It also wanted to move to a US-style supreme court. In contrast to previous elections, the YouGov survey additionally found that a plurality of voters in the DE social grade – comprising the unemployed, state pensioners, and semi-skilled and unskilled workers – had opted for the Conservatives over Labour. [248][249], On 27 November, Labour announced it had obtained leaked government documents; they said these showed that the Conservatives were in trade negotiations with the US over the NHS. In newspapers, Labour received two-fifths (40%) of the coverage and the Conservatives 35%. In television coverage, Boris Johnson had a particularly high-profile (30.4% against Corbyn's 22.6%). They said that Labour's manifesto would not increase UK public spending as a share of national income above Germany. [265], Antisemitism in the Labour Party was persistently covered in the media in the lead up to the election. One in three Remain voters said they were voting to stop their least preferred party compared to 18% of Leave voters. There, the SDLP and Alliance regained parliamentary representation as the DUP lost seats. [91] Having undergone a split and two name changes, at dissolution this group numbered five MPs who sat as the registered party The Independent Group for Change under the leadership of Anna Soubry. Labour's position on a hung parliament was that it would do no deals with any other party, citing Corbyn to say "We are out here to win it"—although sources say it was prepared to adopt key policies proposed by the SNP and Lib Dems to woo them into supporting a minority government. [129] They also proposed increased funding for childcare and on the environment. [54] On 11 November, Farage announced that his party would not stand in any of the 317 seats won by the Conservatives at the last election. The Liberal Democrats said they would not actively support Johnson or Corbyn becoming Prime Minister, but that they could, if an alternative could not be achieved, abstain on votes allowing a minority government to form if there was support for a second referendum on Brexit. Remain voters who wanted the referendum result to be honoured chose the Conservatives over Labour by 62% to 23%, with 8% going to the Lib Dems. Just over a quarter (26%) of all voters said they were trying to stop the party they liked least from winning, including 43% of those who voted Lib Dem and 31% of Labour voters. The demographics. [170] However, there was little focused analysis on what the implementation of Brexit policies might mean, in contrast the analysis of other manifesto commitments on the economy, for example. The Conservatives won among all socio-economic groups by margins of between 6 points (DEs) and 20 points (C2s). I surveyed over 13,000 people on election day who had already cast their vote, to help understand how this extraordinary result came about. The UK initiated the withdrawal process in March 2017, and Prime Minister Theresa May triggered a snap general election in 2017, in order to demonstrate support for her planned negotiation of Brexit. Date of the election or elections for which a vote-by-mail ballot is needed; Signature of voter (written requests only) The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is 5 p.m. on the tenth day before the election. The Labour Party won 202 seats, its lowest number and proportion of seats since 1935. Chancellor Sajid Javid said the government had turned the page on 10 years of austerity. Hennepin County polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on primary and election days. In his leader's interview with Jeremy Corbyn, Andrew Neil dedicated the first third of the 30-minute programme entirely for discussion of Labour's relationship with the Jewish community. [207], Before candidate nominations closed, several planned candidates for Labour and for the Conservatives withdrew, principally because of past social media activity. As well as being a Westminster MP, Colum Eastwood also an, Sylvia Hermon was originally elected as the, Channel 4 described this as a leaders-only debate, and refused to accept, Representation of the People Act 1983, Sections 3 and 3A, John Bercow, listed in the linked reference, stood down as an MP by being appointed, DUP with 9; Sinn Féin with 7; Alliance with 3, DUP with 9; Sinn Féin with 6; SDLP with 2; Alliance and Speaker with 1, DUP with 8; Sinn Féin with 7; Alliance with 3; Speaker with 1, DUP with eight; Sinn Féin with seven; Alliance with four; and Speaker with one, DUP with eight; Sinn Féin with seven; SDLP with two; Alliance and Speaker with one, DUP with nine; Sinn Féin with six; SDLP with two; Alliance and Speaker with one, Speaker with one, uses 2017 NI results for forecasting, DUP with nine; Sinn Féin with seven; SDLP with two; Alliance and Speaker with one, DUP with ten; Sinn Féin with six; and SDLP with two, DUP with ten; Sinn Féin with seven; and "Others" with two, prolonged parliamentary deadlock over Brexit, UK's departure from the European Union on 31 January 2020, United Kingdom opt-outs from EU legislation, Opinion polling on the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union, R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, Continuing United Kingdom relationship with the European Union, European Union (Future Relationship) Bill, Trade deal negotiation between the UK and EU, EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), Proposed second Scottish independence referendum, 2019 vote of confidence in the May ministry, 2019 Conservative Party leadership election, European Union (Withdrawal) (No. Neither May nor her successor Boris Johnson (winner of the 2019 Conservative Party leadership election)[89][90] was able to secure parliamentary support either for a deal on the terms of the UK's exit from the EU, or for exiting the EU without an agreed deal. [255] A further investigation, also reported by the Daily Mirror, found that a group run by Conservative activist Jennifer Powers had spent around £65,000 on dozens of advertisements attacking Corbyn and Labour on housing policy without declaring any donations. 4,000 featured inaccurate claims about the cost of Labour's spending plans to the tax payer. 66% of 2017 Conservative Remain voters stayed with the Conservatives, with 21% going to the Lib Dems and 8% to Labour. [142], The DUP previously supported the Conservative government, but withdrew that support given their opposition to Johnson's proposed Brexit deal. [252], The 2019 NATO summit was held in Watford on 3–4 December 2019. "[287], As during the 2017 election, the electoral process was the most covered media topic for this election (31% of all coverage). When you receive your postal pack, it should contain: The nationalist and anti-Brexit parties the SDLP and Sinn Féin agreed a pact whereby the SDLP did not stand in Belfast North (in favour of Sinn Féin), while Sinn Féin did not stand in Belfast South (in favour of SDLP); neither party stood in Belfast East or North Down[63] and advised their supporters to vote Alliance in those two constituencies. [111][112] Sinn Féin, the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)[113] and Alliance all favoured remaining in the EU. [121], Its analysis of the Conservative manifesto concluded there was "essentially nothing new in the manifesto", that there was "little in the way of changes to tax, spending, welfare or anything else", and that they had already promised increased spending for health and education whilst in government. The shadow cabinet must get behind it", "General election 2019: Brexit - where do the parties stand? The Conservative Party supported leaving under the terms of the withdrawal agreement as negotiated by Johnson (amending Theresa May's previous agreement), and this agreement formed a central part of the Conservative campaign. The IFS is particularly critical of the policy to compensate the so-called "WASPI women", announced after the manifesto, which is a £58bn promise to women who are "relatively well off on average" and will result in public finances going off target. [188][187] None of the posts made by Labour in the period were challenged, although posts made on 10 December claiming a "Labour government would save households thousands in bills" and the Conservative Party had "cut £8bn from social care" since 2010, were flagged as misleading. [8] For Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson, the loss of her constituency's seat compelled her to resign as well, causing an internal crisis in the party and triggering a leadership election. After an election is announced, you can apply for a postal vote to have your ballot papers sent to you in the mail. [336], Between 26% and 33% of voters said they were trying to prevent a victory by the party they liked least, i.e. [105] The Liberal Democrats originally pledged that if they formed a majority government (considered a highly unlikely outcome by observers),[106] they would revoke the Article 50 notification immediately and cancel Brexit. In the worst result for the party in 84 years,[326] Labour won 202 seats, a loss of 60 compared to the previous election. [121][122][123][124][117] They found that Labour's plan to spend and invest would boost economic growth, but the impact of tax rises, government regulation, nationalisations and the inclusive ownership fund could reduce growth, meaning the overall impact of Labour's plan on growth is uncertain. Prediction based upon betting odds (assuming the favourite wins in each constituency): Note: The Speaker is shown under "Others" and not "Labour"; majority figures assume all elected members take up their seats. [267] The UK's Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, made an unprecedented intervention in politics, warning that antisemitism was a "poison sanctioned from the top" of the Labour Party, and saying that British Jews were gripped by anxiety about the prospect of a Corbyn-led government. [135], The Liberal Democrats' main priority was opposing Brexit. For Labour voters, the NHS was by far the most important issue, named by 74%; 28% mentioned stopping Brexit or getting a second referendum, while 27% mentioned poverty and inequality. 500 related to a "50,000 more nurses" pledge, consisting of 31,500 new nurses, and convincing 18,500 nurses already in post to remain. It is possible to vote by post in an election. They also promised to build more environmentally friendly homes and to establish a new Department for the Climate Crisis. compensating WASPI women, not shown above), and not for day-to-day spending. This was due to issues such as disquiet over anti-semitism in the Labour Party, and divisions over Brexit in the Conservative Party. UKIP stood in 42 seats in Great Britain and two seats in Northern Ireland. 2) Act 2019, Candidates in the 2019 United Kingdom general election, 2019 United Kingdom general election in Northern Ireland, List of target seats in the 2019 United Kingdom general election, whether the UK should leave the European Union, re-branded their Twitter account (@CCHQPress) as 'factcheckUK', Floods hit parts of England from 7 to 18 November, "is particularly acute in the Conservative Party", actions in the disputed territory of Kashmir, Endorsements in the 2019 United Kingdom general election, endorsed parties or individual candidates, List of MPs who stood down at the 2019 United Kingdom general election, Opinion polling for the 2019 United Kingdom general election, Results breakdown of the 2019 United Kingdom general election, Results of the 2019 United Kingdom general election, List of MPs who lost their seat in the 2019 United Kingdom general election, 2019 United Kingdom general election in England, 2019 United Kingdom general election in Scotland, 2019 United Kingdom general election in Wales, 2010s in United Kingdom political history, UUP's link-up with the Conservative Party, "UK set for 12 December general election", "Exit poll predicts 86-seat majority for Boris Johnson and Conservatives", "Election results 2019: Boris Johnson hails 'new dawn' after historic victory", "Share of votes in general elections in the United Kingdom from 1918 to 2017, by political party", "Jeremy Corbyn: 'I will not lead Labour at next election, "Scottish independence vote a 'democratic right', says Sturgeon", "Lib Dems in crisis: All out war erupts within party as fight for new leader begins", "Jane Dodds to 'keep on fighting' after election loss", "John Bercow, the controversial speaker who shaped Brexit", "Tearful John Bercow reveals he will step down as Speaker by 31 October", "Sir Lindsay Hoyle elected as Speaker of the House of Commons", "Will the Brexit impasse lead to a UK general election? 15% of voters said they would probably have voted for a different party had Brexit not been on the agenda at this election. [189], ITV aired a head-to-head election debate between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn on 19 November, hosted by Julie Etchingham. [94], One reason for the defections from the Labour Party was the ongoing row over antisemitism in the Labour Party. Thus far Jeremy Corbyn, Nicola Sturgeon, Jo Swinson & Sian Berry have confirmed. [121][122][123][124][117] Outside of commitments to the NHS, the proposals would leave public service spending 14% lower in 2023–2024 than it was in 2010–2011, which the IFS described as "no more austerity perhaps, but an awful lot of it baked in". [25], The deadline for candidate nominations was 14 November 2019,[26] with political campaigning for four weeks until polling day on 12 December. Voters cited Corbyn's leadership and Brexit as to why they either switched to the Conservatives or stayed at home. Facebook Messenger Share. Her party – the Conservative and Unionist Party – had governed the UK since the 2010 general election, initially in coalition with the Liberal Democrats and after the 2015 general election, alone with a small majority. [258] Powers' group, "Right to Rent, Right to Buy, Right to Own", made claims that Labour wanted to "attack property rights in the UK" and "your mortgage will be harder to pay under Labour". [237][238][239][240] The Liberal Democrats removed one of its candidates over antisemitic social media posts, and defended two others. Labour entered the election campaign while under investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This would, overall, have led to the UK's debt as a percentage of GDP rising. Here are key dates and voting deadlines for the 2020 election. [350] Ed Davey, the party's co-acting leader after the election, argued that the unpopularity of Corbyn lost the Liberal Democrats votes to the Conservatives. [160] At the start of the election period, Labour-supporting organisation Momentum held what was described as "the largest mobilising call in UK history", involving more than 2,000 canvassers. [247], The Conservatives banned Daily Mirror reporters from Johnson's campaign bus. [citation needed], The Conservatives were judged the worst of the main parties on climate change by Friends of the Earth with a manifesto which mentioned it only ten times.[115]. Some criticised the election campaign for being "hubristic" with its initial defining message that Swinson could be the country's next Prime Minister. 84% of 2017 Conservative voters stayed with the Tories, with 8% going to the Lib Dems, 5% going to Labour and 2% going to the Brexit Party. ", "Labour's Brexit policy is clear. In the early stages of the campaign, there was considerable discussion of tactical voting (generally in the context of support or opposition to Brexit) and whether parties would stand in all seats or not. 61% of Labour voters and 76% of Lib Dem voters said they voted Remain and still wanted to prevent Brexit happening if at all possible. [105][107][108][109] Part-way through the campaign, the Liberal Democrats dropped the policy of revoking Article 50 after the party realised it was not going to win a majority in the election. Labour's defeat led to Jeremy Corbyn conceding defeat and announcing his intention to resign, triggering a leadership election won by Keir Starmer. Asked to choose from a longer list of issues which three had been the most important in their voting decision, 72% of Conservative voters named getting Brexit done, with 41% naming the NHS, 29% naming the economy and 25% choosing having the right leadership or the best PM. Polling station in Tirana, Albania, 2019. Sajid Javid and John McDonnell featured prominently during the first week because the economy was a top story for the media. [339], The new Parliament reportedly had the highest number of openly LGBT MPs in the world, with 20 Conservative MPs, 15 Labour MPs and 10 SNP MPs who identify as LGBT. [9] The Liberal Democrats improved their vote share to 11.6% but won only 11 seats, a net loss of one since the last election. The 2017–2019 Parliament was defined by a significant amount of political instability, and consequently; a large number of defections and switching between parties. [281], A large proportion of the newspaper coverage of Labour was negative. Share this article: 0. [203] In the Loughborough analysis, during the first week of the campaign, for example, the Conservatives had a positive press coverage score of +29.7, making them the only party to receive a positive overall presentation in the press. Other policies included increased spending on the NHS; free childcare for two-to-four-year-olds; recruiting 20,000 more teachers; generating 80% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030; freezing train fares; and legalising cannabis. [170] Brexit was the most prominent policy issue on both TV (18%) and in the press (11%), followed by the economy and health (8% and 7% of all coverage respectively). [327][328] This marked a fourth consecutive general election defeat. Major encouraged voters to vote tactically and to back former Conservative candidates instead of those put forward by the Conservative Party. [citation needed], The Conservatives pledged net zero emissions by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution. The graph shows that the Conservatives and Labour polled to similar levels from mid 2017 to mid 2019. [99], The major parties had a wide variety of stances on Brexit. ", "Tactical voting sites have spread confusion and animosity. Three quarters of 2017 UKIP voters switched to the Conservatives, with 11% going to the Brexit Party. [121][122][123][124][117] The IFS reported that neither the Conservatives nor the Labour Party had published a "properly credible prospectus". Note: Elections etc does not add up to 650 seats due to rounding; the Speaker is shown under "Others" and not "Labour"; majority figures assume all elected members take up their seats. Men chose the Conservatives over Labour by a 19-point margin (48% to 29%), while women did so by just 6 points (42% to 36%). ", "Labour vows to electrify England's entire bus fleet by 2030", "Election manifestos: Labour tops Friends of the Earth's climate and nature league table", "Tory spending plans: Sajid Javid's key pledges", "Tory manifesto 'to forge a new Britain' - Johnson", "The outlook for the public finances: the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat manifestos compared", "McDonnell rejects claims Labour would leave people worse off", "IFS manifesto verdict: neither Tories nor Labour have credible spending plan", "UK parties not being 'honest with the electorate', think-tank says", "Tories and Labour 'lack credible spending plans, "Look closer at the IFS manifesto report. [196] BBC Scotland, BBC Cymru Wales and BBC Northern Ireland also hosted a variety of regional debates. Johnson could not induce Parliament to approve a revised withdrawal agreement by the end of October, and chose to call for a snap election. This would overall lead to the UK's debt as a percentage of GDP remaining stable (the IFS assesses that it would rise in the event of a no-deal Brexit). The line plotted is the average of the last 15 polls and the larger circles at the end represent the actual results of the election. Updated: 3 December 2019. The 2019 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday, 12 December 2019. [334] Most notable was the 'red wall' turning blue in the election, which secured the Conservative majority. The Conservative manifesto was described as having "little in the way of changes to tax" by the Institute for Fiscal Studies. ", "Labour's spending plans aren't especially unusual – just look at Sweden", "What are the 12 key policies in the Labour manifesto? [96] The Conservative Party was also criticised for not doing enough to tackle the alleged Islamophobia in the party. [136], The Brexit Party was also focused on Brexit. [130] This was to pay for an increased NHS budget; stopping state pension age rises; introducing a National Care Service providing free personal care; move to a net-zero carbon economy by the 2030s; nationalising key industries; scrapping universal credit; free bus travel for under-25s; building 100,000 council houses per year; and other proposals. Among remainers who still wanted to prevent Brexit if at all possible, just over half (56%) voted Labour, with 26% going to the Lib Dems; 5% of them voted Conservative. ", "What is in the Liberal Democrats manifesto? More than half of Leave voters who now wanted to remain voted Labour (58%), with 14% going to the Lib Dems and another 14% to the Conservatives. The results show who voted for whom, and why. [126], The IFS stated it had "serious doubt" that tax rises proposed would raise the amount Labour suggested, and said that they would need to introduce more broad based tax increases. [118] There are increased spending commitments of £3 billion current spending and £8 billion investment spending. [180][181][173][182][184][185], First Draft News released an analysis of Facebook ads posted by political parties between 1 and 4 December. Similarly, Plaid Cymru, led by Adam Price, stands only in Wales where it holds 4 of 40 seats. With the deadline to set up a register of diaspora voters about to expire next … In newspapers they received less coverage than the Brexit Party, whose leader Nigel Farage received nearly as much coverage (12.3%) as Johnson and Corbyn (17.4% each). [119], The Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), an influential research body, released on 28 November its in-depth analysis of the manifestos of the three main national political parties. [9] In Northern Ireland, nationalist MPs outnumbered unionist ones for the first time in history, although the unionist popular vote remained higher (43.1 per cent). Momentum also developed an app called My Campaign Map that updated members about where they could be more effective, particularly in canvassing in marginal constituencies. The Conservative Party lost seats – they won a plurality of MPs, but not a majority. [56] The Brexit Party reportedly requested that Johnson publicly state he would not extend the Brexit transition period beyond the planned end of December 2020 date and that he wished for a Canada-style free trade agreement with the EU. They also promised to significantly reduce carbon emissions by 2030 and hit zero carbon emissions by 2045. Nearly three quarters (73%) of Conservative voters said they voted Leave and wanted Brexit to happen as soon as possible; a further 18% said they voted Remain but wanted the referendum result to be honoured. In the 2019 election 3,415 candidates stood: 206 being independents, the rest representing one of 68 political parties. Deadline for a postal vote – 5pm on Tuesday, April 20 Deadline for a proxy vote - 5pm on Tuesday, April 27 Click here to find out which elections are taking place in your area. The Green Party in Northern Ireland did not stand in any of the four Belfast constituencies,[64] backing the SDLP in Belfast South, Sinn Féin in Belfast North and West, and Alliance in Belfast East and North Down;[65][66][67][68] the party only stood in the safe seats of East Antrim, Strangford and West Tyrone. [146] Under the banner of Unite to Remain, the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party of England and Wales agreed an electoral pact in some seats, but some commentators criticised the Liberal Democrats for not standing down in some Labour seats. [254], In February 2021, an investigation by openDemocracy found that third-party campaign groups "pushed anti-Labour attack ads to millions of voters ahead of the 2019 general election spent more than £700,000 without declaring any individual donation." Many of these seats had not had a Conservative MP in decades, if ever, but registered a strong 'Leave' vote in the 2016 referendum. [27] The date chosen for the 2019 general election made it the first to be held in December since 1923.[28][29]. The election result allowed Johnson a mandate to ensure the UK's departure from the European Union on 31 January 2020, thereby ending hopes of the Remain movement of overturning the result of the 2016 referendum. [187][188] According to the BBC, Labour supporters had been more likely to share unpaid-for electioneering posts, some of which included misleading claims. The third-largest party in seats won at the 2017 election was the Scottish National Party, led by Nicola Sturgeon since 2014, which stands only in Scotland but holds the majority (35 of 59 before this election) of seats there. [59][60] The Green Party had also unsuccessfully attempted to form a progressive alliance with the Labour Party prior to Unite to Remain. All of these candidates failed to be re-elected. [145] There were various electoral pacts and unilateral decisions. [170], Of the 20 most prominent spokespeople in media coverage of the first week of the election period, five were women, with SNP leader and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, in seventh place, the most featured. It opposed privatising the NHS. This caused a lot of confusion around tactical voting,[148][152] as it was reported that the sites did not match one another's advice. 84% of 2017 Labour Remain voters stayed with Labour, while 9% went to the Lib Dems. [251], A terrorist stabbing attack occurred in London on 29 November; owing to this, the political parties suspended campaigning in London for a time. Labour, meanwhile, had a negative score of -70, followed by the Brexit Party on -19.7 and the Liberal Democrats on -10. The Conservative Party and Labour Party have been the two biggest political parties, and have supplied every Prime Minister since 1922. Most of this coverage regarded the Brexit Party's proposed electoral pact with the Conservatives. According to Loughborough University's Centre for Research in Communication and Culture (CRCC), media coverage of the first week of the campaign was dominated by the Conservatives and Labour, with the leaders of both parties being the most represented campaigners (Johnson with 20.8%; Corbyn with 18.8%). 79% of those who voted Labour in 2017 stayed with the party, while 9% went to the Conservatives, 7% to the Lib Dems, 2% to the Greens and 1% to the Brexit Party. The analysis reports 88% of the 6,749 posts the Conservatives made had been "challenged" by fact checker Full Fact. Parliament agreed to an election through a motion proposed by the Liberal Democrats and Scottish National Party on 28 October. [102] The Labour Party's campaigning stance in that referendum would be decided at a special conference. [168] Bloomberg reported that between 6 and 21 November, the views on Twitter/Facebook were 18.7m/31.0m for Labour, 10m/15.5m for the Conservatives, 2.9m/2.0m for the Brexit Party, and 0.4m/1.4m for the Liberal Democrats. Learn which organizations and individuals are not allowed to donate to federal candidates. The decision to keep the rate of corporation tax at 19%, and not reduce it to 17% as planned, is expected to raise £6 billion/year.
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