Causes and effects of deviant behaviour among secondary school students: a case study of Gatanga Division, Thika District @inproceedings{Njoroge2012CausesAE, title={Causes and effects of deviant behaviour among secondary school students: a case study of Gatanga Division, Thika District}, author={Samuel M Njoroge}, year={2012} } Through education service those manifestation can be eradicated of deviant behaviour in schools, of which a lot of bad behaviour are such smoking drunkenness, stealing, abortion, murder, gambling, prostitution etc. The various forms of deviance's or indiscipline have their own dynamic sources. Office Technology & Management Project Topics. Deviant behavior has become a daunting problem lately. Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning 1. IT is common in students of higher institutions not to follow the patterns of behaviour laid down for them by the school authority. In Nigeria society, deviancy may be conceived as a factor which militates against the good work of lecturers since it is believed that lecturers effectiveness is mostly evaluated in terms of student educational achievement and behaviour of the child. at school, improper dressing even when they wear their uniforms moral laxity, gambling and other immoral acts. THE CAUSES OF DEVIANT AND DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR AMONG STUDENTS IN EMOTAN GIRLS GRAMMAR SCHOOL IN OREDO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE, Largest Undergraduate Projects Repository, Research Works and Materials. The effects of deviant behavior are dropping out of school, poor academic performance, and bad influence on others, tarnishing the reputation of school and evolving of a negative tradition in the school. Research also shows that students who come from abusive parents also display characteristics of abusive persons. There are some common sources of deviant behaviors among school children. 3. The attitudes that other people have concerning their fellow human race lead to rebellion from the marginalized group. That is turning aside or away from set shown rules of political system or principle of a social, such behaviour could be seen as crime, drunkenness, indiscipline in school, home prostitution, cultism, gambling, … admission essay examples, book reviews, paper writing tips, college essays, research proposal samples. It is a well-known fact that teenagers usually learn how to adapt to society and that aberrant behavior may lead to problems with conformity to societal values. It is a well-known fact that teenagers usually learn how to adapt to society and that aberrant behavior may lead to problems with conformity to societal values. 4.0 Presentation And Analysis Of Data, Chapter Five 3. Statement of the Problem Indiscipline in schools has been experienced for time immemorial, but the magnitude with which it is manifesting itself in today’s schools is alarming. Recommended, Use of this Site is subject to Terms of Service. The non-conformity to the norms of behaviour by members of any group or organization is what sociologist called “Deviant Behaviour”. They were either away on special duties or very busy attending to other matters. More pupils are displaying abnormal behavior and thus destabilizing learning processes within school settings. life may negatively influence his/her behaviour at school. The administrators of schools identify deviant behaviour by using the prefects, secret agents in the school and outside the school , students performance results, teachers on duty and also through class attendance sheets. their schools 2. 2.3 Sample And Sampling Techniques 3. Typical organization includes prisons, schools, churches and universities. Different authors have defined discipline in various terms. The finding of this research will throw more light to how each member of the society is contributing to the common deviant behaviour. Deviant behaviour is posing a serious threat to learning in most school, some antisocial behaviour in school are charged by bullying extortion, in subordination and physical fighting others include adolescents aggression or act of violent behaviour against other students and stuff, sexual assaults harassment, gang activity or weapon carrying, the school on there part do not seem to be able to cope … 2.7 Validity Of Instrument Used 2.4 Research Instrument More pupils are displaying abnormal behavior and thus destabilizing learning processes within school settings. Introduction In recent times, deviant behavior, which could be described as behavior that is different from the norm, has become a daunting global problem. 1.1 Background Of The Study The institution will benefit also because when the students have changed from their bad behaviour and turn to be new leave you see that there will be order, peace, discipline and standard in the school which will attract parents to sent in their children there. important factor of deviant behavior (Hsieh, 1996:141). This investigate ponder examined the causes and impacts of degenerate behavior … To begin with, the mass media has a negative effect on school children, more specifically the violent content that are aired in the television or in cinemas. What are the most common deviant behaviour in our institutions of higher learning today? Opinions are divided as to who is to blame for deviant behaviour in institutions of higher learning. You are reading project material titled: Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning. 2.0 Literature Review In general, the word "deviant" (from Latin deviatio) means an abnormality ( Causes Of Deviance Behaviour In School DEVIANCE Definition The recognized violation of cultural norms, rules and expectations. Researchers attribute these Causes of deviant behavior in schools in schools to student backgrounds; poverty; effects of the mass media; lack of vocational preparations; peer pressure/influence. Deviant behaviour can be caused by the concentration of the curriculum. Chapter One … This indicated that boys were found more in deviant acts than girls in secondary schools. Indiscipline in schools can be blamed on the parents who have neglected the discipline of their children at home (Madziyire, 2010). There was a limited time given for the research work which was not enough to do thorough research. Organization as defined by Ejiogu (1990) is a social unit that pursues specific goal which they are structured to serve. 7. Through education service those manifestation can be eradicated of deviant behaviour in schools, of which a lot of bad behaviour are such smoking drunkenness, stealing, abortion, murder, gambling, prostitution etc. Deviance is a great challenge in the school community that the administration must always make great efforts to combat. The study reveals that the common causes of deviant behavior are negative peer influence, influence dangerous drugs, volatile adolescence stage. 2.3 Personality Approach The effect on the students and lecturers about deviancy. Our society is corrupt to the extent that these students are looking for material things fame and other things. The researcher could not do much on the literature review because of limited resource books, he was constrained to work on few available books. THE CAUSES AND IMPART OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOUR IN THE WORK PLACE: AKIKIBOFORI JACOB SUNDAY RIVERS STATE SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS BOARD C/o MRS. MAGDALENE AKIKIBOFORI NO 14 IGBUKWU STREET, D/LINE PORT HARCOURT E-MAIL: _____ ABSTRACT While management in most organizations have shown no interest in managing deviant behaviour as they … Teachers must not treat deviant behaviors as offences but behaviors that are capable of being modified. The main focus would be based on the etiology of deviant behaviors in the school and community. The effects of the society, family, peer group and school environment on higher institution deviancy will also be found out. S/he may be new like for a first year or one transferred from another school. schools in Cameroon and discover the frequent and familiar types, the causes and suggest possible solutions to curb this deviant behaviour. Upload Your Academic Works and Start Earning Cash. View Deviant Behaviour in School Setting.docx from TECHNOLOGY EDUP 3053, at IPG Kampus Bahasa Melayu. 5.1 Summary Of Findings Weaker parental attachment and low parental supervision are related to deviant behavior (Sampson&Laub, 1994:523). What are the causes of deviant behaviour? Finally, several attempts made to carry out interview with some school lecturers were proved abortive. Iheanyi, N.O. The youth who were in A research conducted in Boston, U.S., supports the above finding. 3. 3.1 Design Of The Study This study will reveal the causes and effects of common deviant behaviours in some higher institutions of learning in Enugu. Unpublished M.Ed Project Submitted to the Department of Educational Foundation, Lagos State University. They become aggressive, struggle to forget the situation they are in by engaging in drugs among others. However, some research has suggested that school is a factor of deviant behavior (Jou, 2001). Posted by UniProjects.Net under Project Topics and Materials. These youth deviant behaviours were highly correlated. You may also claim ownership, become our vendor/seller of this work and start earning 70% of all sales. In addition, research has demonstrated that deviant behavior is related to parental supervision (Laser, Luster, & Oshio, 2007:1463). How do we reduce the occurrence of deviancy in our schools? Social organization therefore can be described more operationally as the ways in which human conduct becomes socially organized and how the structure of the social relations therein and share beliefs and orientations that unit the members of the organization effect the members conduct. Some hold management boards and lecturers responsible while others hold parents and students. 2. 1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY By utilizing this site, you connote that you consent to be bound by these Universal Terms of Service. UniProjects aim of providing this Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning project research material is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all in the name of searching for Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning research materials. Deviant manifestations are not unique and new, 3. Respect and obedience will be observed in the home. Deviant behavior is caused by complex interactions of psychological, sociological, economic and biological forces that encourage individuals to rebel against societal norms. Copyright © 2013 - 2020 UniProjects.Net. Cases of deviant behaviors among school children have been on the increase over the past years. While doing this many things may happen which may lead to juvenile delinquency, deviancy etc. The learners must be corrected as early as possible to develop them into responsible members of the society. 1.4 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY the eradication of which can be done by attempting to restructure the in term and organization of the school, peer group, religious institutions and all other primary organizations in the … On the other hand, students brought up by uncaring parents usually portray delinquent behaviors. The school is a social organization and as such it has got its established pattern of behaviour expected in the form of rules and regulations which given the official actions of the rector, lecturers, students and anyone group of personnel that work in it. Generally speaking, teacher discipline, and the parent-child relationship are all related to All Rights Reserved. What extent has the society contributed to development behaviours? No child can survive in isolation. The purpose of this research is to find out the causes, effects and views of students and lecturers about deviancy. There seem to be emergence of new obnoxious behaviours now than what it used to be. Functionalist theories hold that the … between 15 to 35 years. 2.8 Method Of Data Analysis, Chapter Four This is the age group where the students will be trying to understand their environment. 2.6 Distribution And Collection Of Data Perception on youth deviant behaviour was positively associated with employment status, training and skills as well as duration of stay in the slums. This research examines supervisional deviant behaviours depending on the primary school teachers’ view in Izmir, Turkey. Deviance is behaviour that is likely to get you into trouble. which are psychological problems. Peer groups have a lot of influence to deviant behaviour of the group members 4. References They resort to criminal activities to achieve what they could not get from their parents. 2. Incident of anti-social behaviour are on the increase in Emotan girls grammar school, some of these include students attacking teaching, burning and destroying of school properties and attempting to rape their female counterparts etc. Parents will be benefited because their children will be listening to their teaching. 1. 5.2 Conclusion Keywords: Deviant, deviance, norms, primary deviance, secondary deviance. There are numerous conflicting theories on the causes of deviant behavior, but the main ones fall into three categories: functionalist, conflict and symbolic interactionism. Society will also benefit from it because when the student are behaving as expected, the society will be happy, their norms, belief will be respected and the social standard of the society will be improved. (A Case Study Of Enugu Urban Enugu State). Students between the age of 18 and 24 are expected to be in higher institutions. Poor parental relationship causes deviant behaviour because some of the parents, in pursuit for money leave their children in the total care for themselves. These consequences can impact the welfare of others in the school setting that had nothing to do with the educator’s deviant behavior. Deviant behaviour means to deviate from the norms of a particular people in the primary school or community. The administrators of schools identify deviant behaviour by using the prefects, This investigate ponder examined the causes and impacts of degenerate behavior among a gather of high-school understudies, aged 14-18 a long time inside a school setting in arrange to supply pattern data for future ponders. Yet a section argues that it is caused by government take-over of schools, lack of moral and religious instructions in schools and some say it is caused by inadequate supply of necessary equipment and personnel to schools. DO NOT copy word for word. The DSM-5 criteria include emotional and behavioral symptoms that last at least six months. The study, therefore, attempted to analyze deviant behavior of teachers and the mode of their working in the sampled schools. These behaviors cause significant impairment with family, social activities, school and work. Peer groups have a lot of influence to deviant behaviour of the group members 4. Can be criminal or non-criminal. apparently but his/her behavior creates problems in the school. Higher education is the form of education received after secondary education and before going further to any other stage. In some cases it can cause a Domino effect to … Factors that are related to the external system of his/her life are considered in this literature study. 1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Results of the study revealed three factors (parent, society and school) that contribute to deviant behaviors. Appendix, Chapter One of Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning Project Material starts from here. It is a behaviour whereby one turns away from the social standard of the society. Deviant behaviour can be caused by the concentration of the curriculum. We are not encouraging any form of plagiarism. Chapter four of this Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning project work is available, order and download full work.. Chapter Four of Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning Contains: Presentation And Analysis Of Data . In what age range does deviancy occur mostly? It however turns out that children get negatively affected by their fellow children in school. The effect on the students and lecturers about deviancy. Keywords: deviant behavior, school setting, social adaptation, social norms, causes and effects of deviant behavior 1. The study of deviant behaviour in our secondary school and other institutions of learning, has assumed greater attention. 4. The society also models the behavior of people. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 6. 1.0 Introduction It is believed that children believe what they see in the media more than what happens in the real life. Chapter two of this Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning” research work is available, order and download full work.. Chapter Two of “Cause And Effects Of Deviant Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning Contains: Literature Review, Deviance In School, Causes Of Deviancy, Personality Approach and The Large Society Factor . Such students take part in criminal activities such as stealing, rioting/rebellion among others. The purpose of this research is to find out the causes, effects and views of students and lecturers about deviancy. Research Questions 1. Prevalence Estimates of Behavior Problems in Primary Schools in Trinidad and Tobago: A Baseline Inquiry: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1700-9.ch007: There is tremendous concern about the behavior of students in schools today, to the extent that teachers have become extremely concerned about the loss of There is no more respect for lecturers and even their own parents. Indiscipline among secondary school … 2.2 Population Cases of deviant behaviors among school children have been on the increase over the past years. Apart form these views expressed, it is clear that many students have no respect for their lecturers and this attitude they carry over outside the school. The peer group they move with, the parents, the school environment and our society in general contribute seriously to the problem of deviancy being faced in our community in general and higher institutions in particular. On the hand in schools, teacher’s deviant behavior by breaking rules by breaking rules can affect the school and students in a negative way.
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