[466] Michael Ellner, “Michael Ellner,” whale.to, http://whale.to/b/ellner_h.html. The Islington pedophilia scandal involves all dozen group homes supervised by the district council leader, longtime Blair cabinet minister and even longer MP Dame Margaret Hodge from Barking since 1994. Sonia interviewed whistleblowing former British intelligence officer Andrea Davison who confirms what we’ve already come to know: Paedophiles are a staple of parliamentary life and have been for some decades. [334] Claire Cozens, “Minister tries to Halt Today Investigation,” The Guardian, November 11, 2003, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2003/nov/11/childrensservices.politicsandthemedia. Twigg’s biggest claim to fame was his 1997 upset victory against Conservative incumbent MP from Enfield, UK’s standing defense secretary no less – fellow homosexual and reputed pedophile Michael Portillo. In 2015 two old guard Zionist Jew former foreign secretaries Jack Straw and Malcolm Rifkind, Sir Malcolm still in charge of Mossad infiltrated British intelligence services,[423] were both thrown out of government after getting caught greedily boasting of their corrupt omnipotence before hidden Channel 4 cameras in the “cash-for-access” sting[424] (British variation of the Clintons’ “pay-to-play” racketeering), and as a result, the brass ring of House of Lords peerage eluded them. Meanwhile, on another nefariously related front, the ruling elite has an overt, insidious, constant agenda attempting to normalize pedophilia (see Chapter 2). [377] Asil Nader Jailed for 10 Years for Polly Peck Thefts,” BBC, August 23, 2012, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-19352531. [160] Louise Garrett, “’Godfather Tried to Block Rape Investigation,” South London Press/spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com, June 2, 1995, https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/godfather-tried-to-block-rape-investigation-2-6-95/. [207] Fritz Springmeier, “The Power of the Rothschilds,” rense.com, August 12, 2007, https://rense.com/general77/POWERS.HTM. [38] But because Blair was busily lying through his teeth following the marching orders of his Anglo-American-Zionist puppet masters, on the verge of launching the infamous US-UK “shock and awe” Iraq invasion, the pedo-protecting PM issued his D-notices under the pretense of national security interests in order to prohibit the press from covering the pedophilia scandal that would have overnight destroyed Blair’s career, his and Bush’s war-making regimes and their bloody, costly, protracted catastrophe in Iraq. [61] Murun Buchstansangur, “How Margaret Hodge’s Policies Allowed Paedophiiles to Infiltrate Islington’s Children’s Homes,” spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com, April 30, 2013, https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/how-margaret-hodges-policies-helped-paedophiles-infiltrate-islington-childrens-homes/. Every so called “independent” inquiry in Britain, from the BBC Dame Smith report to Theresa May’s national IICSA, all are one big whitewash, repeatedly throwing salt on the wounds that can never heal for the victims whose promised justice by conspired diabolical design is continually denied. [394] Anthony stated that there is evidence that his MP father was sexually blackmailed by a Westminster Palace staff member threatening to sell details of his dad’s sexual life to a newspaper. [183] Peter Walker, “Nat Rothschild Loses Libel Case against Daily Mail over Mandelson Trip,” The Guardian, February 10, 2012, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2012/feb/10/nat-rothschild-loses-libel-daily-mail. The five Oppenheimer children were raised in opulence not only from the family’s booming African mining interests but once in England, daddy Oppenheimer founded Stemcor, the world’s largest privately owned steel-trading corporation and Britain’s six largest company overall. [164] Sarah Oliver, “Boateng thought he was Untouchable… the Son of Privilege who could get away with anything,” Daily Mail, December 3, 2011, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069594/Boateng-thought-untouchable–son-privilege-away-anything.html. Though there appears no direct criminal evidence connecting May’s father as an accomplice sharing the same workplace crime scene, yet another strange anomaly again by association is the fact that Rev. [453] Telling the truth and activism are fast becoming a crime. [58] May Bulman, “Record Number of Children in Care as Social Services Reach ‘Tipping Point,’” Independent, October 12, 2017, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/social-care-crisis-uk-children-figures-per-day-a7995101.html. Within hours, the foul-mouthed hothead felt compelled to double down, defending her cheap shot ambush of a false accusation with yet more melodrama grandstanding in a Guardian article: My grandmother and my uncle were murdered by Hitler and many cousins and other relatives were slaughtered in the gas chambers.[348]. [360] Richard Price, “Forget Scientology, Celebs are now falling for an even more Sinister ‘Religion’: Introducing the Satanic Sex Cult that’s Snaring Stars such as Peaches Geldof,” Daily Mail, April 21, 2013, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2312632/Introducing-Satanic-sex-cult-thats-snaring-stars-Peaches-Geldof.html. [515] Have you wondered why virtually all the usual Labor suspects throughout this chapter at an early age started out as left leaning communists and then underwent a fundamental ideological paradigm shift as they ascended the political cesspit ladder carrying out marching orders of the totalitarian Luciferian elite? We’re still waiting Jeremy… Meanwhile, while his cousin was health secretary in 1993 learning of Peter Righton’s near four decade long history of horrific child abuse, international trafficking and Virginia’s subsequent part in halting an ongoing police investigation, Hunt’s tough talk extended to the “Savile greenlight” health ministers’ Edwina Currie and Kenneth Clarke was conspicuously absent applied to his own cousin’s obstruction of justice shutting down a police inquiry and allowing a known serial abuser and VIP pimp to continue committing crimes. Fakten statt Fake News! [276] David Cohen, Yes Minister, you were told about Child Abuse in the Care Homes, yet you Refused to Listen,” Evening Standard/spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com, June 30, 2003, https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/yes-minister-you-were-told-about-child-abuse-in-the-care-homes-yet-you-refused-to-listen-30-6-03/. [324] Another of his cronies found with hundreds of videos and photos of child pornography also OD’d though it’s just as likely they were silenced because they knew too much about VIPs that for years they supplied with child victims. Also worth noting is that in 1998 and 1999, busy MP Margaret served in her spare time as chair of the infamous Fabian Society that for over a century as an elitist front for communism has been subversively pushing for one world totalitarian government. [205] David Nova, “The Control of Central Banks Worldwide by Rothschild,” bibliotecapleyades.net, January 26, 2017, https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica2/esp_sociopol_rothschild59.htm. Copyright © Finans 2020 alt materiale pÃ¥ denne side er omfattet af gældende lov om ophavsret her. [402] Kevin Garside, “Forbidden Games: the Justin Fashanu Documentary that Exposes Sport’s Gay Taboo,” i News, October 5, 2017, https://inews.co.uk/culture/film/justin-fashanu-documentary-lays-bare-sports-enduring-gay-taboo/. [405] “The Late Stephen Milligan MP,” https://www.scribd.com/document/256327891/The-late-Stephen-Milligan-MP-9-FACTS. [363] Syarif Hidayat, “Zionists Control and Rule America and United Kingdom,” hshidayat.blogspot.com, August 14, 2014, https://hshidayat.wordpress.com/2014/08/14/zionists-control-and-rule-america-and-united-kingdom/. [335] “Hodge Apologizes to Abuse Victim,” BBC, November 14, 2003, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/3270149.stm. Another convenient tactic the state deploys to silence would-be truth tellers and victims is to discredit and smear their credibility and reputation. [230] Kevin Barrett, “FBI Child Pimp Raid Ignores the Elite,” Veterans Today, August 1, 2013, https://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/08/01/fbi-pedo/. Intet mindre. [407] “Profile: The Striker who didn’t Score: Justin Fashanu, Dribbling round Westminster,” https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/profile-the-striker-who-didnt-score-justin-fashanu-dribbling-round-westminster-1393543.html. [404] Guy Adams, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6245607/Did-MI5-murder-Stephen-Milligan-Investigation-raises-sinister-possibility.html. [64] With the Islington beta test underway making it super easy for pedos to access care home children while guaranteed protection under gay rights, by September 1983 Islington’s next door neighbor Lambeth was pushing Hodge’s same Trojan horse policy. All hell broke loose after that. The agenda of the UK family court system’s been to tear families apart, remove children from non-abusive parents and tragically destroy the nation’s most basic, most vital social institution providing a bedrock of stability for eons of time, placing its most defenseless, vulnerable population into the predatory jaws of the UK Care System that’s systemically destroying them in unprecedented numbers. [297] “The Peerage: Virginia Hilda Brunette Maxwell Garnett, Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone,” peerage.com, http://www.thepeerage.com/p16101.htm. [50] “Paul Boateng,” rovolvy.com, https://www.revolvy.com/topic/Paul%20Boateng. But when his parents’ marriage broke up, Justin and his year younger brother John were placed in Barnardos children’s home, the same pedo-scandal outfit that Tony Blair’s wife Cherie became president of in 2001,[387] no doubt reason enough a dozen years later the queen bestowed a CBE honor for her pedo-gatekeeping “charity” work. [446] Mahesh CK, “Australian Universities Ban Sarcasm from Campus,” recentlyheard.com, November 18, 2018, https://recentlyheard.com/2018/11/18/australian-universities-ban-sarcasm-from-campus/. This was the early 90s…[267]. [411] The CIA and MI6 commonly use front companies like Asil Nader’s and Gerald James’ arms company called Astra in their booming illegal international gun running trade, right along with drugs, small children and human organs. [452] With a concentration of Zionist evangelicals voting in South Carolina, they’re anxiously awaiting Armageddon and the Second Coming. [309] Eileen Fairweather, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/10746412/Jimmy-Savile-sex-abuse-Islington-is-still-covering-up.html. [510] “Jailed Sex Abuse Headmaster Derek Slade Dies,” BBC, March 3, 2016, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-35715907. [45] “Mysterious Derek Laud,” aangirfan.com, October 25, 2012, https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2012/10/mysterious-derek-laud.html. The late author Michael Ellner sized it up succinctly: Just look at us. The potential future prime minister of the United Kingdom has seemingly been given a free pass by the press on his culpability in Britain’s child sexual abuse epidemic, at its worst in his own backyard. [340] Camilla Turner, “Veteran Labour MP Dame Margaret Hodge seeks Salary for a Voluntary University Pot,” The Telegraph, June 15, 2018, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/2018/06/15/veteran-labour-mp-dame-margaret-hodge-seeks-salary-voluntary/. [343] Sitting on its advisory board is Baron Lord Daniel Finkelstein, Times of London editor and Savile-Cyril Smith pedo-apologist.[344]. [26] Raf Sanchez and Hannah Furness, “Prince William’s Middle East Tour Causes Controversy as Palestinians claim it is ‘Indirect Apology,’” The Telegraph, June 22, 2018, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/06/22/prince-williams-middle-east-tour-causes-controversy-palestinians/. Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. [102] Harriet Sherwood, “Catholic Priest Jailed for 12 Years for Sexually Abusing 13 Children,” The Guardian, August 10, 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/aug/10/catholic-priest-philip-temple-jailed-12-years-sexually-abusing-13-children. Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. [127] Tom Pettifor, “Blair Government was Briefed about Paedophile Probe Involving Labour Minister before it was Halted,” Mirror, July 23, 2015, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/blair-government-briefed-police-paedophile-6123122. It’s also been reported that Jimmy Savile visited three cottages designated to house children with various disabilities, was friends with a Shirley Oaks superintendent back in the 1950s and 60s and DJ’d events at the Shirley Oaks Community Centre. [181] And of course it was Blair’s D-notices that fixed it for Mandy to stay a free man despite ordering child pornography online in 2002 during Operation Ore.[182] With all his known perversions, Mandelson fits the ideal blackmail-able mold to run the country behind the scenes as a Rothschild implant,[183] and by 2009, he’d already held a record 35 cabinet committee posts. [251] Additionally like Sir Cliff Richard, May’s father was born in India to a British soldier, a favorite common breeding ground for UK military intelligence.[252]. [40], Of course Tony Blair was far from the first UK prime minister to be sexually blackmailed into fighting wars for Israel. Vi kombinerer refleksion og indsigt med kreativ formidling. [398] “Fashanu, Cabinet Ministers, Whistleblowers,” https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2013/11/fashanu-cabinet-ministers-whistleblowers.html. Truly, hate speech simply means anything that Jews hate to hear. [292], Another serial pedophile who often joined Righton and Alston in incidents abusing boys is British Council teacher and PIE treasurer Charles Napier, half-brother to longtime Tory MP John Whittingdale. [432] Ian Greenhalgh, “Margaret Hodge leads Israeli Plot to Overthrow Corbyn,” Veterans Today, July 23, 2018, https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/07/23/margaret-hodge-leads-israeli-plot-to-overthrow-corbyn/. Released files prove that not only was Sir Peter Hayman a PIE member, he carried on lengthy correspondence with other sickos indicating that he shared a deranged obsession for sexual torture and murder of children. That’s the real reason behind all the childish hissy fits, acted out temper tantrums and escalating tensions recently. [138] Clive Driscoll, In Pursuit of the Truth (London: Ebury Press, 2015), https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pursuit-Truth-Clive-Driscoll/dp/178503006X. Jack Straw’s brother was found guilty of committing indecent assault on a 16-year old girl. [300] But more on him and the notorious Monday Club in the next chapter. Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (im Folgenden: „eBay-AGB“) regeln die Nutzung der deutschen Website (ebay.de), Dienste, lokalen und mobilen Applikationen (im Folgenden: “Apps”) und Anwendungen von eBay sowie deren Integration in andere Websites, Applikationen und Dienste (im Folgenden gemeinsam: „eBay … [57] With record numbers entering the care system at 90 a day in 2017[58] and already over 11% missing from their placements, it means that children are being mistreated and abused both in and out of their care homes, compounded and exacerbated by the rising record numbers being sinisterly placed hundreds of miles from home. [127] This absolutely proves that between Blairite disciples Sir Peter and Lord Paul, the prime minister was well aware that at least two of his ministers were/are extremely probable pedophiles. In 1983 when MP Geoffrey Dickens first raised the issue of MPs and cabinet ministers engaging in sexual abuse of British children, submitting his dossier to Home Secretary Leon Brittan, social workers across the nation went on strike for better pay and improved work conditions. Vores odds eksperter giver de nyeste spilfiduser, så du kan tjene mange penge - Følg med hver dag så du altid har de nyeste spilfiduser og odds forslag. Jack Straw’s son William was caught dealing drugs but given only a caution due to his Home Secretary father. [206] Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], an international banker, is chairman of the Jewish De Beers world-wide diamond monopoly, and chairman of the Anglo-American Corp.[207]. Dissemination of all or part of this recording or video without express written consent of the First Legislative District Democrats is … The largest searchable arrest and mugshots database online. Returning to the fellow pro-pedo MP originally from Islington chosen to bring down UK’s secretary of defense Portillo in 1997, Stephen Twigg entered Parliament at just 30-years old. As a related aside, Baroness Virginia Bottomley’s cousin Jeremy Hunt seemingly owes his political career to her nepotism, following her same career footsteps as South West Surrey MP then Cameron’s Tory health minister,[301] quoted worldwide reacting to the Savile bombshell, declaring So-vile’s actions have “shaken our country to the core.”[302] Profusely apologizing to Savile victims, Hunt indignantly issued the following stern warning: If there is evidence that people have criminally neglected claims at the time, behaved inappropriately… in a way that could make them subject to disciplinary procedures, that should happen and we will urge all NHS organisations to look carefully at anyone mentioned in these reports, and of course the police will look at the evidence against any individuals.[303]. Yet occasionally back in 2000, the alarming truth gets leaked out to the public by a then far less controlled press. [440] If you believe all the propaganda, you’d never realize estimates of 5 million non-Jews also died in the Nazi Holocaust, but as goyim, their lost lives don’t matter, just like the Palestinians. [70] Shan Lancaster, “Boys in Wimpy Bar ‘Sold for Gay Sex,’” The Sun/spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com, May 3, 1986, https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/boys-in-wimpy-bar-sold-for-gay-sex/. Overwhelmed by the ever-widening scope of abuse in their outlying community, upon learning it was systemic throughout the district involving child pornography and trafficking, when David Cofie urgently requested increased staff and funding to adequately meet the demand of investigating the major scandal brewing, Hodge severely chastised him, insisting a sound manager should be resourceful enough to work within a budget in the face of social services cutbacks. [165] Rebecca Camber and Jessica Satherley, “Seen for the first time: Lord Boateng’s Sex Attacker Son Grins for his Mugshot after Assault Arrest,” Daily Mail, October 26, 2011, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2053762/Lord-Boatengs-sex-attacker-son-Benjamin-grins-mugshot-assault-arrest.html. Ud over vore egne skribenter, vil en lang række andre bidragydere optræde pÃ¥ FINANS. They can manipulate or void these chips any time they want. [330] David Cohen, https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/yes-minister-you-were-told-about-child-abuse-in-the-care-homes-yet-you-refused-to-listen-30-6-03/. UK’s nonstop cover-up would be impossible otherwise. Council leader Hodge’s response this time turned even more aggressive, insulting and libelous, accusing the highly respected, award winning journalists of “a sensationalist piece of gutter journalism.”[307] Hodge was later forced to apologize once she could no longer pretend that she didn’t permit a humongous murderous pedophile ring to not only freely operate but flourish like never before throughout her ten year reign of child terror atop the Islington council. [300] Jason Groves, “I’ll Sue if anyone Links me to Untrue Paedophile Claims, says Tory Grandee Sir Peter Bottomley,” Daily Mail, July 7, 2014, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2683533/I-ll-sue-links-untrue-paedophile-claims-says-Tory-grandee-Peter-Bottomley.html. Er, lots of us, actually,” The Telegraph, June 20, 2001, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/4263183/Who-cares-about-Portillos-past-Er-lots-of-us-actually.html. And now onto the star of this chapter’s horror show, Margaret Hodge. For possessing his drug of choice that ruins young children’s lives, Phillip Lyon served only five months of a one year prison sentence. [221] That’s because a global Anglo-American-Zionist pedophile elite controls and enslaves both countries as well as Israel, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and virtually the entire globe. [380] “Child Abuse, Arms Deals, Murder, Deep State, Cyprus, Iraq, Wales,” https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2012/11/child-abuse-arms-deals-murders-deep.html. [354] “Friends of Israel,” aagirfan.com/hollygreigjustice.blogspot.com, September 4, 2018, https://holliegreigjustice.wordpress.com/2018/09/05/friends-of-israel/. Years prior to her Islington debacle pedophilia scandals splashed across UK’s headlines and TV news broadcasts – for starters the 1984 Dickens’ accusations from the infamous “lost” dossier maintaining a Westminster VIP pedophile ring at the heart of the British government. His primary handler was “Lord Cashpoint” – Committee of 300 player Michael Levy, who financed Tony Blair’s meteoric rise to the world stage along with his New Labor Party from 1994 to 2007. [169] For several months in 2015 this derelict attempted to recruit his hired female escort to join him sexually abusing, torturing and murdering 10 girls from local care homes in a business proposal offered as part of a snuff film deal the plotted ending the victims’ bodies being disposed of in vats of acid, all for the perverted viewing pleasure of elite politicians. Former British intelligence operative Anthony T. Stokes has written that in 1983 Tony Blair was caught soliciting sex from underage boys in a police surveilled London public restroom, “importuning in public toilets.”[15] Though required to appear at the Bow Street Magistrate Court where he used his two middle names “Charles Lynton,” thereby avoiding scandal as a brand new elected Member of Parliament. Another key Jewish Blair handler of the Zionist persuasion, or so called chief foreign policy/national security advisor from 2001 to 2003 coordinating the US-British Iraq invasion was Committee of 300 VIP,[21] Sir David Manning. [414] Mark Thatcher, the prime minister’s son, got 12 million pounds richer selling warplanes to the Saudis in British history’s biggest arms deal,[415] so more innocent civilians in Yemen can be massacred with full US-UK complicity. [318] Eileen Fairweather, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1086200/Revealed-How-close-male-relative-Baby-P-linked-big-paedophile-network.html. Oh yeah, I forgot, his alleged victims were only expendable, throwaway kids from UK care homes. That same year while dancing the night away in a London gay nightclub, Twigg was attacked by an Islington child abuse survivor accusing him of direct involvement in Hodge’s Islington-Jersey child abuse-pornography-murder scandal.[418]. [378] Louise Jury, “Satirical Paper’s Editor Killed,” Independent, September 9, 1996, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/satirical-papers-editor-killed-1362529.html. [88] Tom Marshall, “Children ’Abused on an Industrial Scale’ at South London Care Homes,” Evening Standard, March 24, 2016, https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/children-abused-on-industrial-scale-at-south-london-care-homes-a3211341.html. But a leading pathologist concluded Stephen Milligan was a murder victim as he had never heard of both a bag over the head and ligature in the mouth as suicides always involve one or the other. Derek Sawyer maintained a 40-year friendship with Derek Slade going back to their college days as well as maintained an enduring business partnership involving four different organizations. [33] This outfit serviced thousands of international customers busily downloading its child pornography. Simon suffered bruises and was hospitalized while arrangements were swiftly made to fly the two uninjured women back home to London. [357] “What Links Michael Jackson, Jimmy Savile and Mr. X?” aangirfan.com, March 1, 2014, https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2014/03/what-links-michael-jackson-jimmy-savile.html. [279] John Hall, “Officer involved in 1992 Child Porn Arrest said five Suitcases Stuffed with Letters suggested links to Establishment and Senior Clergy,” Daily Mail, July 9, 2014, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2685620/Why-didnt-investigate-Officer-involved-1992-child-porn-arrest-Peter-Righton-said-five-suitcases-stuffed-letters-home-suggested-links-establishment-senior-clergy.html. [46] “UK Government Document Confirms over 2,000 Child Sex Abuse Files Destroyed,” whale.to, February 3, 2015, http://whale.to/c/uk_government_document6.html. [320] Eileen Fairweather, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1086200/Revealed-How-close-male-relative-Baby-P-linked-big-paedophile-network.html. [308] Eileen Fairweather, “’I have known about Jersey Paedophiles for 15 years,’ says Award-Winning Journalist,” Daily Mail, March 2, 2008, https://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/article-523706/I-known-Jersey-paedophiles-15-years-says-award-winning-journalist.html. In charge of all UK police investigations, Tory Home Secretary (1993-97) Michael Howard likely ordered the probe closed in order to protect Britain’s VIPs and involvement in the international child trafficking network.[286]. After all her afflicted damage, both Hodge and Blair continued catching nonstop flack for appointing her overseer of British children’s welfare, barraged by relentless blowback and more than justified criticism for her ghastly pro-pedophilia career. [444] Joachim Hagopian, “’Politically Correct’: The War on Free Speech, Free Press, Free Internet and the Truth. Founder Theodor Herzl’s Zionist Movement credited with securing the birth of Israel in 1948 (again through Rothschild support and power) as an independent sovereign nation, having actively co-opted with Hitler’s National Socialist Party in 1933 right up to wartime with their mutually cooperative plan to utilize World War II death camp Jews as sacrificial pawns, essentially punished for failing to join the 60,000 that freely immigrated from Nazi Germany to Palestine. [218] The pedo-wheel just keeps spinning round and round with the same incestual cast of high profile pedo-lovers as the usual suspects. [479] Michael F. Blume, “Jews against Zionism,” rightlydividingtheword.com, 2008, https://www.rightlydividingtheword.com/articles/jewszionism.htm. Secret occult knowledge and pedophilic ritual often play a central grooming role in conditioning “chosen” by birthright males into accepting and engaging in pedophilia through the social conditioning process in both elite families and elite educational institutions. I therefore cannot comment on why the police did not seek my assistance.[124]. [371] “Asil Nadir and the Secret Photographs,” http://asilnadirandthesecretphotographs.blogspot.com//. At the same time Tony Blair became Catholic, in a move straight out of Lucifer’s playbook, immediately following his resignation, President George W. Bush made his partner-in-love-and-war crimes his Middle East “peace” envoy in 2007. For her Illuminati lineage, the true essence of one Dame Margaret Oppenheimer-Hodge emerges while she presided over the Islington council between 1982 and 1992, the direct overseer in charge of her district’s social services for children. Under the burgeoning umbrella of “anti-hate speech laws,” spreading their flimsily veiled cover for absolute authoritarian tyranny, more governments are seeking to criminalize the truth, in this case objecting to Israel’s rampantly aggressive genocidal policies against the Palestinians. [294] In December 2014 the 67-year old Napier was sentenced to 13 years for committing hundreds of sexual assaults on rent boys and schoolboys over a span of many decades. From professional mental health to academia, and media to entertainment on multi-pronged fronts, be they subliminal or overt, the recurrent, in-our-face message and theme is that like LGBT, society should learn tolerance and acceptance towards pedophiles. Really? If this sicko is for real, and evidence that snuff films shared amongst the most whacko of the rich and powerful does exist, depicting the most deplorable crimes imaginable, blood sacrificing children on camera do draw top dollar. Childlike juvenile Mizutama Remon sucks a wang then rides.. With alleged interest in tapping his wealth of inside pedo-knowledge of the North Wales scandal as a hotelier, Merceyside-Metro Police finally took the serial predator-VIP child procurer into custody after he admitted to 35 sexual assaults against a dozen boys, receiving a 10 year prison sentence for over two decades worth of mostly unpunished crimes. 13: Hillary Madsen vs. Andrea Robertson Ms. Madsen is recommended to the Executive Board for endorsement. [477] After all, from the very get-go, Zionism’s Modus Operandi has always been that the ends justify the means. [258] Matt Taylor, “Theresa May: Leadership of Lunacy,” Guerilla Democracy News, June 8, 2017, http://guerrillademocracy.blogspot.com/2017/06/theresa-may-public-inquiries-special.html. With Lambeth also the home headquarters of Britain’s notorious foreign intelligence services the MI6,[53] and the proven nexus between worldwide pedophilia operations and global intelligence services (see Chapters 9-11),[54] is it purely by coincidence that for so many decades Lambeth has been such a safe haven for pedophile beasts to prolifically prey upon the borough’s defenseless group home children?
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