The AcreValue Kansas plat map, sourced from Kansas tax assessors, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. (About Ads | Hide These Ads) 100 Third Street, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104. William Elsey Connelley, 1900s. The decisions we make have to pass one simple test: will it make Douglas County a better place? Use your mouse wheel or double-click your mouse on a desktop computer. Zoom in and out to view the map at different scales. Kansas Legislative Research Department (June 19, 2001): 1992 Congressional Districts with selected cities and county populations (pdf, 741 kb). Courthouse: 1100 Massachusetts Street Lawrence, KS 66044. TTY 303.663.7791. The following will allow you to view the wards, precincts, and polling places associated with a particular office and district. Zoning Maps. Judicial and Law Enforcement Center: 111 East 11th Street Lawrence, KS 66044. Your County… Douglas County, Kansas Territory, in the era of bleeding Kansas. 303.660.7400. Custom maps are defined as any map not listed as a Standard Map Product or a Standard Map Product requiring modifications. 7 Atlas of Douglas County. On a touch screen, use your fingers to pinch or move your fingers apart. Map of Douglas County, Kansas. "This map is designed to be printed on 11 x 17 inch or larger format paper." To view all the polling places for Douglas County, select "All Polling Places" then "County". Click on the Home button (looks like a house) to zoom out to all of Douglas County. You will then choose a specific district. LM 489, no. Contact Us. Oversize and Overweight Vehicle Permits from Douglas County » The tables below list GIS data sets available for download. I. Cooper Stuck, July 4, 1857. AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. Kansas has two senators in the United States Senate and four representatives in the United States House of Representatives. North Eudora Precinct 52, Douglas County, KS - view area data like population, house unit, etc. Search Criteria Click or tap the + and - buttons in the upper left corner of the map. Kansas Legislative Research Department (July 31, 2002): Guidelines and Criteria for 2002 Kansas Congressional and Legislative Redistricting, 2 pages (). First, select which office you wish to view. Douglas County. Kansas is a state in the United States. Precinct Maps Precinct 317. Show North Eudora Precinct 52 on the map, create and download custom graphs for North Eudora Precinct 52, explore neighboring areas of North Eudora Precinct 52, measure distance between North Eudora Precinct 52 and other areas, and more. A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Colorado that establishes land use classifications within zone districts. Assessor Land Building Motor … The CMP represents a shared vision of the citizens of Douglas County as expressed by the Planning Commission. Popular Links. Phone: 785-832-5100 Employee Login Kansas. Shawnee Indian Reservation of 1854 plat maps (later parts of Douglas, Wyandotte and Johnson Counties), Isaac Cooper Stuck, 1857. All data are in the State Plane Coordinate System, Zone: Kansas North, FIPS Zone: 1501, Datum: NAD83, Units: Feet.
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