has finally chosen their next President - by Diandra Malivindi It is an act.” What he meant was that America’s democracy is not guaranteed. This post will be updated. The country celebrates and protests the election results as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win the 2020 presidential election. He said that Germans have great respect for the way America has managed this election amid a global pandemic. November 7: Söder tweeted after Biden’s win: “Yes he can! Company number: 10166531. Her official statement is, “Congratulations! I am relieved that the election thriller ended well. Even so, America will stay self-centered for the next few years.”, November 4: Merz tweeted “I have been observing the division in American society for a long time. November 7: Walter-Borjans tweeted a congratulations to Biden, and that he hopes he can fix the large division in the American public. Only 40-ish hours have passed since Election Night 2020, but it feels much closer to 40-ish years. On Tuesday, Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei said in a tweet that the outcome of the U.S. election “won’t affect our policy towards the U.S.” No matter who wins the #USElections2020, it … Alaska is also still pending. We still don't have a winner as a few battleground states carefully count the last few votes. Röttgen did not think there would be any improvement between the U.S. and Germany if Trump wins a second term. Merz thinks respect for the voters in America demands Germans to observe the election with caution, but with great interest. The USA remains Europe’s most important and closest partner. November 4, 2020 by Grayson Gilcrease. My confidence in American democracy has grown again. Famous supporters of Joe Biden and Donald Trump react to clash that if Trump is elected, he hopes that he will be better moderated. Posted: Nov 8, 2020 / 04:57 PM EST / Updated: Nov 8, 2020 / 05:24 PM EST. November 4: Like many German politicians, Walter-Borjans has expressed his indignation about President Trump’s declaration of premature victory and plan to take legal action against further vote count. Others are more hopeful about the Presidential Election results announced Saturday. Now is the chance to open a new and exciting chapter in trans-Atlantic relations. He mentioned that the U.S. has a lot to do in order to fix divisions in the country. He urged Donald Trump to recognize his defeat. In short, 2020 has continued to deliver its same signature cocktail of terror and monotony, just at a higher intensity. I don't care how drunk they were at the Bellagio last night. November 8: An article posted by Re:Jerusalem stated that Habeck was happy with the results of the election but not euphoric. 1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036. November 4: Regarding Trump’s premature declaration of premature victory, Norbert Röttgen said he was not surprised that Trump disregards the basic rules of democracy. Reaction Digital Media Ltd is a registered private limited company in England & Wales. Oh, yeah, we forgot. The 2020 election is one whose impact resonates globally. Everyone: *waiting for results from Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania *Alaska:, The 60 Best Movies to Stream on Netflix Right Now, Phoebe Bridgers Doesn't Have Time For Assholes, 21 Watches Below $100 to Buy on Amazon Right Now, Chris Hayes Is Finding Reasons to Be Optimistic. November 4: Lindner stated that “Donald Trump’s appearance was startling,” and “The fact that the incumbent questions the integrity of the election result and openly calls for people not to count votes is the risk of a constitutional crisis and political chaos.”  He knew the results would be close, and although he is hopeful about American political institutions, he believes the result could call international stability into question. Every product was carefully curated by an Esquire editor. Congratulation! Justin Kirkland is a writer for Esquire, where he focuses on entertainment, television, and pop culture. And all this despite resistance and censorship by the establishment.”. by: Elise Kim. Laschet quoted the sentence “We respect the majesty of the democratic system” in English with hashtags #demokratischekultur and #zusammenhalt. Maya Rudolph on returning to SNL to play Kamala Harris: 'I smelled it coming'. On 14 August 2020, Russian spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova stated that the protests were a result of "outside meddling" from foreign states to "create a rift in society and destabilize the situation". The U.S. Dollar has demonstrated a fairly consistent path since 1980. A week later and AP are investigating the President's frequently stated but rarely explained claims of vote fraud, that Trump says has cost him the 2020 presidential election. I sincerely wish him the best of luck and every success and I would also like to congratulate Kamala Harris, the first female vice president-elect in the history of your country. November 7: Maas tweeted his congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and expressed his excitement for working with the U.S. as a team player again, noting that Germans are ready to take on a series of issues. November 7: Stoltenberg warmly welcomed the election of Joe Biden as the next U.S. President and Kamala Harris as Vice President. TODAY senior international correspondent Keir Simmons reports for TODAY. We may earn a commission from these links. CNN's Nic Robertson takes a look at how the world reacts to Joe Biden's win over Donald Trump in the 2020 US presidential election. I look forward to working with President Biden. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site., Alaska's 3 electoral votes after everything has been called, Heroes working around the clock to get votes counted safely and correctly.Meanwhile, in Nevada:, It just occurred to me that this election is following the plot of The Notebook:- A white house- Mail that wasn’t received - A lot of fighting - It wasn’t over - It still isn’t over, Part of me doesn’t want Nevada vote counting TikTok to ever end “We’d be fine,” said Merz. Her spokesperson Steffen Seibert said that Germany has confidence in the democratic tradition and in the constitutional institutions of the United States. We have shit to do. Congratulations to Joe Biden! November 4: Esken actively tweeted about her reactions to the U.S. election with one tweet saying “What an election night! November 7: Merkel released an official statement congratulating Biden for his win. He said it is too early to comment on the outcome because many states are still counting the votes. November 4: So far Merkel has not said anything about the election. He kept democracy and didn’t start a war like his predecessors did. For more information or to opt-out of cookies, please view our Privacy Policy. The head of Bild-Politik, Jan Schäfer, asked him how he would get along with President Trump if he were the German chancellor himself.
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