It's a very shameful act!Now,the political parties playing with democracy. PPP's Yousuf … Political parties like PMLN, PPP, PTI, MQM, PML-F, JUI-F and others are ready to compete. He said Sanjran's win was a win for all of Balochistan. Everything was rigged? Meanwhile, Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry responded to Khokhar's tweet, stating that it looked "more like a CCTV cable" and that "spy cameras are far more sophisticated". Shah, who earlier administered the oath to all 48 newly elected members of the Upper House, read out the names of the candidates contesting for the positions as well as the senators sponsoring them. As an ordinary Citizen I just want this circus to end . It means you know PTI will win. "The current polling booth should be removed, another should be set up afresh," he said. One thing is fir certain, those cameras don’t cast votes. Calibri, judge Arshad Malik videos, seems like the Maryam Safder MO which Abassi has taken a liking to. Senate Election 2021: PTI emerges as largest party, but victory bittersweet PTI emerges the biggest victor with 18 seats, followed by PPP with 8. New drama in making...Why don't these thugs go to ECP...As ECP is expert in interpretation of words and meaning... Yup free and fair elections and Pakistan is a democracy !! The opposition demanded that an investigation be carried out into who was "in control of the Senate". Our institutions even do not know how to install cameras! May I be the first to congratulate the opposition on their loss - "HA HA, Hee Hee" - you got played at your own game. He also thanked Prime Minister Imran Khan, the PTI leadership and BAP leader Jam Kamal Khan, and assured the house that "I will run this house exactly the way I have run it for three years, by keeping everyone together.". LAHORE: PML-N leader and former prime minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, on Thursday alleged that Pakistan's government institutions are "being used to interfere in Senate elections". Election over, oh wait, it cannot end with drama created by PDM. Anyone with iota of common sense would not place camera in place where hacks like these can easily find it. Many Senate officers were appointed during the tenure of the opposition parties, he said. Now it should shut up. "I want to congratulate the people of Pakistan because the dark forces have been defeated," he said. The substandard installation seems to be done on purpose. Shah then stated that in his view, the instructions stated that the stamp had to be placed in front of the candidate's name. Do you think these cameras are mounted overnight? Pakistan. Opposition will drop to any level since they only know foul play. PTI trying every dirty trick to win the chairman election. So much for honesty, Establishment successfully completed another game. They probably have been already installed there for years. Originally a middle class educated man from Baluchistan -Mr.Sanjarani is worth respect for his all success . Hope we learn the lesson. No wonder so many votes were rejected as most of them do not even know how to cast a vote. Democracy doesn't work. "That’s why the PDM opposed open ballot. PAKISTAN’S automotive industry has posted a robust growth in the Covid period. It said that the incident was a "great blow" to democracy, rule of law, the Constitution and the recent opinion by the Supreme Court that the Senate polls be held by secret ballot. Clearly the senate elections were manipulated. One clarification needed, Ishaq Dar is not in self-exile. Those responsible don’t respect the law in order to get their desired results in the senate election. PDM will fizzle out. Ask your billioners to settle USD one billion UAE debt due and demanded today. Pvt. Could be done only in connivance with administration, not opposition! So the nation can save millions that are wasted on parliaments. Pakistan MPAs and MNAs voted on Wednesday to elect members of the Senate. The Election Commission of Pakistan on Wednesday has issued victory notifications of senators in the Upper House. Vote fixing at its best!!! And PTI has guts to say that these cameras are installed by opposition. ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Despite major blow to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for losing Islamabad general seat to Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) candidate … What kind of World are you living? After taking the oath, the senators signed the roll of members. And opposition has disclosed this. So govt is as much fool that it gonna put such cameras right on the head of voters and opposition can easily see that cameras.. The PDM leaders had earlier threatened to resign en masse from the provincial and national assemblies, and refused to take part in the Senate elections but later relented. PDM here is a question for you. In total, 98 senators voted in the election. After the Parliament and the opposition refused to give an NRO to the vote stealers, after failing to use the election commission and the apex court for your own gains, it is a serious crime to disrespect the Constitution, she said. Anyone who thought the Senate polls would be a fair exercise has been proven wrong. you believe whatever the proven liar are saying. Let's see who planted it, Big brother wants to keep an eye ... it’s that simple. The lawmakers have voted for 37 vacant seats of the Senate . The government should seize the day, not merely save it. Last minute "hitch" before the Senate Chair and Deputy Chair elections was in the air already in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Ever thought about why those cameras might have been installed ? What a joke this rejection of vote is. The hybrid regime has been caught red handed subverting the Constitution. PTI does not need to, public is with them. As usual , Pakistani democracy baffles all . Sweet irony is that Mr Gilani lost due to rejected votes (assuming spoiled) - just what Mr Gilani’s son was trying to coach member of the opposition party. Like I said before: get a job, read a book, do a good deed, plant a tree or take up knitting. PPP and PML-N secured eight and five seats each in the Upper House of the Parliament out of 48 seats . Somebody inform the looters that it's a CCTV camera and not Spy cameras. Should interrogate folks who found the camera. The detection of such cameras is impossible. She loves making exciting episodes for her father who must be bored in his London flats. The nation sees no good coming from these assemblies. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan votes during the Senate elections on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. A senator or MP who cant even vote correctly should be deemed unfit to be a senator/MP. 7 votes for Gilani were rejected because they were deemed not stamped correctly. He maintained that a new polling booth should be set up, adding that the opposition had conspired to install the cameras. Rejected votes: The opposition getting a taste of their own medicine. This is our ballot paper, this is our ballot box and these are the election results.New version of the Pawri Girl. Specially considering how blatantly they tried to rob the Daska election. @Nasir S. , and, vote of confidence is the proof. Shame and sad. Now this time opposition members sell themselves. Shame on IK. SO MUCH FOR DEMOCRACY.". Well deserved victory in times of crisis. What joke....The amount of our hard earned tax money being spend on these clowns...worth...A big question for entire nation.... And you guys wonder why Indians read this paper? Ltd. ( for Dawn. Shame on Opposition for the lame stunt! Whole Pakistan knows which group did it. Has not the SC recommended that technology should be used but the voting has to be a secret balloting process ....or am I mistaken. Hallelujah !!! Copyright © 2021 - BOL Group. They are so glaringly visible. What is this 'game' of survey? Cameras are a must no matter what, for all public servants. Read more . The presiding officer further said a new polling booth had been established and asked representatives from both sides to inspect them. My family, country and people's well-being are far more important to me than anything else. On the other hand, PTI's Mohsin Aziz, the polling agent for Sanjrani, while reading out from a paper said the instructions clearly stated that the vote had to be stamped in the box in front of the preferred candidate's name, and not on top of the candidate's name. What a shame. Earlier, the special session got off to a noisy start as the opposition, led by PPP's Raza Rabbani, claimed that "secret cameras" had been installed at the polling booth. Le Sénat est la chambre haute du parlement bicaméral pakistanais. Never ever follow those corrupt politicians and recognize them. How can we allow these people to even occupy the seats as senators. The presence of hidden cameras has further degraded the image of the PTI. Beat them at their own game. Despite all these life is running as normal. The ranks of the government, meanwhile, were abuzz with celebration in the wake of Sanjrani's victory. The Election Commission today rejected the request made by PTI to stop the notification of Yousaf Raza Gilani’s victory and issued notices to the parties. ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Officials began counting the votes for high-stakes elections of the Senate that will determine control of the Upper House of the Parliament after voting ended through secret ballot in … Keep you up to date with news from around the world. The pictures taken are of such large cameras. @Khurram , only PML N goons could conjure up such a, pathetic drama! The ruling PTI won 18 seats in the Senate election, according to unofficial results. @Zartaj Gul, PTI trying every dirty trick to win the chairman election. @M. Emad, Sir you need to concentrate on your beautiful country and stop taking so much unhealthy interest in our beautiful country. Never trusted ECP. It should help Pakistan move further from the political nonsense it has been under for a while. The PPP rejected the results of the Senate chairman election, with Senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar saying the party could either challenge the result in court or bring a no-confidence motion against Sanjrani. Speaking at a press conference, Information Minister Shibli Faraz vowed to investigate the incident and "expose" the opposition. Sanjrani won by 6 votes. "They have become so panicked that they have resorted to using cameras to spy on their own members when phoning agencies proved to be futile. We don't need these assemblies because nothing is ever in their hands except for corruption. In this age of electronic voting, why is Pakistan still sticking to paper ballots voting system? DISCLAIMERThe logo, name and graphics of BOL and its products and services The victory of government will be the victory for democracy. That is for democracy in Pakistan, all knows who is the real ruler. Shame on security chief of senate , shame on govt., and shame on senate chairman. What a country! How does a hidden camera steal votes? The Senate elections of 2021 proved to be the biggest arena to demonstrate the power … Also in this package. Opposition already makes case for losing the election. Interestingly, earlier when the resolution was moved for the no-confidence motion, 64 opposition members had supported it. How do we know PMLN didn't get this done? Our national moral bankruptcy on display. It also proposed the recovered cameras be secured and sealed till the final disposal of the matter. A due process is taking place to go after those who invaded the capital building. The Senate secretary should look into this claim, he said. Speaking after assuming office, Sanjrani thanked his colleagues who voted for him and "thought [him] capable" to once again elect him the chairman. Not above or below or on the name. During the morning session, Senator Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah administered the oath to the 48 new members. What a shame. The opposition collectively has 52 members in the House excluding Dar, against 47 senators belonging to the ruling coalition. Another vote was rejected because it had been cast in favour of both the candidates. Those pics don't look much of "spy" cameras. Speaking to media just after Sanjrani was declared the winner, Minister for Information Shibli Faraz said his victory showed that the time had come for the PDM's "political burial". When PTI members vote for an opposition candidate then it is corruption but when opposition members vote for PTI candidates or invalidate their votes it is not corruption or pressurization. Pakistan Supreme Court upholds secret balloting in Senate polls Verdict seen as a blow to the government, which had attempted to change the process for elections scheduled this week. The Senate polling booth has secret /hidden cameras installed. endorsement, sponsorship or recom mendation of BOL by the respective trademark owner. My class 3 kids could have made better, less conspicuous spycamera's out of sticky tape, nuts and bolts! Save millions for the nation and let them lead who leads from behind the curtains anyways. Leave aside camera, election took place in another newly installed booth. With a total of eight votes rejected, Gilani received 42 valid votes, while Sanjrani won the election after bagging 48 votes. @We the people, They were installed by opposition people. Hilarious. This is all dirty politics based on money , influence and exploitation ! This government just cannot be trusted. An election in Pakistan's Senate was briefly disrupted after opposition politicians said they had found "spy cameras" hidden in a voting booth. I like millions of other Pakistanis don’t care who wins or loose as it has zero effect on our lives . Web Desk On Mar 3, 2021 ISLAMABAD: Polling for the much-awaited Senate elections has ended, while the counting of votes is currently underway. Senate elections in Pakistan are all set to take place on 3rd March 2021, through a system of proportional representation, as per Article 59 (2) of the Constitution. These not spy cameras. PTI 's candidate won. PTI candidate Sadiq Sanjrani won another term as the Senate chairman on Friday in a blow to the joint opposition — despite the latter having a majority in the Upper House. Why not just select all positions? @Shahbaz Ahmed Tarar, apparently yes! Are McDonald's and foodpanda planning to break a world record? Great day for Pakistan. He is wanted by courts and on the run. Shortly after his press conference, the minister reiterated that the opposition's "sinister" plan had been exposed. They did it themselves," he said. Was he not establishment candidate? Last month has proven that all Pakistani lawmaker are dogs and this dog fight will continue until jokers like khan. Ruling government is doing just fine Towards a Niya Pakistan! Let the crying begin! Open cameras during voting no more secret voting for anything. Perfect sir because IK won that means all clean and no rigging. There is a difference between them. Forty five senators had voted against the motion and five votes were rejected. Spy means you disguise items in this case cameras if spy device is installed you will not be able to find it that easily. All other company names, brand names, trademarks and logos mentioned It’s like Pakistan has beaten India - that feeling! Such a sloppy job is the work of PDM to build crooked narrative but it won't work, sanjrani will win. Save tax payers hard earned money. PTI 's stance is correct for show of hands. As expected, a hung Senate emerged after Wednesday’s much-hyped elections on 48 seats of the upper house of parliament as the opposition … PTI learned well from the Gilani - Hafeez election and defeated the opposition in the game invented by the opposition. Does anyone understand what patriot means. The minister stated that if the government wished to make such moves, it would have done so during the Senate polls. LAHORE: The former ruling party, the PML-N, on Thursday claimed that Pakistani institutions were "being used to interfere" in the upcoming Senate chairman elections. Though the opposition enjoyed a clear majority in the Senate to win both the seats, political pundits before the election said it was going to be a close contest and any deviation from party policy and wastage of votes in secret ballot could translate into an upset. Former prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has emerged the victor from his Islamabad seat in the ongoing Senate Elections 2021, marking a major win for the Opposition parties' anti-government coalition, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM). Some amalgamation of Iranian and Chinese model. There is absolutely no scope for bungling in the electronic format, but perhaps that is that not needed to ensure "might is right" in Pakistani Politics. Another excuse for Maryam and her father to blame establishment. The Election Commission of Pakistan has announced on Thursday that the Senate Elections 2021 will be held on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. Secret ballot cuts both ways. Candidates who came in to this house with voting, doesn’t know how to vote themselves. Despite clear orders of SCP that elections of senate should be conducted under secret vote system as mentioned in Constitution of Pakistan, installing of secret cameras and microphones are not only open violation of Constitution of Pakistan but also violation of the SCP orders @Zartaj Gul, oh please, give them some credit. ", After the Result Transmission System (RTS) and Daska by-poll fiasco, those making a last ditch effort to rob the Senate have lost the last battle, she said. Gilani's polling agent Farook H. Naek contested the presiding officer's ruling, arguing that the instructions only stated that the stamp had to be placed inside the box of the preferred candidate, and did not specify on "which area of the box" the stamp had to be affixed. In the letter, the Senators said that they discovered four cameras "obviously installed to record votes to be cast" during the scrutiny of the polling booth. Or was it? He claimed that they used "criminal tactics" to sway the Senate polls in their favour. Image Credit: PID. My money is on Maryam - this was her idea and executed by her slaves in the ECP. This situation places a survivor who has unmet needs in an incredible dilemma. Senate 2021 Elections commence on 3rd march 2021 to elect 52 new senators for the terms 2021 - 2027. All are crooks, no honest person in Pakistan politics. Looks that the table has turned on the opposition. Fantastic that PTI retains Senate speaker’s seat. Vote stealers have some shame and [resign] from your offices.". After being declared the winner, Sanjrani took the oath of his office and later presided over the election for the Senate deputy chairman. @Expat (usa), Brother , you know well, we went through very difficult time in USA, but the democracy prevailed here. Disappointed by our judiciary for some very weak decisions. MA! Shameful. The opposition challenged the result of the Senate chairman election after it was announced that seven votes cast in favour of opposition candidate Yousuf Raza Gilani were rejected. Same statement should have been used at the gillani win for senate, defying numbers, he still won. In all likelihood, the CCTV camera cable has been misunderstood as a spy camera," he theorised. News ComedicNews Comedic is a Entertainment Channel.The purpose of this channel. Long live Pakistan version of "democracy". A blow to democracy. He said the PPP leadership will announce the final route it will take. @Solangi, corruption continues by pti, only way they coudl win election was by paying for senator votes. As opposition members protested, the presiding officer asked them to "go and appeal [the ruling] in the election tribunal" if they didn't agree with it. Justice and TRUTH prevailed. Does anyone believe that agencies would do such a pathetic job. Senate Polls 2021. These loyalist cant spot a criminal among them they certainly do not have the ability to find something which was supposed to hidden unless knowledge of its presence was known. The era of loot and plunder taking its last breath," he said. They should sit on jute mats under the open sky and then vote in tents. Is there a limit how low this government can go !!! What a shame these desperate opposition are becoming. On Thursday, Prime Minister Imran Khan nominated Senator Afridi — a billionaire from erstwhile Fata — for the post of deputy chairman. @Loyal Pakistani, yes the stamp is in the Gillani box but the rules states that the stamp must be right in front of the candidate's name. The opposition senators include 21 of PPP, 17 of PML-N, excluding Ishaq Dar who has not taken oath of the office, five of JUI-F, two each of ANP, BNP-Mengal, PkMAP and National Party and one of Jamaat-i-Islami. Sharifs and Bhotto are leaders of this country. Il est composé de 96 sièges pourvus au scrutin à vote unique transférable pour un mandat de six ans, renouvelés par moitié tout les trois ans . It should be noted that today the top Electoral body rejected  PTI’s petition challenging the Senate win of PPP’s Yousaf Raza Gillani. Pakistan a democracy, yes only for crooks, thugs corrupt and the so called 1500+ people sitting in the so called parliamentarians. Accordingly in today’s Pakistan those who have the least are usually the ones who know the most about politics, I didn’t realize wires hanging from the walls and ceilings are considered part of secrecy cameras. so other than who put the camera there, it is not a factor. PPP and PML-N will always find something to complain about, as long as they lost. Establishment candidate always wins in Pakistan. In which notable candidates are Yusuf Raza Gilani, Abdul Hafeez Shiekh, Saleem Mandviwala, Perweez Rashid, Sherry Rehman, Sania Nishtar, Abdul Qadir and Raza Rabbani Don't get that exited, UAE wants it's one billion dollars back by the 14th of this month. @M. Emad, Another Drama. "Even though they are thieves, they want to portray themselves as the victims. Elections were to be held for 48 Senate seats but all the candidates for 11 seats in Punjab had already been elected unopposed, out of which PTI won 5, PML-N won 5 and PML-Q won one seat. However, presiding officer Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah overruled their objection, saying the seven votes were rejected because they were not stamped correctly. The two opposition leaders also wrote a letter to the presiding officer asking for the formation of a Senate committee to probe the incident. Polling began after 3pm, and an officer called out names of senators in alphabetical order who collected ballot papers from officials and cast their votes at the polling booth. Extremely shameful action by this fascist regime , in clear violation of the Constitution of Pakistan. "Recovered items like cameras and otherwise, will be secured and sealed till the final disposal of the matter," he said. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has emerged as the largest party in the upper house after the 2021 Senate elections, but the opposition coalition in the House has the edge over the ruling coalition. This way people would be saved from all this farce and a lot of money spent on elections would be saved. @Loyal Pakistani, - Fire senate security chief. If PTI planted the camera's then I say well done!, spying to catch those who are taking bribes is the level you have to go to when neither the SC or ECP are doing their job. Get ready for the rough ride Pakistani awam, PTI is free to do whatever they want to do. JUI-F's Haideri was the first senator to be called to make his choice. A post shared by Churail Sarwat (@sarwatg). If someone really wanted to spy, they would have set up real spy cameras that are impossible to detect without sophisticated tech. Taking revenge PPP also they did not vote for Haidri bro of fazlu and voted for Afridi... PDM time to break up on the cards.. AMAZING !! selected by the selected watched by the selectors it just isn’t cricket. Please be aware of fake IDs!). These rejected votes show incompetence. The new data from PAMA, the... ON the direction of the Peshawar High Court, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has once again banned TikTok ... Building awareness and trust is key to a sustained uptake of vaccines during the pandemic. Is great day for democratic system on Nation congratulations to all participants. This merits nothing less than an Article 6 trial. "This is against Article 226 of the Constitution," he said, as the house resounded with chants of "shame, shame". Earlier, opposition parties claimed that the Government has installed the spy cameras inside and near the polling booth. Lawmakers arrive to cast their vote in senate elections, at the provincial assembly, in Peshawar, Pakistan, Wednesday, March 3, 2021. Controversial rejection of 7 Senate votes: What do analysts say? Its funny how people actually think this is the work of Gov or Agencies. Shame on institution ! Politics is a joke in our country. Unofficial, provisional results show that PTI has obtained 18 out of the … @shib, Innocent and simple people led by corrupt to the bone gangs led by Zardari, Nawaz brothers, Mullah F. Rahman. What a joke, PDM cannot hide its corruption tactics and is acting guilty conscious. If you are not there, it is all hearsay of zero value. Earlier, the special session got off to a noisy start as the opposition, led by PPP's Raza Rabbani, claimed that "secret cameras" had been installed at the polling booth. Woow pti is back with the bang. Making a big deal about the hidden camera, it was caught well before the vote casting, and alternately a new booth was made and both sides inspected it before the actual vote casting. The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Tuesday said that the upcoming Senate elections, scheduled to be held on March 3, would be "conducted as provided in … What a joke by Shibli Faraz saying opposition installed the cameras , make no sense at all in any thing.IK must go now. Senate elections: IHC trashes PTI’s petition ... 09:59 AM | 10 Mar, 2021. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A former Pakistani prime minister Wednesday defeated a ruling party candidate in Senate elections in a major setback to the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan, election... Trump endorses SC’s Tim Scott in 2022 Senate reelection bid. Favor had been returned and in style by pti. LIVE | Senate elections – PTI's Sanjrani beats PDM's Gilani to retain Chairman seat 98 Senators voted through secret ballot to elect the new chiefs of the upper house of Pakistan's Parliament I am sure that they were installed with an intent to be discovered, furthering the goal of exposing rowdiness of politics. There should be end of “Moorassi Siasat”. So much for democracy.Dont be fooled it is a circus of Pakistani Elite and Waderas.There never was and never true democracy until the system is corrected surgically.They are all fooling the ignocent people of Pakistan. The opposition can cry all they want. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has emerged as the largest party in the upper house after the 2021 Senate elections, but the opposition coalition in the House has the edge over the ruling coalition. PDM has done everything to overpower senate but it has failed at last. Congratulation Mr Mr Sanjrani and Afridi on wining as Chairman and Deputy Chairman respectively! Zardari took his revenge ; dealt Nawaz the coup de grace. In a second win for the ruling coalition, PTI-backed Senator Mirza Moha­m­mad Afridi was elected deputy chairman, beating opposition candidate Maulana Abdul Gha­foor Haideri of the JUI-F. Former Pakistan PM wins Senate election in setback to gov’t. Through corrupt horse trading. Elections were to be held for 48 Senate seats but all the candidates for 11 seats in Punjab had already been elected unopposed, out of which PTI won 5, PML-N won 5 and PML-Q won one seat. Good for Pakistan. An important day for future of country...corruption will continue or corruption will end! "The Constitution mentions secret vote not secret cameras. Opposition at its play in advance to create fake proofs after they loose the election. See: Explained — the controversy sparked by rejection of 7 votes stamped on Gilani's name. Our elected officials must understand that in democracy everything is in open, including their votes. Imran khan will rule Pakistan for next 20 years. He subsequently rejected the seven votes in question and declared Sanjrani the winner. Also its a very poor attempt at a spy camera if that is what it is, Cameras are there no ordinary person can reach there investigation as to who installed could not be difficult, Finger print check Currently, it … People of Pakistan should come out and get rid of those corrupt and people from Pakistan politics for good. "The camera can be fitted in the head of a nail. جہاز بانڈہ میں گزری ایک رات اور برفیلی کٹورا جھیل کی سیر, ماورا اور صبور علی کو وزن بڑھانے کا مشورہ دینے پر ایمن خان پر تنقید, Bitcoin passes $60,000 for first time as record-breaking run continues, LHC accepts for hearing NAB petition to cancel Maryam's bail in money laundering case, In a first, govt working on mechanism to place ads on digital media, Sri Lanka to ban burqa, shut many Islamic schools: public security minister, PM Imran approves setting up of Civil Drone Authority to regulate industry, NZ has duty to support Muslim community, says Ardern at memorial for Christchurch mosque attacks, Kangana Ranaut defends Queen Elizabeth against Harry, Meghan's 'saas bahu sazish stuff', Meghan complains to UK regulator over TV host Piers Morgan, Juggun Kazim shares her postpartum weight loss journey and diet plan, SC judge deplores relegation of Quranic injunctions, Third Covid-19 wave has started: Asad Umar, AJK premier asks Kashmiris to reject Pak-India bilateral talks, Sadiq Sanjrani was backed in 2018 as he pledged to join PPP: Bilawal, Eye on China, Biden holds first summit with Japan, India, Australia, Senate chairman election: the numbers game, US blocks delivery of Turkish gunships to Pakistan, Editorial: The discovery of hidden cameras is a blatant violation of the sanctity of Senate, election process.
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