The Armenian king, who had two sons, Tigran and Sabaris (Shavarsh), had been defeated by Astyages and compelled to pay annual tribute. 350-368 Reign of Arshak II, ends with his arrest by Persian King Shapuh II. On the night of 14 February 1216 Leo managed by a successful intrigue, in which the Latin Patriarch Peter undoubtedly helped, to lead Armenian troops into Antioch and to occupy the city.[1][3]. 1991 January - Georgian forces invade South Ossetia in response to independence movement there; fighting continues all year; Soviet troops invade Azerbaijan, ostensibly to halt anti-Armenian pogroms. Armenia had become a Roman vassal kingdom, but the Parthian king Vologases I appointed a new Armenian ruler. [1] He welcomed the Greek Patriarch of Antioch, Symeon II to Cilicia, and he gave much of the Latin church lands there to the Greeks. [4], In 1194–1195, when he was planning to receive the title of king, he instituted a union of the Armenian church with Rome. [3], Pope Innocent III handed the responsibility of settling the struggle to the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Albert who was a friend of Bohemond IV’s allies, the Templars. Armenians were the first to adopt Christianity as a national religion, by tradition in 301 AD. Gregory used two powerful tools to spread the word: education and military power. To this day, the country is still Christian. [3] Leo determined that this great-nephew of his should inherit Antioch on the death of Bohemond III. 1989 September - Azerbaijan begins blockade of Armenian fuel and supply lines over Karabakh issue. Leo II (Armenian: Լեւոն Ա Մեծագործ, Levon I. Metsagorts; 1150 – 2 May 1219), also Leon II, Levon II or Lewon II, was the tenth lord of Armenian Cilicia or “Lord of the Mountains” (1187–1198 /1199), and the first king of Armenian Cilicia (sometimes as Levon I the Magnificent or Lewon I ) (1198 /1199–1219). 549 - c.535 BC: Tigranes Yervanduni: Orontid Armenian satrap and former king. 402-401 Retreat of Xenophon across Armenia. The Roman-Parthian war broke out again in the sixties of the first century CE. The power of Leo thus increased, and being confident in his strength, he chased the Tadjiks [name used by Armenian chroniclers to designate the Saracens, particularly the Seljuks] and pursued the Turks; he conquered Isauria and came as far as Iconium; he captured Heraclea, and again gave it up for a large ransom; he blockaded Caesarea, and had nearly taken it; he made a treaty with the Sultan of Iconium, and received a large sum of money from him; he surrounded Cilicia on every side with forts and castles; he built a new church called Agner, and was exceedingly generous to all monasteries erected by his ancestors; his bounty extended itself even to the leprous; they being shunned by everybody and expelled from every place, he assigned to them a particular house, and provided them with necessaries. Armenian victories at Gharakilise, Bash Aparan and Sardarapat save Armenia. [3] The Seljuk Sultan, Kai-Kushrau I, whom Leo had befriended earlier and received at his court, also made a sudden attack and seized the fort of Pertous. 1992 June - Military coup deposes Elchibey in Azerbaijan; Aliyev returns to power. [1] Saladin himself had objected to Leo’s holding Baghras, which lay on the route from Cilicia to Antioch. [6][7] Leo eagerly led his kingdom alongside the armies of the Third Crusade and provided the crusaders with provisions, guides, pack animals and all manner of aid. Roustam himself being killed by St. George, the whole Hagarenian army then fled and dispersed; the Armenians pursued them and enriched themselves by the booty. [3] He immediately demanded recognition as rightful heir and Bohemond IV was accepted as prince. [5], His brother’s absence gave Leo the opportunity to put his sharp political skills to practice as the interim guardian of the Roupenian House. [2] Following their father’s death, Leo and his elder brother Roupen lived with their maternal uncle, Pagouran, lord of the fortress of Barbaron, protecting the Cilician Gates pass in the Taurus Mountains. [3] In his joy at the successful outcome of the long war, Leo at last gave back Baghras to the Templars and restored the Latin church lands in Cilicia. Kingdom of Armenia, also the Kingdom of Greater Armenia, or simply Greater Armenia, was a monarchy which existed from 321 BC to 428 AD. [4] Bohemond of Tripoli was determined to secure the succession to Antioch, and at once refused to acknowledge the validity of the oath sworn in favor of his nephew. [3] There he found Leo still unwilling to forgive him, although on his deathbed. Haykazuni (Haykazian, Haykides) - The first dynasty of patriarchs, lords and kings of Armenia (2492 or 2107 before common era - 331 A.D.). `Osawatomie' Brown's 29-Great Grandfather. Tiglath Pilser I becomes the first great king of the Assyrian Empire. Land of the Bible HRE Ferdinand I's 19-Great Grandfather. [3] But the new treaty was abruptly broken the next year with further actions against the Templars. [1] But Bohemond’s danger in Antioch in 1208 induced az-Zahir once more to invade Cilicia in 1209. In 245, when the Seleucids were involved in the Laodicean War in the West, a satrap named Andragoras revolted from the young Seleucid king Seleucus II Callinicus, who had just succeeded to the throne. 1920 April 18-26 Congress of San Remo asks US President Wilson to designate Armenian-Turkish boundary. [3] But Leo’s attempts to keep the fortress of Baghras, despite his promise in the treaty with az-Zahir to return it to the Templars, led to a war in Cilicia and in the Antiochene plain. 1918 Independent Armenian, Azerbaijani, and Georgian states emerge from defeat of Ottoman Empire in World War I. In this period the kat'oghikos, lord Yohanes, went to King Leo having heard blameworthy information about /the unfaithfulness/ of the lady of Antioch, whom the king had /as a wife/. [3], Soon after the death of Saladin,[4] in October 1193, Leo invited Bohemond III to come to Baghras to discuss the whole question. Ashot V `the Great' (1st King) of ARMENIA. [4][7] He sent to Emperor Henry VI; but the emperor prevaricated, because he hoped to come soon to the East and he would look into the Armenian Question then. Armenia was converted to Christianity about 300 ce, becoming the first kingdom to adopt the religion after the Arsacid king Tiridates III was converted by St. Gregory the Illuminator. 1922 Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic combines Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia as single republic within Soviet Union, 1930 Transfer of Holy See of Cilicia to Antelias. 66 Trdat I crowned King – founding Arshakuni dynasty that ruled Armenia through 428 during Armenia's conversion to Christianity 4. Through his skills as a cavalry commander he became Rome’s most important ally, and the first King of Numidia. [3] In the spring of 1206, Az-Zahir sent fresh contingents and assumed their command in person. [3] Meanwhile, Bohemond IV agreed to accept a new Latin Patriarch in Antioch; Leo therefore forgot his obedience to Rome. [4], The menace of the recent alliance between the Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos and Saladin, and the more immediate threat of the Turkomans, led to a rapprochement between Leo and Bohemond III:[4] on his accession Leo sought an alliance with the prince of Antioch and recognized his suzerainty. When King Andrew II of Hungary, having fulfilled his Crusader vow, took his troops northward in January 1218,[1] and traveled to Cilician Armenia. [1] Leo hoped to gain release from homage to Bohemond III, and to seize Antioch; therefore, Leo took Bohemond’s family and court off to Sis as prisoners. According to the tradition St. Abgar was the first Christian king of the 1st century, the son of the Parthian king Arshakunie Arsham. /Yohanes/ related /these matters/ to the king in private. 1988 February 20 - Nagorno-Karabakh government votes to unify that autonomous region of Azerbaijan with Armenia. Agnes Harris's 27-Great Grandfather. [3] There was great rejoicing among the Armenians, who saw their ancient kingdom restored and renewed in the person of Leo. [5] Under his rule, Armenian power in Cilicia was at its apogee: his kingdom extended from Isauria to the Amanus Mountains. Poss. 310) Trdat III accepts Christianity for the Armenian people. [6] The transforming of the Armenian court, following the pattern of the Frankish courts, proceeded at a more rapid pace after Leo came to power. [4][7], He envisioned annexing the Principality of Antioch to his kingdom, thus reinforcing his authority along much of the northeastern Mediterranean coastline. [1] Large bands of the nomad Turkomans had been crossing the northern borders, advancing almost as far as Sis and laying waste on all sides;[4] the two princes joined to beat off a Turcoman raid in 1187. [4], Triumphant entry of Leo the Magnificent into Antioch. Bronze Age chariot sculptures from Armenia [6] A skilled diplomat and wise politician, Leo established useful alliances with many of the contemporary rulers; he also gained the friendship and support of the Hospitallers and the Teutonic Knights by granting considerable territories to them. Might have been Aramu, first king of Urartu. HM George I's 25-Great Grandfather. [6] They encouraged the establishment of Italian merchant communities in Tarsus, Adana and Mamistra, and became a large source of revenue for the growth and development of Cilician Armenia. 1992 Fall - Multilateral negotiations seek settlement of Karabakh conflict, without result; fighting, blockade, and international negotiation continue into 1994. 1936 Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia become separate republics within Soviet Union. [1], In April 1201, Bohemond of Tripoli, informed of his father’s illness, rushed to Antioch, arriving on the day of the funeral. 1992 October - Aliyev elected president of Azerbaijan. [10] There a marriage was arranged between Andrew's son, Andrew, and Leo’s daughter, Isabelle. ... m ( [23/30] Apr 1214) as his second wife, JEAN de Brienne King... 2. 1918 Turkish forces invade Armenia. 1921 February 18: Armenian uprising briefly ends Soviet rule. [3], Leo was reconciled with Rome in March 1213[3] after he had promised that he would help in the coming Crusade. Once a satrapy belonging to the King of Kings, Armenia now stands on the threshold of a new era. Died: abt. [3] While he was crowned by the catholicos, Gregory VI Abirad, Leo received the other royal insignia from Archbishop Conrad of Mainz. [3] There was no resistance to his army or to its restoration of Bohemond III. Turkish/Tartar forces expelled from Kars Province, but Commander Thomson keeps Olti mines under his control. [4] An eight-year truce was signed. Smbat I. Smbat I (Armenian: Սմբատ Ա.) [3] Within three month, however, Leo settled his Moslem troubles, made peace with the military orders, and marched on Antioch. The early - legendary - Armenian king, Tigranes Yervanduni, is brought into history as the first native satrap. Saint Gregory, then, had state backing to spread the Gospel message, and it was a work continued by his descendants who inherited the role of first bishop of Armenia. Leo eagerly led his kingdom alongside the armies of the Third Cr… [4], Meanwhile, he was reported “injurious information” about his queen; therefore Leo had numerous members of her suite put to death and attacked her personally before imprisoning her in the fortress of Vahka on 27 January 1205/28 January 1206, where she was poisoned one year later.[2]. [3], In Cyprus between 28 January 1210/27 January 1211 Leo married Sibylle, the half-sister of King Hugh I of Cyprus. 782 Founding of Erebuni Fortress, foundation of Yerevan. Leo II[1] (Armenian language: Լեւոն Ա Մեծագործ [3] During the following summer King Amalric II of Jerusalem intervened; accompanied by the papal legate, cardinal Sofred of Saint-Praxedis, the masters of the Hospital and the Temple, and the high barons of the kingdom, he induced Leo to grant a short truce. [1] He also won the favor of King John I, who in 1214 married Leo’s daughter Rita and expected to inherit Armenia. Abgar (Աբգար) is the dynastic name of a number of rulers of Osroene, a small Hellenistic state in Northern Mesopotamia with its capital in … 813 Armenian prince Ashot I begins 1,000 years of rule in Georgia by Bagratid Dynasty. [1] In 1197 Leo sent an embassy to Constantinople composed of Bishop Nerses of Lampron and other dignitaries; all of the discussions centered on religious questions, and the sending of the embassy was the last of several fruitless efforts to achieve a union between the two churches. In Rome, Tiridates was safe until he could one day triumphantly return to Armenia as their king. [1] Leo heard of the death of Bohemond III late, but then hurried to Antioch with Alice and Raymond-Roupen to claim it for his great-nephew. [3] Before Leo died, he had named his young daughter Isabel as his rightful heir and had released the barons from the oaths of allegiance to Raymond Roupen. King Lewon I & his first wife had one child: 1. Articles needing factual verification from August 2012, Articles incorporating an MLCC with a warning, Articles containing Armenian-language text, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, "Lords of the Mountains, Kings of (Cilician) Armenia (Family of Rupen)",,*.html,, Greeks, Crusaders and Moslems — Rise of Leon II,,_King_of_Armenia?oldid=5405905. 1936-37 Purges under political commissar Lavrenti Beria reach their peak in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, mid 1940s to 1950s A couple of hundred thousand. [3] Az-Zahir invaded Cilicia in July 1201, and Leo had to abandon his siege of Antioch. [1] in 1216. conflicts with above), 30 - 20 Restoration of Kingdom of Armenia under King Artashes II, @30 Abkar of Edessa, first Christian convert in Armenia, @48-49 Apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew introduce Christianity to Armenia, 66 Construction of Fortress and Temple of. For centuries, historians have widely accepted the argument that Armenia was the first Christian nation. Hayk Nahapet - On 11 August 2492 b.c.e. According to tradition, the first preachers of Christianity in Armenia were St. Thaddeus and St. Bartholomew apostles. This was too much for the Romans, and their commander Cnaeus Domitius Corbulo invaded Armenia. In the confusion, Parthia was overrun … Hayk Nahapet - On 11 August 2492 b.c.e. Juliano Zasso, 1885, Archbishop Conrad of Mainz hastened from Sis to Antioch, where he obliged Bohemond III to summon his barons and make them swear to uphold Raymond-Roupen’s succession. In 1393 Leo VI died living no heir and the title revolved on James I. James I was proclaimed King of Armenia in 1396 in the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Nicosia and passed on the title to his successors. 884-890 Reign of Ashot I, Bagratuni dynasty. First Armenian dynasty. 11th-14th centuries Byzantine Greeks invade Armenia from west, Seljuk Turks from east. [1] Leo was crowned on 6 January 1198 (or 1199)[6] at Tarsus,[7] in the presence of the Armenian clergy, the Franco-Armenian nobility of the land, the Greek archbishop of Tarsus, the Jacobite patriarch, and the caliph’s ambassadors. St. Aristakes (who is St. Gregory the Illuminators son) participates as one of the 318 founders of the Christian Church. 1878-1918 Stepan Shahumian, Bolshevik leader in Baku, 1878-1943 Zabel Yessaian, novelsit, educator, 1878-1945 Vahan Tekeyan, poet, political leader, 1879-1919 Aram Manukian, leader of defense of Van, 1879-1950 Armen Tigranian, opera composer, 1880-1972 Martiros Sarian, painter of Armenian life, 1881 First Armenian Protestant Church in The US, 1882-1950 Ruben Ter-Minasian, leader of defense of Sassoun, 1882-1969 Simon Vratsian, Prime Minister of first Republic of Armenia, writer, 1883-1948 Hagop Oshakan, novelist, literary critic, 1891 First Armenian revolutionary party formed, 1891 First Armenian Apostolic Church in the US, 1895 Massacre of 300,000 Armenian subjects by Ottoman Turks, 1895-1971 Gregory Peter Agajanian, first Armenian Cardinal, 1903-1978 Aram Khachatourian, composer of classical music, 1908-1996 Victor Hambardzumian, astrophysicist. [4] In 1191, Saladin dismantled the great fortress of Baghras, which he had captured from the Templars. [3] Early next spring, King Henry I sailed to Tripoli, where young Bohemond joined him, and then went on to Antioch and Sis. [6] His greatest triumph was achieved at the beginning of 1216 when at the head of his army he occupied Antioch and installed his grandnephew, Raymond-Roupen as its head. 95-55 Armenian Empire reaches greatest size and influence under, 68 Battle of Aratsani. One of the earliest Christian civilisations, Armenia's first churches were founded in the fourth century. Leo was a valiant and learned prince; he enlarged his principality and became the master of many provinces. [3] Leo, unwilling to face an open war, met him before Sis, ready to negotiate a settlement. 1101-1173 Nerses Shnorhali - poet, clergyman, composer of sharagans. [3] When he found Bohemond IV already installed, he sent back for reinforcements, while Bohemond IV called for Aleppo. c.535 - 515 BC: Vahagn: Orontid Armenian satrap. [4] A surprise attack on Bragana was unsuccessful, but Leon returned two months later with a larger army, killed the head of the garrison, seized the fortress and marched into Isauria. The Armenian homeland is not too far away in geographical terms from the Holy Land where Jesus preached and was crucified. [6][7], Their paternal uncle, Mleh I, lord of Armenian Cilicia had made a host of enemies by his cruelties in his country, resulting in his assassination by his own soldiers in the city of Sis in 1175. [1] Bohemond III renounced his as a suzerain, and in return for this was allowed to go back to Antioch without paying a ransom. The Armenian army was then composed of 40,000 infantrymen and 8,000 cavalry. Phavos (1st King) of ARMENIA (P'awos) Note: The names of the ancient Kings of Armenia are partly confirmed by historic Hittite records, though the father-son relationships shown are guessed. Arda was the daughter of an Armenian noble named Thathoul (or Thoros), the lord of Marash, and the first queen consort of Jerusalem from 1100 to 1105 AD. [6] His accession to the throne of Cilicia as its first Armenian monarch heralded into reality not merely an official end to Cilicia’s shadowy umbilical connection to the Byzantine Empire, but also a new era of ecclesiastical co-operation with the West.
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