Written by John Phelan. Modified image by FEE, originally from Gage Pierce on Unsplash Brad Polumbo. In the video below, Dr. MLK makes his quote but it is clear that he never endorsed riotous violent behavior and doesn’t encourage it. Well, here's a talking point to counter. In addition to the injured cops, the protests have cost the city approximately $115 million not including police overtime which cost the Big Apple $179 million. Flames rise from a … “According to the New York Police Department, from May 28 to July 22, 303 cop cars have been vandalized during the protests. Furthermore, it feeds the fire of the racial divide. Most likely yes to both organizations, but what seems to be consistent is that the rioters are usually a separate group from those black and white protesters who were peacefully protesting but the rioters come into these cities from out of town and cause massive destruction. Low-income residents are the major beneficiaries of entrepreneurship in the inner city, so when emotions trump logic and businesses exit these communities, the losers are poor black people. As the leader of the Civil Rights movement with millions of black Americans waiting to be directed regarding their next move, it is clear in hindsight that not only did Dr. King believe in the effectiveness of non-violence, but that he also realized that he was personally responsible for each decision that he made, every word that he spoke that effected the health and welfare of those whom he led. King makes a point to denounce the misuse of the quote that her father made regarding “a riot is the language of the unheard.” She said he was simply explaining where the riots are coming from. But those riots did not even accrue $25 million in damages. If the other police officers standing by had shot the perpetrator that shot the officers the public outcry would have been that the officers were in the wrong. Looting costs in America’s 20 largest metropolitan areas exceeded $400 million from the first weekend of rioting, according to a new report from the Anderson Economic Group. A bicuspid costs $879. ... searched in vain for news about the riots’ overall cost. In a recent interview, BLM organizer Ariel Atkins argued that lootings are reparations for African Americans. Begin typing your search above and press return to search. Atkins denounced the suggestion that anything can be gained from peaceful protests. This is my opinion, please share yours below. In the two weeks after the death of George Floyd in Minnesota, rioters and looters across the country racked up between $1 and $2 billion in property damage. ( Log Out / In a recent interview, BLM organizer Ariel Atkins argued that lootings are reparations for African Americans. The long-term implication of riots is that they stigmatize African American communities as hotbeds of social unrest. Dillon 379 Articles A.P. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters) Riots have long-lasting consequences. State Highway Patrol spent over $300,000; Raleigh Police over $1.4M. City details Portland protest violence, damage, cost of repairs in response to motion to restrict tear gas, crowd control weapons Updated Jul 07, 2020; Posted Jul 07, 2020 17 Looting costs in America’s 20 largest metropolitan areas exceeded $400 million from the first weekend of ... damage incurred by riots in just Minnesota could total more than $25 ... 2020. ... a memory hole the extent of destruction from the ongoing Black Lives Matter/Antifa race riots. The Floyd riots were the first time since 1992 that a so-called “civil disorder event” has been classified as a “catastrophe” - a real insurance category, representing anything causing over $25 million in insured losses - according to Property Claim Services, which tracks such claims. With those totals expected to increase, the Insurance Information Institute anticipates that the widespread rioting of 2020 will end up being the costliest in American history. Local businesses reported a total loss of $23.2 million due to the protests, the Portland Business Alliance (PBA) said according to the report. Unfortunately these rioters look to find their way into the midst of the peaceful protesters to make it look as though it is the protesters causing the damage while hiding themselves amongst. As Princeton’s, in a recent study: “Evaluating black-led protests between 1960 and 1972, I find that nonviolent activism, particularly when met with a state of vigilante repression, drove media coverage, framing, Congressional speech, and public opinion on civil rights. Image credit: A.P. “Winning has come through revolts, Winning has come through riots, ‘’ she said. MOREOVER, TELL YOU GOVERNORS AND MAYORS TO BRING IN THE MILITARY AND LET THEM PUT DOWN THE RIOTERS, MAKE ARRESTS AND PROSECUTE THEM. George Floyd protests; raleigh; riots; About A.P. EVERYWHERE, USA – Many US cities have seen weeks of destruction stemming from protests and civil disorder in the wake of George Floyds death. The Long Term Costs of Riots. But alongside the protests came riots — at a great cost to some Black-owned businesses. Change ). September 6, 2020. Counties proximate to nonviolent protests saw presidential Democratic vote share among whites increase 1.3-1.6 %. As Princeton’s Omar Wasow notes in a recent study: “Evaluating black-led protests between 1960 and 1972, I find that nonviolent activism, particularly when met with a state of vigilante repression, drove media coverage, framing, Congressional speech, and public opinion on civil rights. 2) Riots are both self-defeating and socially destructive. Violence is not only dangerous for the participants but it does not cause reconciliation but instead creates and widens the divide. Then again, the pundit who reprehensibly claims that destroying property “is not violence” risks nothing. He said those riots cost almost $5 billion in economic activity measured in lost sales over 10 years. The Social and Political Commentary Quientessential Citizen Media Journal Magazine of Hal-E Photography, Black Lives Matter Organizer: BLM Movement has been Hi-Jacked by Leftist Democrats, Dems Race To Disband Police Leaving The People Helpless, The Life and heart of a city is it’s people, TELL YOU GOVERNORS AND MAYORS TO BRING IN THE MILITARY AND LET THEM PUT DOWN THE RIOTERS, MAKE ARRESTS AND PROSECUTE THEM, Justice 4 All: “There’s Something Really Wrong Here!”, Things That Make You Go Hmm: “The Military Industrial Complex”, Rebranding Socialism to a New Generation: Capitalism vs. Socialism, Rebranding Socialism to a New Generation: An Historical View, Day of Prayer and March For America: 9/26/20. Harsanyi: The Cost of Riots. The economic costs of riots and COVID-19 lockdowns. That is what I believe Dr. King was also alluding to when he said that it was impractical. History doesn’t speak much about the Elaine, Arkansas massacre. These riots were the most destructive in American history. Biggest Black Lives Matter Facebook page run by white … The True Cost of Riots. Early estimates from a branch of Verisk Analytics called Property Claims Services put the costs of the riots over the death of George Floyd somewhere between $500 million and $900 million. The most expensive riots were the 1992 Los Angeles Rodney King riots that resulted in $775 million in insured losses, which when adjusted for 2020 inflation, cost a whopping $1.4 billion, according to III. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made it very clear that 1) if every other Negro in America decided to use violence then he would still be the only one to remain non-violent. Those of us who understand human nature know that violence is usually counterproductive. Riots And The Economics of Urban Unrest. ( Log Out / The rioters aren’t likely coming at their own expense; they are obviously being financed by someone with a lot of money that is paying for their transportation, their food, their lodging, and their bail as they go from city to city. RED PILL: Truth About Covid19 and Vaccines? The damage from riots and looting across the U.S. following the death of George Floyd is estimated to be the costliest in insurance history – between $1 billion and $2 billion. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters) Riots have long-lasting consequences. June 23, 2020 7:32 PM ET. $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history https://t.co/edlbO0xsfH — Axios (@axios) September 16, 2020 No, this is a crisis that the Left has decided not to let go to waste. George Floyd riots will cost insurance companies $2 BILLION Ariel Zilber For Dailymail.com and Agencies 9/16/2020 No 'mass exodus' in California during the pandemic, study finds Only now are we beginning to realize the full cost of the destruction. Ep 389 | The UNTOLD Cost of Riots. Images of property destruction and rioting from the Raleigh Police Dept. Last Updated Sep 19th, 2020 at 3:06 am. Rioting in Los Angeles in August 1965 — the second costliest civil disorder — caused $357 million in damages, measured in 2020 dollars. When are we going to stop calling good evil and evil good? Press Esc to cancel. Simply blacks who were attacked and some fought back and because of it they were massacred. What this means is that African Americans are deprived of the social capital and networks required to succeed in a competitive environment. Examining the effects of civil disorder on small businesses in inner cities, sociologists Howard Aldrich and Albert Reiss found that riots not only inflicted serious property damages but in the long term they made it prohibitive to operate in inner cities, hence driving up insurance costs. So how much money did all of this rioting cost? Posted: Aug 04, 2020 12:01 AM. Eminent economists Robert Margo and William Collins in their assessment of the effects of the riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr argue that “the riots depressed the median value of black-owned property between 1960 and 1970, with little or no rebound in the 1970s. HISTORY: VIOLENT REBELLIONS THAT COST BLACK LIVES. In other words, the cost of rioters in this movement is that it de-legitimizes the message of the protesters. You thought all of this was about George Floyd? FAIR Health says the average cost of a filling is $395, or, more specifically: $132 for an amalgam (silver) filling. A front tooth costs $762. One of the goals of this type of destructive action is to mock the legitimate issues of the masses. Lastly, we must reject not only vandalism, but also the radicalism of the BLM movement. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s daughter Dr. Bernice A. Princeton University has also discovered that pandering to the BLM movement could become very costly in a way they never expected. September 6, 2020. African Americans have experienced substantial progress over the past century. Why is it important to be mindful of this? Homes in such neighborhoods will not be purchased by progressive people interested in building wealth. It’s almost as if it was planned to be that way, the people who could afford it the least were hurt the most by this riot. It goes without saying that in a riot there is a significant amount of destruction of brick and mortar damage. Eroding these gains is a possibility if rational adults refrain from correcting misguided activists. A correlation between riot damage and the tax-attractive Opportunity Zones that we noted in the riot damage patterns in Kenosha and Minneapolis continues in Portland (see “Subcriber Resources” section at the bottom of the page). As a result, businesses migrated to nurturing environments. There's another horrific cost directly related to these riots against federal buildings like the courthouse in Portland. Recently, I wrote about research which showed that the economic damage of rioting lingers for a long time. Therefore, adults in the room must speak the truth -- riots never redound to their benefit and neither does it make sense to enable unrealistic demands of the BLM movement and its naïve supporters. By LifeZette Video Staff September 28, 2020. Report: Summer riots and looting have cost upwards of $1 billion in damages Seattle business owner and co-founder of Buki Joey Rodolfo on the price of rioting. Exposing: Black Lives Matter Organization, The Life and heart of a city is it’s people. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. But the costs of this year’s riots will reportedly be dwarfed by natural disasters that have hammered parts of the country. The True Cost of Riots By Lipton Matthews for American Thinker. in Public Safety. Sabri Ben-Achour Jun 1, 2020. Analysis of household-level data suggests that the racial gap in the value of property widened in the riot inflicted cities during the 1970s.” Housing is a contributor to the racial-wealth gap, therefore if properties depreciate due to the risk of riots, how can African Americans make headways in closing the wealth gap? America's news media are suffering mass amnesia, stuffing down a memory hole the extent of destruction from the ongoing Black Lives Matter/Antifa race riots. Protester-initiated violence, by contrast, helped move news agenda, frames, elite discourse, and public concern toward social control… In 1968, I find that violent protests likely caused a 1.6-7.9% shift among whites towards Republicans and tipped the election.”, this point when she told Fox News that “the more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and order.”, Kelly Anne Conway beautifully illustrates. Don’t believe me? ... August 12, 2020 4:06 PM ET. Because blacks are the ones who will likely be a significant loser in the end of a violent conflict. Updated September 7, 2020. Please don’t justify the evil that was done to them by saying that people needed to get out their frustration…wrong is wrong. Many of these owners aren’t able to replace or rebuild… they have lost everything. The economic costs of riots and COVID-19 lockdowns. Another negative effect of riots is that they move public opinion to favor oppressive social control measures as a crime-fighting strategy thereby establishing Republican hardliners as attractive candidates. The overall price of the root canal and filling will vary, based on the materials used. July 22, 2020; Exposing: Black Lives Matter Organization July 19, 2020 “Let Us Never Forget…” June 15, 2020; Dems Race To Disband Police Leaving The People Helpless June 12, 2020; The True Cost of Riots June 7, 2020; Black Lives Matter Organizer: BLM Movement has been Hi-Jacked by Leftist Democrats June 2, 2020; Categories The Cost of Riots David Harsanyi / @davidharsanyi / June 05, 2020 / Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., speaks Friday with Faisal Demaag outside the wreckage of his business, Chicago Furniture Warehouse, in Minneapolis. Eminent economists Robert Margo and William Collins in their, Another negative effect of riots is that they move public opinion to favor oppressive social control measures as a crime-fighting strategy thereby establishing Republican hardliners as attractive candidates. The message of the rioters are totally different from the protesters. These rioters are coming into town from all across the country. 1992 Los Angeles Riots: $446 Million in property damage, 1,120 buildings damaged, (377 completely destroyed) 52 deaths, 2,500 injuries, and 6,559 arrests. Adedayo Akala Twitter Enlarge this image. Friday, June 12, 2020. That is why ANTIFA and BLM are involved. IMHO!!! ( Log Out / It would be irresponsible for the American people to nurture the desires of activists seeking to destroy the fabric of their republic. Those mostly peaceful protests? In a recent interview, BLM organizer Ariel Atkins argued that lootings are reparations for African Americans. Keep in mind, these are the average costs of the root canal alone. “Winning has come through revolts, Winning has … Sept. 2, 2020 — The CVS Pharmacy on the corner of Fayetteville Street and E. Hargett Street in Raleigh remains boarded up, covered in Black Lives Matter graffiti. Such was the impact of the race riots of the 1960s. Because ANTIFA and BLM want to start a race war and blame it on Trump? Rioting set off during protests over the cost of living and income inequality caused $2 billion in damages, and 40 percent of that was incurred by large, multinational retailers. Costs from weeks of protests take financial toll on cash-strapped cities across US Protests following George Floyd's death could become one of the costliest displays of civil disorder in US history Published: September 18, 2020, 8:36 am. These people like so many others like them were targeted by radical groups with a radical agenda. Violence doesn’t solve the problem of equality it only results in more violence and self-destruction. The next four (short) videos will show us just a sampling of the pain that these rioters have caused when they attacked the people places and things that were of the black community that had nothing to do with the reason why the reasonable people were protesting. Liberal media blurs cost of ongoing Black Lives Matter/Antifa race riots. This video gives us at least two major revelations, 1) that the rioters had intentionally started a fire to an occupied residence where there was a child still inside and the perpetrators blocked the routes with their vehicles so that the fire trucks could not get to the dwelling in time to save the child (start video at the 3:15 minute mark), and 2) the city’s administration got word that there was a group of rioters going across the country that were coming to start the riots. This year’s riots also represent the first civil disorder catastrophe to unfold across multiple cities. We must never forget the reality of the Democrats' experiment in street justice In another study, the authors indicate that riots reduced earnings for black employees in impacted cities, they write: “the findings suggest that the riots had negative effects on blacks’ income and employment that were economically significant and that may have been larger in the long run (1960-1980) than in the short run (1960-1970).” Their results are unsurprising. Sitting at home on July 30, 2020, the Deiningers received a text from a good friend around midnight. The cost of the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots are by far the highest in US history in terms of insurance industry payouts which could exceed $2 billion. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. In the two weeks after the death of George Floyd in Minnesota, rioters and looters across the country racked up between $1 and $2 billion in property damage. A significant number of businesses and properties that were destroyed belonged to minority owners. on August 31, 2020. However, when these rioters who themselves have a crooked political agenda enmesh their evil twisted destructive actions within a legitimate movement then the rioters take the attention away from the protester’s issues and pervert it. Wednesday, September 16, 2020. The True Cost of Riots By Lipton Matthews for American Thinker. The cost of the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots are by far the highest in US history in terms of insurance industry payouts which could exceed $2 billion. Therefore, as adults, we have no alternative but to remind these youngsters that sparking riots is an ineffective strategy to advance the cause of African Americans. Heard on: ... At least not to previous levels. Sep 16, 2020 - Economy & Business Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history Dillon, North State Journal ... Nationwide, the cost of the estimated cost of riots since May 30 is between $1 and $2 billion. Princeton University has also discovered that pandering to the BLM movement could become very costly in a way they never expected. Portland’s protest-related police expenditures – totaling more than $6.2 million, according to Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell – brought the cost of protests up to over $30 million. While the politics surrounding the killing of George Floyd are beyond the scope of this article, rioting is hugely expensive from a fiscal standpoint. Protester-initiated violence, by contrast, helped move news agenda, frames, elite discourse, and public concern toward social control… In 1968, I find that violent protests likely caused a 1.6-7.9% shift among whites towards Republicans and tipped the election.” Kelly Anne Conway beautifully illustrates this point when she told Fox News that “the more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and order.”. He said those riots cost almost $5 billion in economic activity measured in lost sales over 10 years. This video shows some of the names and faces that were struck down, not with a virus but by hateful rioters whose purpose was simply to steal, kill and destroy…for money. A molar costs $1,111. It is up to those in the movement to police themselves and call out those outsiders who are using them and drowning out their message. Local residents inspect a post office destroyed during rioting in Minneapolis, Minn., May 31, 2020. We all know that the brick and mortar can be ultimately replaced; however, lives and the damage that is done to the human spirit cannot be replaced. A striking case against riots is clearly expressed in the findings of Professor Mary C. King whose, Current agitators also seem oblivious to the impact of riots on black property owners. We decided to map what data we had as of October 7, 2020. September 23, 2020 2:42 PM ET. How much did summer protests and riots cost North Carolina taxpayers? Counties proximate to nonviolent protests saw presidential Democratic vote share among whites increase 1.3-1.6 %. This video gives an historical summary of this account but it’s important to note that while this was going on in Elaine, Arkansas there were blacks being killed in other states throughout the nation because it was believed that they were in violent rebellion. Stay tuned. Most of the onerous lockdown actions in Europe and the United States had little benefit, but cost jobs Because those on the Left wants to cripple the minorities’ economy so much that they are looking to find some way to blame the president hoping to destroy his minority base? In a recent interview, BLM organizer Ariel Atkins argued that lootings are reparations for African Americans. Economics George Floyd Insurance Small Business Kenosha Minneapolis Riots 2020. They caused mostly billions of dollars' worth of damage.. Insurance companies could pay up to $2 billion in claims stemming from riots sparked by the police killing of George Floyd — making them the most expensive in US history, a new report says. Riots That Followed Anti-Racism Protests Come At Great Cost To Black-Owned Businesses The Black Lives Matter demonstrations have brought huge protests against racism. "Enough is enough," tweeted the Lieutenants Benevolent Association police union. Their store had appeared on television and the news wasn't good. The Costs of Riots. She agitates for revolution from the safety of her apartment. There are some who are using his quote to justify their use of violence which is not what he stood for. The cost of damages is estimated to be $996,700, according to the NYPD. [ March 13, 2020 ] Meet The DNC Primary Presidential Contenders – Two Old White Men Featured - Jessico Bowman [ March 13, 2020 ] Democrats Are Looking Pathetic Blaming Trump For A Global Pandemic Featured - Jessico Bowman [ March 9, 2020 ] News from Florida Campaign for Liberty’s March 7th Legislative Report by John Hallman Florida BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetrators’ affiliation. February 2020; More... « Archbishop Viganò Pens Power Letter to President Trump | Main | New Data Shows Pritzker's Lockdown Puts Children at Risk » Friday, June 12, 2020. Read more. What? DON’T LET EVIL WIN…SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT AGAINST THE RIOTERS. Atkins denounced the suggestion that anything can be gained from peaceful protests. Riots never benefit and blacks neither does it make sense to enable unrealistic demands of the BLM movement and its naïve supporters. The rioters were a different group from the protesters. Current agitators also seem oblivious to the impact of riots on black property owners. The Portland riots began in May and continue to this day. Some who were displaced by the initial unrest in sought refuge in a vacant Sheraton hotel in the city's Midtown neighborhood. Minneapolis starts to feel the economic cost of the recent riots. The focus becomes the rioting, looting, maiming, killing and wanton destruction and not on police reform and justice. By LifeZette Video Staff September 28, 2020. ... George Floyd riots cost insurance companies as much as $2 BILLION - more than any in HISTORY, industry claims 16 Sep, 2020 22:11 . Racism is an extremely sensitive matter; however, sensitivity must be tempered by logic. Axios reported exclusively Wednesday that PCS estimates that insurance claims of at least $1 billion to $2 billion will make the riots following the killing of Floyd the costliest ever. KEEPING DR. MLK’S WORDS IN PROPER CONTEXT. Other big losses on the list include the Watts riots in Los Angeles in 1965, the 1967 Detroit riot … Please also note that the rioters shot police officers that were not shooting at them. In a recent interview, BLM organizer Ariel Atkins argued that lootings are reparations for African Americans. Much of that will be paid by taxpayers in the form of overtime and hazard pay for police and … The late Rev. The Real Cost of Riots. Get short URL. Lovell said that the $6.2 million doesn’t include overtime pay or emergency repairs for equipment or buildings that were damaged during the riots. Rioting in Los Angeles in August 1965 — the second costliest civil disorder — caused $357 million in damages, measured in 2020 dollars. September 24, 2020 A.P. If you add up the insurance cost in 2020 dollars for all six major American riots during the turbulent 1960s, the total is a little shy of $1.2 billion — which means the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter caused more mayhem and property damage in a little over a week than this country saw throughout all of the 1960s. Heard on All Things Considered. By Lipton Matthews. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Yes, it was wrong for that crooked cop to kill George Floyd and yes, it is important to bring the issue of how police officers in the future need to be accountable for how they manage not only black suspects but any and all suspects of a crime and to do so without malice of forethought. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Local residents inspect a post office destroyed during rioting in Minneapolis, Minn., May 31, 2020. When low skilled citizens are robbed of these options, it becomes harder for them to establish themselves in a dynamic environment. Most of the onerous lockdown actions in Europe and the United States had little benefit, but cost jobs By David Harsanyi - It’s weird that this needs to be said, but here we are. Inner-city businesses provide blacks with an opportunity to obtain employment and build relevant skills. Harsanyi: The Cost of Riots. The riots in late May 2020 also had impact on people experiencing homelessness and led to changes in city policies on homeless camps. After-Action Report, George Floyd Protests and Response, May 30-June 2, 2020. New reporting from Axios reveals that the total insured property losses incurred during the George Floyd riots will come in at $1 billion to $2 billion. Dr. MLK I’m sure understood the principle behind the dangers of black violence and rebellion. DISCLAIMER: This point is not meant to be comprehensive, but only to introduce the readers to the issues in an attempt to encourage you to do your own research and then contribute to the discussion. Most older blacks over the age of sixty have heard of the Nat Turner Rebellion, an (1861) slave rebellion that ended up with so many slaves being slaughtered and terrorized. Unfortunately, the belligerence of people like Atkins has been nurtured by mainstream intellectuals, who originally downplayed the malevolent intentions of dangerous activists. Without an official estimate, the 2020 disturbances are ranked second in most expensive losses, according to the III. September 17, 2020 The High Cost Of Riots The bill for this year’s urban violence is coming due.
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