This space acts as a bridge between the public and Secretary Kim Wyman and her staff, and we invite you to contribute often to the conversation here. Kim Wyman: Providing people information on how to vote, ... your vote is the best way to communicate your beliefs and your values. Factors influencing students' beliefs about the future in the context of tablet-based interactive classrooms. There is per­haps no bet­ter evi­dence demon­strat­ing that Kim Wyman is a par­ti­san Repub­li­can than her reg­u­lar par­tic­i­pa­tion in Repub­li­can Par­ty events. "Kim is bubbly, patient, intuitive, and an excellent listener. State Librarian Rand Simmons emceed the gathering. document.write('Contact');  •   That includes listening to people of all political beliefs and talking to them with respect. See any errors? I'm almost totally pain-free from chronic pain I've had for over 40 years, and I've only had two sessions with Dave and Kim! Polls  •   Minger was born in Redmond, Washington. While I, of course, have my own opinions and beliefs, to do my job effectively and have total transparency, which is something I strive for every day. Wyman’s first words in her Congressional testimony provided her a great sound bite about our successful vote-by-mail system in Washington. “This is a time to be happy and free, and to be overwhelmed with a sense of our own accomplishment,” wrote Paul Constant, in a post-election column headlined “WE WON!! Secretary of State Kim Wyman and first lady Trudi Inslee recognized the three state champions, three second-place runners-up and 26 honorable mention winners during an awards ceremony in the Legislative Building’s Columbia Room Friday. (Did not answer) Qualifications. Joi Wyman Salon Stylist I had been suffering from a left hip issue for 5 years and one session with Dave and after the therapeutic soreness wore off, after the treatment, I am 80-90% pain-free. Heck’s offhand remark points to a deeper … Your victory is a mandate for action. Kim Wyman’s answer is based on the following data: Answer: Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months. We are currently researching campaign speeches and public statements from this candidate about this issue. In ongoing Primary election results, incumbent Kim Wyman and Democrat Gael Tarleton continue to run neck and neck in the race for Washington Secretary of State, garnering over 50% and just under 45% of the vote, respectively. Kim Wyman voterbasePro-choice, but ban after the first three months, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but allow churches the right to refuse same-sex ceremonies, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, except for certain medical conditions, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only by closing the gun show loophole, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and businesses should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, as long as funding is not used for abortion procedures, Party’s support baseYes, and consentual sex with a spouse under the age of 18 should be classified as statutory rape, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, this will protect the safety and rights of police officers and citizens, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and make it a living wage, Kim Wyman voterbaseLower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, it is immoral to deny health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and we should socialize medicine and healthcare, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, this is a violation of the 2nd amendment, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, any business should be able to deny service for any reason, Domestic Policy  ›  COVID-19 School Closures, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, this would increase the risk of accidental shootings, Education  ›  Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, but we should spend more to increase our border security, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, keep the current wall but do not build more of it, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, except for religious organizations and charities that oppose the use of contraception, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, gerrymandering gives an unfair advantage to the party in power during redistricting, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only for companies with 100+ employees, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, as long as it covers all protected groups (age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion) and is not based on critical race theory, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but I prefer switching to a single payer healthcare system, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and allow consumers to choose providers and import pharmaceuticals from other countries, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, if they were born here, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, this will prevent voter fraud, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, the U.S. should encourage Iran to disarm through diplomatic channels, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate, Foreign Policy  ›  Mandatory Military Service, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, service should be a choice instead of an obligation, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time, the Environment  ›  Alaska Wildlife Refuge, Party’s support baseNo, not until we have depleted all other oil reserves, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption, Immigration  ›  Deporting Criminal Immigrants, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but after they have finished serving their sentence, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, foreign interests should not be able to buy the influence of our politicians, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but scale back our current involvement, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses, Elections  ›  Right of Foreigners to Vote, Domestic Policy  ›  No-Fly List Gun Control, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, if the government considers you too dangerous to board a plane you should not be able to buy a gun, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, the government should support more sustainable energy technologies, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, as long as it does not threaten violence, Domestic Policy  ›  NSA Domestic Surveillance, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, only with a warrant showing probable cause of criminal activity, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, and we should not try to influence any other country’s elections or policy, Immigration  ›  Illegal Immigrant Detainment, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit, the Environment  ›  Paris Climate Agreement, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, politicians should not be bought by wealthy donors, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but allow people to use private insurance, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, college is meant to challenge students thoughts and opinions so they are prepared for real life, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and allow border states to manage their own security policy, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, this is a violation of free speech, Domestic Policy  ›  Social Media Regulation, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, treat all traffic equally and continue the openness of the internet, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, if the merged corporation would have more than 50% of the market share, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but their identity must be privately verified by a female staff member, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, the vast majority of people who receive Medicaid are disabled, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, it should be raised, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and eliminate federal agencies that are unconstitutional, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but NATO should focus more on counter-terrorism strategies, Domestic Policy  ›  Whistleblower Protection, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only if releasing the information does not threaten our national security, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, reforming the Supreme Court is unconstitutional and would upset the balance of power, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but respect Israel’s sovereignty and do not dictate how it should interact with its neighbors, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, religion is an important aspect of our country’s history, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but limit the amount they can donate, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians, Kim Wyman voterbaseMore, reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income, Crime  ›  Solitary Confinement for Juveniles, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, it is severely psychologically damaging to young undeveloped minds, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and make it a lifetime ban, National Security  ›  Military Congressional Approval, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, Congress should approve all military conflicts, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but in the form of tax breaks for all citizens, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, Iran has supported ISIS and their actions continue to destabilize the Middle East, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, education should be handled at the state and local level instead of the national level, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, this would encourage drug use and lower funding for rehabilitation centers, the Environment  ›  Dakota Access Pipeline, Crime  ›  Mandatory minimum prison sentences, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, and minority groups should not receive any favorable treatment, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, and abolish capital gains taxes, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, we should stay out of conflicts that are not an immediate threat to our security, Kim Wyman voterbaseHelp, in theory but have recently become corrupt and should have their powers limited, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only accept families (no single Muslim men), Foreign Policy  ›  North Korea Military Strikes, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, we must use every diplomatic option first, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but not for cosmetics, Kim Wyman voterbaseDecrease, until we drastically reduce our national budget deficit, National Security  ›  Foreign Assassination, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and all employees should be paid time-and-a-half for overtime hours regardless of their pay scale, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only with permission from the country in question, Kim Wyman voterbaseMore, veterans should be able to see any doctor of their choice, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, eliminate the income cap on taxable earnings and stop spending current funds on other programs instead, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, conduct targeted airstrikes instead, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, as long as it was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, sentence them to life in prison without parole instead, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, unless they have committed a crime, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, China should be punished for artificially manipulating their currency, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and we should eliminate it, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, I trust the science of responsible food engineering but I don’t trust the motives of the food companies selling them, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, we deserve to know who the bank gives money to, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, and drastically increase NASA’s current budget, Domestic Policy  ›  College Sports and COVID, Domestic Policy  ›  Political Advertising on Social Media, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but funding should come from states instead of the federal government, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, we should stay out of conflicts that do not directly threaten us, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only small local farms instead of large corporations, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, as long as offshore income is reported, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, he should be protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, our country has been on the losing side of trade deals for too long, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, surveillance of all foreign countries is essential to tracking potential terrorist threats, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only for future workers, Foreign Policy  ›  Russian Airstrikes in Syria, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, all airstrikes should be conducted through UN coordination, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, foreign governments should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the Economy  ›  Trans-Pacific Partnership, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, this will incentivize companies to move jobs out of the country, Foreign Policy  ›  Hong Kong Fugitive Extradition, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, the government should never own shares of private companies, Kim Wyman voterbaseYes, but only if local citizens can vote on the amount of incentives to offer, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, the federal government does not have the authority to impose state and local taxes, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, it provides too high of risk for criminal activity, Kim Wyman voterbaseNo, not until the cost ($4B) is dramatically reduced, About  •   Reference: Analysis of answers from 1,653 voters that voted for Kim Wyman in the 2020 Washington Secretary of State election. 11 a.m. — Secretary of State Kim Wyman has certified Washington's final election results two days ahead of the deadline. Reading Wyman’s continued diatribes against Kim, I can’t help but wonder if he doesn’t secretly harbor a love-hate relationship for her. In response to the question “What is your stance on abortion?”, Kim Wyman’s response was... My beliefs Wyman to boycott presidential primary "Washington voters hate that," says Secretary of State Kim Wyman. Reference: Analysis of answers from 90,800 voters that identify as Republican. Strong majorities of Democrats and independents know that President Joe Biden’s victory was legitimate. Kim Wyman voterbasePro-choice, but ban after the first three months. Terms. In the process, she … Such beliefs reflect a distinct minority of the American public. Privacy  •   Most of her remaining testimony … She works to ensure all citizens have access to voting and to ensure voting is secure and fair. Wyman said her business has suffered, since people who see the Confederate flag flying keep driving. He attended Big Bend Community College and earned his bachelor's degree from Central Washington University. This is certainly going to be a … Suggest a link to one of their recent quotes about this issue. Suggest a link that documents their donor influence on this issue. Though Wyman has only admit­ted to “play­ing” in nation­al elec­tions, the truth is, she is extreme­ly active in Repub­li­can pol­i­tics at the state and local level. "They do not want people to know their party affiliation." of State: Kim Wyman (R) is winning with 52% of the vote, against Gael Tarleton (D) at 48%. !” in Seattle’s alt-weekly, The Stranger. “It’s been corrupted by the neo-Nazis, by the Klan,” said Wyman, of the flag. Polls  •   Biography. Kim Wyman in her capacity as the WASHINGTON SECRETARY OF STATE performs her functions under color of law in all counties of the State of Washington, and the general election under her supervision as held in King County, Washington, makes venue and jurisdiction proper in … Candidates  •   October 20: Be Vote Ready- Paddy McGuire, Kim Wyman (assistant), speakers and Ballot issues Novemeber 17- Addressing Race- speaker TBA December 15: Centennial Committee presents- three more notable Women Leaders of Mason County iSideWith is not affiliated with any political party, candidate, or interest group. Minorities who have experienced persecution and discrimination know this particularly well – voting is an essential step to protecting your rights. His words may be plucked from a college textbook, but his actions are only slightly more advanced than that of little boys who push little girls down in … We are currently researching this candidate’s voting record on this issue. Kim Wyman voterbase Yes, as long as it covers all protected groups (age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion) and is not based on critical race theory I now believe it’s quite possible that you can find the cause of your body symptoms and learn what you can do to improve your health. Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values. Results show that 84.1% or registered voters cast a ballot. Sec. And only one Republican was elected to statewide office: Secretary of State-elect, Kim Wyman. Republican Party Voters’ Answer: Pro-life. FAQs  •   ... such as political beliefs or social issues a user supports. Help us get it faster by telling them to answer the iSideWith quiz. Candidate Login  •   Kim Wyman’s most recent views and policy on Abortion in 2021. Candidates  •   She blew me away with her practice. Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months. document.write('Contact');  •   Secretary of State Kim Wyman is the lone statewide elected Republican in Washington state, the latest in a line of GOP chief election officers who have held the office for the last 52 years. Wyman says while it’s impossible to determine an exact number, she does not believe this case points to a larger issue. Kimberly Wyman Bio 10 Hi my name is Kimberly Wyman I am a 20 year old female, and I am going on my third year at Sierra. Suggest a link to their voting record on this issue. Secretary of State Kim Wyman, Secretary of State Sam Reed (Ret. FAQs  •   This candidate has not responded to our request to answer this question yet. Candidate Login  •   Washington’s election was overseen by one of the most competent secretaries of state in the country, Kim Wyman, who is a Republican. Terms. Suggest corrections to this candidate’s stance here, About  •   We are currently researching campaign finance records for donations that would influence this candidate’s position on this issue. This candidate’s support base disagrees with their political party on this issue. iSideWith is not affiliated with any political party, candidate, or interest group. Wyman has become a national spokeswoman for vote-by-mail, making frequent appearances on national media to extoll its virtues. The Washington Office of the Secretary of State’s blog provides from-the-source information about important state news and public services. In eight years as Secretary of State, Kim Wyman has proven a thoughtful leader, eschewing party politics to tread a centrist’s path. Republican Party Answer: Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child, Reference: “Exceptions for rape, incest, danger to mothers life” ‐ She serves on many state and national boards, enjoys mentoring students, participates in leadership-development organizations, and advocates for preserving and teaching our history and traditions, and the importance of civics education and volunteering in our communities. Secretary Wyman is committed to promoting civility and civic engagement, and connecting people with their government. One of them is Jae-ha Kim and, contrary to Wyman's beliefs, I feel she knows her stuff. Wyman has proved herself to be an advocate for voters. Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months, Yes, but allow churches the right to refuse same-sex ceremonies, Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples, Yes, except for certain medical conditions, Yes, but only by closing the gun show loophole, Yes, and businesses should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position, Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, Yes, as long as funding is not used for abortion procedures, Yes, and consentual sex with a spouse under the age of 18 should be classified as statutory rape, Yes, this will protect the safety and rights of police officers and citizens, Lower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations, No, it is immoral to deny health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, Yes, and we should socialize medicine and healthcare, No, this is a violation of the 2nd amendment, Yes, any business should be able to deny service for any reason, Yes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services, No, this would increase the risk of accidental shootings, No, but we should spend more to increase our border security, No, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries, No, keep the current wall but do not build more of it, Yes, except for religious organizations and charities that oppose the use of contraception, Yes, gerrymandering gives an unfair advantage to the party in power during redistricting, No, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion, Yes, but only for companies with 100+ employees, Yes, as long as it covers all protected groups (age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion) and is not based on critical race theory, Yes, but I prefer switching to a single payer healthcare system, Yes, and allow consumers to choose providers and import pharmaceuticals from other countries, No, the U.S. should encourage Iran to disarm through diplomatic channels, No, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate, No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation, Yes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time, No, not until we have depleted all other oil reserves, Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men, Yes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption, Yes, but after they have finished serving their sentence, No, foreign interests should not be able to buy the influence of our politicians, Yes, but scale back our current involvement, Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, Yes, and immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses, Yes, if the government considers you too dangerous to board a plane you should not be able to buy a gun, Yes, the government should support more sustainable energy technologies, Yes, as long as it does not threaten violence, No, only with a warrant showing probable cause of criminal activity, No, and we should not try to influence any other country’s elections or policy, Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record, No, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender, No, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit, Yes, politicians should not be bought by wealthy donors, Yes, but allow people to use private insurance, No, college is meant to challenge students thoughts and opinions so they are prepared for real life, Yes, and allow border states to manage their own security policy, No, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government, No, treat all traffic equally and continue the openness of the internet, Yes, if the merged corporation would have more than 50% of the market share, Yes, but their identity must be privately verified by a female staff member, No, the vast majority of people who receive Medicaid are disabled, Yes, and eliminate federal agencies that are unconstitutional, Yes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice, No, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so, Yes, but NATO should focus more on counter-terrorism strategies, Yes, but only if releasing the information does not threaten our national security, No, reforming the Supreme Court is unconstitutional and would upset the balance of power, Yes, but respect Israel’s sovereignty and do not dictate how it should interact with its neighbors, Yes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics, Yes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation, No, religion is an important aspect of our country’s history, Yes, but limit the amount they can donate, Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians, More, reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income, Yes, it is severely psychologically damaging to young undeveloped minds, No, Congress should approve all military conflicts, Yes, but in the form of tax breaks for all citizens, Yes, Iran has supported ISIS and their actions continue to destabilize the Middle East, No, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, No, education should be handled at the state and local level instead of the national level, No, this would encourage drug use and lower funding for rehabilitation centers, No, and minority groups should not receive any favorable treatment, No, we should stay out of conflicts that are not an immediate threat to our security, Help, in theory but have recently become corrupt and should have their powers limited, Yes, but only accept families (no single Muslim men), No, we must use every diplomatic option first, Decrease, until we drastically reduce our national budget deficit, Yes, and all employees should be paid time-and-a-half for overtime hours regardless of their pay scale, Yes, but only with permission from the country in question, More, veterans should be able to see any doctor of their choice, No, eliminate the income cap on taxable earnings and stop spending current funds on other programs instead, Yes, as long as it was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime, No, sentence them to life in prison without parole instead, Yes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis, Yes, China should be punished for artificially manipulating their currency, Yes, I trust the science of responsible food engineering but I don’t trust the motives of the food companies selling them, Yes, and drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses, Yes, we deserve to know who the bank gives money to, Yes, and drastically increase NASA’s current budget, Yes, but funding should come from states instead of the federal government, No, we should stay out of conflicts that do not directly threaten us, Yes, but only small local farms instead of large corporations, Yes, as long as offshore income is reported, Yes, he should be protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act, Yes, our country has been on the losing side of trade deals for too long, Yes, surveillance of all foreign countries is essential to tracking potential terrorist threats, No, all airstrikes should be conducted through UN coordination, Yes, foreign governments should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, No, this will incentivize companies to move jobs out of the country, No, the government should never own shares of private companies, Yes, but only if local citizens can vote on the amount of incentives to offer, No, the federal government does not have the authority to impose state and local taxes, No, it provides too high of risk for criminal activity, No, not until the cost ($4B) is dramatically reduced.
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