He fought to make the country bigger and improve trade, made huge changes in the social and economic structures of Russia, and expanded the Russian military strength into a much larger power. Peter had a large curiosity constantly wanting to learn more, especially about the 'West'; he became a 'professional' in several crafts. Far more difficult was the third factor, a fleet to control the river. If the convulsion became more pronounced, his friends or orderlies quickly brought someone to him whose presence he found relaxing. The Russo-Ottoman War of 1710–1711 was ended by the 1711 Treaty of the Pruth, which stipulated that Russia return Azov to … When he had been in one place for a while, he wanted to leave, to move along, to see new people and new scenery, to form new impressions. Shein, the victorious commander, waited on horseback by the embarkation point. 2. Russia was ill-prepared to fight the Swedes, and their first attempt at seizing the Baltic coast ended in disaster at the Battle of Narva in 1700. The state itself would build ten large ships. Later others were added. Called St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences until 1917. For leadership in the church, Peter turned increasingly to Ukrainians, who were more open to reform, but were not well loved by the Russian clergy. Rivers and roads were frozen by ice and snow, the days were short as winter night came early, men working in the open air would hammer and saw with fingers numbed by cold. Making no excuses, acknowledging failure, Peter threw himself into preparations for a second attempt. The Streltsy were unwilling to follow orders given by European officers and were often useless. This time, instead of marching across the dry steppe, trundling supplies in thousands of wagons, the Russian army would travel south by water, using barges as vehicles of supply. In the summer of 1724, a team of doctors performed surgery releasing upwards of four pounds of blocked urine. [13], In his process to westernize Russia, he wanted members of his family to marry other European royalty. Peter, however, mistrusted the boyars; he instead abolished the Duma and created a Senate of ten members. Peter decided that all of the children of the nobility should have some early education, especially in the areas of sciences. Ivan’s death had no active political significance, but it put a final, formal seal on Peter’s sovereignty. He continued his travel to the Austrian Netherlands and France. They simply paid the necessary costs and hired foreign shipbuilders from the German Suburb to perform the skilled work. Some foreigners were included in various colleges but not as president. Quizlet Learn. What did Peter do after the first Azov campaign failed? It was, however, during these same years that a worrisome, often mortifying physical disorder began to afflict the young Tsar. Peter the Great sets up shipbuilding in Archangel and spends long periods there. The fortress town of Azov stood on the left bank of the southernmost branch of the Don about fifteen miles upstream from the Sea of Azov. The retreat northward was a disaster, more costly in lives and equipment than the entire summer siege. Peter withdrew his army southward, employing scorched earth, destroying along the way anything that could assist the Swedes. His games had grown from drills involving a few hundred idle stable boys and falconers to 30,000 men involved in the assault and defense of the river fort of Pressburg. An ancient Greek colony 15 miles upstream from the Sea of Azov on the Don River, Azov since 1475 is a Turkish fortress guarding against Russian penetration into the Black Sea. Most parish priests were sons of priests, were very poorly educated, and very poorly paid. Peter grew to be extremely tall as an adult, especially for the time period. 30 May] 1672 – 8 February [O.S. Increasingly, the problem of divided command hampered the Russian siege operation. There is no evidence that Peter suffered from this extreme condition; there are no reports that he collapsed totally unconscious on the floor, foamed at the mouth or lost control of his bodily functions. Shein was not an experienced military commander, but he came from a distinguished family, his judgment was considered sound and his appointment silenced those conservative Muscovites who grumbled that a Russian army commanded by a foreigner could never succeed. [55] The autocratic powers that Stalin admired appeared as a liability to Evgeny Anisimov, who complained that Peter was, "the creator of the administrative command system and the true ancestor of Stalin."[56]. On June 26, when the Tsar’s demand was refused, the Russian cannon opened fire. [52], After the fall of Communism in 1991, scholars and the general public in Russia and the West gave fresh attention to Peter and his role in Russian history. We do not know exactly why Peter decided that winter to attack the Turkish fortress of Azov. On 22 October 1721, soon after peace was made with Sweden, he was officially proclaimed Emperor of All Russia. He sought to acquire control of the Baltic Sea, which had been taken by the Swedish Empire a half-century earlier. Peter the Great - Military Reform. Peter knew that he could not leave his men in the trenches throughout the winter; either he would have to take the town or retreat. Fedor Golovin and Lev Naryshkin were next, then thirty cavalrymen in silver cuirasses. He marched through the city with a single pathetic Turkish prisoner walking ahead of him. Peter knew that Russia could not face the Ottoman Empire alone. [40] This was consistent with previous Romanov tradition by choosing a daughter of a minor noble. Nevertheless it is still quoted in foreign policy circles. On October 10, the Tsar joined his troops at Kolomenskoe for the triumphal march into the capital. After 1718, Peter established colleges in place of the old central agencies of government, including foreign affairs, war, navy, expense, income, justice, and inspection. The first defect was easiest to rectify: The following summer, a supreme military commander would be named. Peter's primary objective became the capture of the Ottoman fortress of Azov, near the Don River. "Gazing Anew at Poltava: Perspectives from the Military Revolution Controversy, Comparative History, and Decision-Making Doctrines. France was a traditional ally of the Ottoman Sultan, and Austria was eager to maintain peace in the east while conducting its own wars in the west. The battle was a decisive defeat for the Swedish forces, ending Charles' campaign in Ukraine and forcing him south to seek refuge in the Ottoman Empire. Office renamed from "Tsar" to "Emperor" on 2 November 1721. He engaged in such pastimes as shipbuilding and sailing, as well as mock battles with his toy army. And yet Peter decided he had to provide one, and demanded that by May—in five short months—a war fleet of twenty-five armed galleys and 1,300 new river barges be built for transporting troops and supplies. When Peter returned to Voronezh, he found vast activity and confusion. In 1697, he traveled "incognito" to Western Europe on an 18-month journey with a large Russian delegation–the so-called "Grand Embassy". The town had several advantages. Peterhof (Dutch for "Peter's Court") was a grand residence, becoming known as the "Russian Versailles". He wore a small mustache and no wig; instead, he let his own straight, auburn-brown hair hang halfway between his ears and his shoulders. Meanwhile, with the sea secure and the city isolated, Peter’s generals and engineers could proceed with the siege. Azov campaigns of 1694–96 (Russian: Азо́вские похо́ды), two Russian military campaigns during the Russo-Turkish War of 1686–1700, led by Peter the Great and aimed at capturing the Turkish fortress of Azov (garrison - 7,000 men), which had been blocking Russia's access to the Azov Sea and the Black Sea. Formerly, precedence had been determined by birth.
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