The initial round of results are unlikely to include ballots dropped off in the last two days of voting, and elections officials will update totals each afternoon until the tally is complete. -moz-columns: 2; Click here to read more about responses to the killing of and protests about George Floyd. King County Charter Amendment No. In addition to state and federal candidates, voters in King County were also asked to vote on seven charter amendments, which if approved would change the county charter. Charter Amendment No. } Public education | PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. King County Charter Amendment 4 (Allow subpoena power to Office of Law Enforcement Oversight) - Yes. | We, the peopleof King County, Washington, in order to form a more just and orderlygovernment, establish separate legislative and executive branches, insureresponsibility and accountability for local and regional county governance andservices, enable effective citizen participation, preserve a healthy rural andurban environment and economy and secure the benefits of home rule and self-government,in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Washington, do adopt thischarter. This measure amended the county's charter to change the civilian law enforcement oversight system in place and make it a part of the charter, rather than based solely on a county ordinance. margin-bottom: 5px !important; Ballot access for candidates | Of the seven amendments, four address criminal justice reform. 2020 General Election Night Statewide Results: King County Charter Amendments [includes ballots counted as of 8:15 p.m. Tuesday]. 6: Structure and Duties of the Department of Public Safety. } KING COUNTY Signature Report 1200 King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Ordinance 19123 Proposed No. disputes, lawsuits, and recounts, Submit a photo, survey, video, conversation, or bio. King County Charter Amendment No. King County Young Democrats 2020 General Election Endorsements. A simple majority was required for the approval of Charter Amendment 1. Currently the charter requires an inquest for any death involving a member of a law enforcement agency of the county occurring in the performance of the member's law enforcement duties. 2 Yes 775,382 68.75 % No 352,472 31.25 % Charter Amendment No. Municipal Courts, Budget and finances | These amendments have been a long time coming, as a charter review work group was formed in 2018 to examine ways to update the charter. border: 1px solid black; by Aaron Kunkler; Tuesday, November 3, 2020 8:34pm | King County Charter Amendment Number 1. These amendments have been a long time coming, as a charter review work group was formed in 2018 to examine ways to update the charter. } King County Charter Amendment 1 2021. margin-bottom: 10px; King County, Washington, Charter Amendment 1, Mandatory Inquests for Police-Related Deaths (November 2020), Policy changes in response to the killing of and protests about George Floyd, Local police-related ballot measures following the killing of and protests about George Floyd (November 2020), Law Enforcement Budget Advisory Referendum, Law Enforcement Injury Risk Training Advisory Referendum, Release of Recordings from Police Body and Dashboard Cameras after Use of Force Charter Amendment, Independent Citizen Police Review Board Charter Amendment, Laws governing local ballot measures in Washington,,_Washington,_Charter_Amendment_1,_Mandatory_Inquests_for_Police-Related_Deaths_(November_2020)&oldid=8182867, Local charter amendments, Washington, 2020, Local measure in county of King, Washington, Tracking election Amendments four, five and six have garnered the most attention — and some blowback. Ballot access for parties | Shall King County Charter Section 895 concerning mandatory inquests be amended to: (1) clarify that an inquest is required when a member of a law enforcement agency's action, decision, or possible failure to offer appropriate care might have contributed to an individual's death; and (2) to provide an attorney at the county's expense to represent the decedent's family in the inquest proceeding? These amendments have been a long time coming, as a charter review work group was formed in 2018 to examine ways to update the charter. -webkit-columns: 2; There is currently no organized opposition to King County Charter Amendments 1 or 4. Vote: REJECT. 2021 legislative session | Charter Amendment No. by Aaron Kunkler; Tuesday, November 3, 2020 8:34pm display: inline; In addition to state and federal candidates, voters in King County were also asked to vote on seven charter amendments, which if approved would change the county charter. 7 – Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Family Caregiver, Military or Veteran … King County Charter Amendment 1, a charter amendment that requires investigations into police-related deaths, is on the ballot as a referral in King County on November 3, 2020 . County King County Ballots Counted: 1,220,062 * Registered Voters: 1,420,898 85.87 % Charter Amendment No. Seattle Channel 103 views. A "yes" vote supported amending the county charter to require investigations into all police-related deaths and to provide public attorneys to represent the decedent's family in the investigation. Congressional delegation | Ballotpedia features 321,713 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. The fifth amendment would revert the King County Sheriff to an appointed position, as it was until 1996, at the end of Sheriff Mitzi Johnknecht's current term. Ballotpedia identified 18 local police-related or law enforcement measures on the ballot for November 3, 2020, that qualified following the death of George Floyd. Inslee Lifts Some WA Pandemic Restrictions, ArtSEA: Mapping The Seattle Arts Landscape, One Year Into COVID. .ballot-measure-endorsements ul { Voters are approving an appointed sheriff along with other measures. These amendments have been a long time coming, as a charter review work group was formed in 2018 to examine ways to update the charter. Federal courts | The amendment is part of the process -- following a class-action lawsuit regarding benefits -- of making public defenders county employees, rather than contracting with non-profit corporations to provide that service. What's on my ballot? } Taxes. @media screen and (max-width: 792px) { 2020 General Election Night Statewide Results: King County Charter Amendments [includes ballots counted as of 8:15 p.m. Tuesday] Charter Amendment No. Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. A " yes " vote supported amending the county charter to require investigations into all police-related deaths and to provide public attorneys to represent the decedent's family in the investigation. [3] The medical examiner's report, prepared by Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson, said that it was "not a legal determination of culpability or intent, and should not be used to usurp the judicial process. 3: References to Citizens, Charter Amendment No. Amendment No. King County Charter Amendment 1 specifies that inquests - which are formal investigations - should be performed for deaths in King County jails and the family of the deceased shall receive legal representation during the inquest process. Yes on All King County Amendments and Proposition 1 There are seven county charter amendments and one county proposition in front of voters this fall. This measure was put on the ballot through an 8-1 vote of the Metropolitan King County Council on June 23, 2020.[5]. Requires that no less than 10% of the county's general fund be appropriated to community programs and alternatives to incarceration, Changes the powers, duties, and staffing of the Oakland Police Commission and creates the Office of Inspector General, Replaces the Community Review Board on Police Practices with the Commission on Police Practices that would be appointed by the city council to conduct investigations and subpoena witnesses and documents related to deaths resulting from police interactions and complaints made against police officers, Creates the Sheriff's Department Oversight Board and the Sheriff's Department Office of Inspector General, Removes the mandatory police staffing level from the city's charter, Authorizes the independent police auditor to review reports and records related to officer-involved shootings and uses of force, Makes changes to the powers and duties of the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO), Advises the county to continue to consider law enforcement and public safety as its top budgeting priority, Advises the county to continue to fund and support law enforcement training methods that decrease the risk of injury to officers and suspects, Requires recordings from police body and dashboard cameras documenting police use of force that results in death or serious injury to be released to the public, Creates the Civilian Police Review Board to investigate alleged police misconduct, subpoena testimony and evidence during the investigations, make recommendations to the Division of Police, and appoint and manage the new position of Inspector General for the Division of Police, Establishes a new police oversight board in the city's charter, Adds language to the Philadelphia City Charter calling on the police department to "eliminate the practice of unconstitutional stop and frisk, consistent with judicial precedent", Creates a Citizens Police Oversight Commission to replace the Police Advisory Commission, Requires police officers to cooperate with investigations conducted by the Independent Citizen Police Review Board, Amends the city charter to authorize the city council to adopt procedures and a committee to review the police department, Requires investigations into all police-related deaths and to provide public attorneys to represent the decedent's family in the investigation, Amends the county charter to authorize the Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO) to subpoena witnesses, documents, and other evidence in its investigations of law enforcement personnel, Returns the office of the sheriff from an elected position to an appointed position that is appointed by the county executive and confirmed by the county council, Gives the county council the authority to specify the duties of the sheriff.
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