1600 or 1200), adding 100 years subtracts 2 from the day of the week. Let's take the $100,000 annual gross as an example. Note that the top row of the chart does not fit the pattern. Use the knuckle trick from the previous paragraph to determine that there are 31 days in July. For example, 1 ≠ 8, but 1 ≡ 8 (mod 7). If we number the days of the week from 0 to 6 the result is some modulo value; if we use the range from 1 to 7, then 7 replaces 0. 2008 is a leap year. If you'd rather begin with some other day of the week, say … It allows you to take a date, like 14 March 1987, and mentally calculate which day of the week it fell on. So the value for the 3300s would be 5. Watch out for people who may give you dates that do not exist just to trick you, e.g., April 31st (there aren't 31 days in April) or February 29, 1900 (this turn of the century year is not a leap year). Idiot savants can do that." This new approach is updated for the 21st century, and employs new tips and tricks that help make this feat simpler to learn and quicker to perform. Conway's method uses the fact that the following dates always fall on the same day of the week in any given year. The Century-days of the 2000s, the -4400s, and the 96,812,000s are all Big Tuesdays, the 2000s, the -4400s, and 96,812,000s are all Big Tuesday-centuries, and 2000, -4400, and 96,812,000 are all Big Tuesday-years. We can add 84 years without affecting the day of the week to get that -7216 is a THREE’Sday. To compute the day of the week for any date: Date to Find Number: Enter a date where you'd like to know the day number of the year; Then, simply hit the Calculate Day of Year from Date button. Since -7227 is NOT divisible by 4 it cannot be a leap year, and thus 1/10 is a Doomsday. #include /* Day of the Week calculator Accurate as far back as September 14, 1752. This is a place to learn how to do cool things that have no use other than killing time and … In the above formula, the return_type argument is omitted, which means that the default type 1 is used - the week beginning on Sunday.. We can all calculate the day of any week mentally just like the character played by Dustin Hoffman in the movie “Rainman”. The swap rate is credited or debited once for each day of the week when a position is rolled over, with the exception of Wednesday, when it is credited or debited 3 times (i.e. To find out the days of the week for any date, use the formula: [day of week] = (yearcode + monthcode + day) mod 7 If you’re not math-inclined, this may look quite scary at first, but don’t worry: using the formula is straightforward. 1700 or 1764), adding 4 years subtracts 2 from the day of the week, adding 12 years adds 1 to the day of the week, adding 16 years subtracts 1 from the day of the week, and adding 28, 56, and 84 years adds 0 to (i.e. For example, 3/29/1642 is closer to 4/4/1642 than to 3/0/1642. This algorithm works for the Gregorian Calendar. They're quite easy. Select a blank cell which you will place the day of week at, and type one of the below formulas into it, then press Enter key to get the weekday. Return day of week as a text value. You can easily calculate the day of the week, given any date in history, and with a little practice you can even do it in your head. Read down the columns to see the pattern. Besides the formula, all you need to memorize is a single Doomsday date for each month and your year's anchor date. In this tutorial, you will find a variety of useful formulas to add and subtract dates in Excel, such as subtracting two dates, adding days, weeks, months and years to a date, and more.. If you want to really impress people at cocktail parties — and by impress I mean freak them out with your uncanny, weird, rainman-like borderline Asperger's-syndrome abilities — compute the day of week of any date in your head. Add these three numbers (the divided number and remainders). In this hypothetical situation, your FTE would equal 800/40=20. If you know that 10/10/-2543 is a SIXAday, then you can quickly determine that 10/2/-2543 is a FIVEday, because of 2-10 ≡ -8 ≡ -8+7 ≡ -1, and 6+(-1) ≡ 5. Dividing by 7, we get 425 weeks with 3 days left over. into negative years (i.e. These are easy to remember for Americans or Europeans because of the symmetry. The Century Code for dates in the 2000s is 6. If you have been following our tutorials to working with dates in Excel, you already know an array of formulas to calculate different time units such as days, weeks, months and years. Simply type your date of birth in the box below, and it will tell you ... honest! You now have 1 day-of-week per month from April through December. If you don't feel like learning and jumping through a few mental hula hoops, you can simply use a service like Wolfram Alpha to find out " what day of the week was July 4, 1776 ". Once you know the Year-day, you know the day of the week of every Doomsday in that year. To convert 10/34 into a normal date, simply subtract the number of days in the 10th month (October). We know 4/4/1642 is a Doomsday, so we add 14 days to discover that 4/18/1642 is a Doomsday. In this feat, someone gives you a date, and you quickly state the day of the week on which it fell. One standard approach is to look up (or calculate, using a known rule) the value of the first day of the week of a given century, look up (or calculate, using a method of congruence) an adjustment for the month, calculate the number of leap years since the start of the century, and then add these together along with the number of years since the start of the century, and the day number of the month. While many of us may get stuck working 6 or 7 days a week, most of the world revolves on a 5 day work week. Another easy-to-remember Doomsday is 3/0. This is used in the US after 1752 (after the British took it up) but in some countries, it was taken up earlier (Spain and Portugal). Using the Week Calculator. For example, 6/6 and 6/-64 are Doomsdays. The Dozen-day can be calculated by adding the Century-day to the result of the division by 12. While finding a day of the week we are only interested in the remainder when numbers are divided by 7. As you can check, 7 x 33 = 231, which means that 237 / 7 = 33 remainder 6. 3+2 ≡ 5, so the Dozen-day of 1642 is Friday. Use the month's Doomsday to find the day you need. the -1300s or the 14th century B.C.E.) Within “standard” 100-year blocks (i.e. The world can even think of months as having negative days. are -1400, NOT -1300 because -1400 comes before -1300. In our example, 1642-1640 ≡ 2, and 2+THREE’Sday ≡ FIVEday, so the Year-day of 1642 is Friday. Because of leap years, these tricks only work within certain blocks of a certain number of years and only when you begin in the first year in the block. Now onto the formula. You can easily determine your FTE numbers with the FTE Calculator below. If you want to find the day of the week for a modern date (like your birthday), use the second section! 1 divided by 7 is 0, with no remainder. So to calculate what the day of the week is going to be 237 days from this Monday, you first need to calculate 237 mod 7. The Century-year, 1600, is a Big TWO’Sday. To look up or calculate what day the given year in that century started on. Multiply the number of times you subtracted 4 by -2, and add this result to the Dozen-day to get the Quad-day. For a table of all of the Doomsdays, refer to the “Overview of all Doomsdays” section of the Wikipedia article entitled, “Doomsday rule”: It is useful to know the effect that adding different numbers of years will have on the Year-day. Throughout the guide you will see (and have been seeing) congruence symbols, ≡, rather than equals signs, =, because 71 does NOT equal 8, but they are equivalent to determine the day of the week. February has 28 days during a normal year and 29 days during a leap year. You have to be careful when going from March to January as well. We've been helping billions of people around the world continue to learn, adapt, grow, and thrive for over a decade. To use this algorithm, input your date of birth, and then boom the day of the week in which you were born on appears. There is a useful mnemonic to distinguish between months with 31 days and fewer than 31 days. Let’s work out what day April 13 falls on. If the given year is 1642, then the Dozen-year is 1636, because of 1636-1600 ≡ 12*3. From this, you should be able to easily calculate the day-of-week for any date in 2007. I’d like to read a csv file into a pandas dataframe, parse a column of dates from string format to a date object, and then generate a new column that indicates the day of the week. It's not as difficult as you might think. (Important note: this does not mean that April 4, 2001, was also Tuesday. Likewise, if you know that 9/5/1776 is a FOUR’Sday, then you can quickly see that 9/7/1776 is a SIXAday, because of 7-5 ≡ 2 and 4+2 ≡ 6. 27 July 2012 Josh. All of these congruences are thus “modulo 7,” abbreviated “mod 7.” Numbers are congruent modulo 7 if their remainders are the same when they are divided by 7. Excel WEEKNUM formulas to convert date to week number (from 1 to 54) The following screenshot demonstrates how you can get week numbers from dates with the simplest =WEEKNUM(A2) formula:. The “Quad-day” of any given year is the Year-day of the Quad-year. Remember also that -1400 is equivalent to 1401 B.C.E., NOT 1400 B.C.E. 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, and 11/7 fall on the Doomsday as well. Here are some formulas can help you quickly return the day of week from the given date. 2. 659k members in the LearnUselessTalents community. For example, 5/9, 5/16, and 5/23 are all Doomsdays. 1 minute ago. The “Dozen-year” of any given year is the largest year that is both less than or equal to the given year and that has the property that the positive difference of itself and the Century-year is divisible by 12. Divide the sum by 7 and take the remainder. There is no such thing as Week-to-date (WTD) or Period-to-date (PTD) where period could be any arbitrary period definition (I used two-month periods in my example below). For example, 10/10 and 10/34 are both Doomsdays. They are easy to memorize, and once one has this down pat, some simple calculations allow you to do this for any year. You don’t need to be an autistic genius – all it takes is basic memorization effort and some trivial math. To calculate your baby’s corrected age, start with your baby’s age in weeks (the number of weeks since birth) and subtract the number of weeks your baby was premature. Note: This process can be used in reverse to find either the month, day, or year if any one of them is missing but the Day-of-the-Week is known.". Prev References. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Note that the Gregorian calendar has been reformed in the past and that this algorithm only applies to the Gregorian calendar in its most recent state. As we now know, the answer to 237 mod 7 is just the remainder in the problem 237 / 7. Every dollar contributed enables us to keep providing high-quality how-to help to people like you. Mentally finding out the day of the week for any date is a skill you can easily learn. Here is a calendar calculation technique that I learned from a book called Mind Performance Hacks. For example, the Century-day of the 1800s is Friday, because you subtract 100 twice to get 1600, which is a Big Tuesday-year (because it’s divisible by 400). This value for any century can instead be computed by multiplying 5 times the difference between the (2-digit) century and the highest multiple of 4 in it. Add the remainder to the century's anchor day to find the year's Doomsday. The formula is Month Code + Day + Year Code and then use multiples of seven to get as close as you can to the answer and then the remainder is the Day Code that gives the Day. Don't give up, though. The four-number cycle (0-5-3-1) of the Century Table repeats itself indefinitely, as shown in the table by the 0 for century 2000. 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10 … Tuesday + 1 = Wednesday. As mentioned in the “Calculating Century-days” section, within “standard” 400-year blocks (i.e. The method is based on one developed by John Horton Conway, and is described in Winning Ways, a book that he wrote with Berlekamp and Guy. Subtract 100 from the Century-year until you get to a Big Tuesday-year. April, June, September, and November have 30 days. In numerical calculation, the days of the week are represented as weekday numbers. A mnemonic for the last four Doomsdays in the list is: “9 to 5 job at a 7-11 gas station.” For example, in the year 2000, April 4, June 6, July 11, and November 7 are all Tuesdays. These should be easy to remember because it is 7,14,21,28, and we're doing math by 7s because there are 7 days per week. For March through December, the Sunday Letter is E. For 2009, the Sunday Letter is D. (Again, one step back. Month Code; Divide the last two digits of a year by four, discard the remainder and add the whole number to the last two digits of the year. does not affect) the day of the week. We first need to find the Century-day of the -1700s. The Doomsday Algorithm was "latest link in the braid" for the week of April 6-12, 1999. Calculating whether you'll qualify for the full $1,400 third stimulus check is tricky, so we made it plug-and-chug. Divide $100,000 by 48 and you get $2,083 per week. Under Work time, do one or more of the following:. More examples of how modulo behave are -15 ≡ -1 ≡ 6 (mod 7) and 4 ≡ -3 ≡ 7004 (mod 7). You can now calculate any day-of-week within a decade or so. Zeller's Algorithm can be used to determine the day of the week for any date in the past, present or future, for any dates between 1582 and 4902. Find how many 4's go into the remainder evenly. For instance, it seems that 20 percent of the people know the day of the week they were born on, so there will often be someone around to check out if you are correct. Also, 1900 is the Century-year of the 20th century. This new approach is updated for the 21st century, and employs new tips and tricks that help make this feat simpler to learn and quicker to perform. You’re probably wondering: “What do I do once I get to July?” because July is on the knuckle of your pinky. Create a day-of-week column in a Pandas dataframe using Python. So it might be a good idea to prepare in advance some quick comeback like, "You know, you're right, they can. Date Calculators. Zeller's Algorithm can be used to determine the day of the week for any date in the past, present or future, for any dates between 1582 and 4902. That's exactly 26 weeks, so there are exactly 26 of each day of the week. Next, we must find Dozen-year. And yes, we do include Leap Years for those lucky February 29th folks! The WEEKDAY function will get a day number of the week form a date. Close • Posted by. April 4 (4/4), June 6 (6/6), 8/8, 10/10 and 12/12 (December 12). Here are some easy-to-remember Doomsdays: 4/4, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12, 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, and 11/7. When will New Years Day be in 2017? In 1752, England was the last country to skip days (11 days) in order to sync up calendars as the world finished shifting from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. 1600-1699 or 1200-1599, but not 1400-1799), beginning from any Big Tuesday-year (i.e. These Year-days are called “Big Tuesdays” (just to help you remember them). If I type Oct 5th 540 BC the result is Oct 5th -539 BC which is a Sunday. In order to calculate how much your employees cost you, you're going to first want to find the gross hourly rate. January, March, May, July, August, October, and December have 31 days. The secret of the method is to have a way of knowing the day of the week for one day in each month of the year. To use this algorithm, input your date of birth, and then boom the day of the week in which you were born on appears. Calculate the day of the week for any date in your head… The Century Table repeats itself every 400 years in the 0-5-3-1 pattern 8-15-22-29". Use arithmetic modulo7 to add the number of days elapsed since the start of a known period (usually in practice a century). We can subtract 12 years, reducing the day of the week by 1, to get -7228 is a TWO’Sday. April's Doomsday is 4/4, a Wednesday, so July 13 is a Friday. You can choose between two methods when calculating your due date with the help of this calculator: Due date by the last menstrual period. But with the arrival of COVID-19, the stakes are higher than ever. Note though, that the Century-year of the century that -1362 lies in (i.e. If calculating the day of the week in your head were easy, then it wouldn't be nearly so impressive once you do get it down. Since 4/4/1642 ≡ 4/-3/1642 ≡ 3/28/1642, we know that 3/29/1642 ≡ FIVEday + 1 ≡ SIXAday. Another quick way to increase your speed is to memorize some January and February Doomsdays for non-leap years, like 1/10 and 2/0. Concentrate on being precise first before you concentrate on speed. April 4, 2001, was a Wednesday.) Calculate the day-of-week for any date since Year 1 Calculate number of days between two dates Add or subtract days from a date Add or subtract years, months, days from a date Find years that have the same day-of-week to date relationship Find all years where a specific date lands on a specific day-of-week It estimates the number of agents for other times of day (or another time period). You'll quickly see the result in the Day of the Year box, which will show the day of the week as well as the day number of the year. The method involves calculating four different values of a given date in your head, the year item, the month item, the day item and an adjustment. Calculating the Day of the Week in Your Head As today is ‘Friday the 13 th’ we thought we’d introduce a fun little exercise in calculating the day of the week - in your head . Week 24. January, February, and March have your base day (Wednesday for 2007) on 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, and 3/28. Now, we notice that we can ignore any digits after the first 4, because the Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years (and, thus, also every 10,000 years). The “Year-day” of any given year is the day of the week on which all of its Doomsdays lie. If you know that August 8, 1953, is a Saturday, then you can quickly determine that August 4, 1953, is a Tuesday, because four days before SIXAday is TWO’Sday. Here is how to calculate which day of the week that was (Lancaster, 2005): ... Find the Day of the week. For example, 8/6 is equivalent to August 6th, 7/24/1670 is equivalent to July 24th, 1670 C.E., 12/6/534 is equivalent to December 6th, 534 C.E., and 10/23/-1889 is equivalent to October 23rd, 1890 B.C.E. If you are not in a Big Tuesday-century, then you can find the Century-day as follows. To compute the distance in weeks and days between two dates, simply fill out the two input fields: First date: Enter the date to start the calculation Second date: Enter the end date for the calculation Follow that up by hitting 'Calculate Weeks Difference'. We can add 1 year, adding 1 to the day of the week, to get that -7227 is a THREE’Sday. Note that you can get from one Century-day day to the next by subtracting two from the initial Century-day. The basis of nearly all the algorithms to calculate the day of the week is: 1. The notation “(mod 7)” will be left off throughout the guide, because all congruences are assumed to be modulo 7. Years that are divisible by 400 are called “Big Tuesday-years,” and centuries that have Century-days that are also Big Tuesdays are called “Big Tuesday-centuries.” Thus, the Year-day of 1600 is a Big Tuesday. This only works when the larger of the two adjacent centuries is not a Big Tuesday-century. This formula could even be extended further to encompass and compute the entire Year value in one felled swoop, but that formula, at its simplest, would be too complicated to carry around in one’s head and then perform the calculation quickly and precisely, which are the goals of the process explained here. Click here to show the process when the date is anywhere between 1800 and 2199. To use this algorithm for other years, increase your day by one for each year (2006 is Tuesday, 2005 is Monday). When I first learned this technique many years ago, I did it just for fun. Remember that you can add or subtract any multiple of 7 to a Number-day. How to Perform Calendar Calculations in Your Head. Other explanations of the Doomsday Algorithm and why it works can be found at the following URLs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_rule#Julian_calendar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomical_year_numbering, http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/arthur_benjamin_does_mathemagic.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_rule#Overview_of_all_Doomsdays, https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/node73.html, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/calendar-algorithm/, https://www.timeanddate.com/date/doomsday-weekday.html, https://cosmosmagazine.com/mathematics/magic-or-maths-find-the-day-of-the-week-for-any-date, http://thescienceexplorer.com/technology/how-calculate-day-week-any-date-until-2099, https://web.williams.edu/Mathematics/sjmiller/public_html/hudson/Ekness____Doomsday%20Presentation.pdf, http://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/doomsday.html, Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. The Century-year, -7300, is one century before a Big Tuesday-century, so the Century-day is THREE’Sday. You’ll also need to remember your year’s anchor day. Calculate the day of the week for any date in your head (rudy.ca) 2 points by emrehan 1 hour ago | hide | past | web | favorite | discuss Guidelines | FAQ | Support | API | Security | Lists | Bookmarklet | Legal | Apply to YC | Contact For January and February, the Sunday Letter is F (one letter back from the year before), but the leap day, February 29, causes a disruption. The Year-day of every year divisible by 400 is Tuesday. Okay, so you have mastered calculating the day-of-week for any date in your head, but only for the 1900's? Also, memorize 7/11, 11/7, 9/5 and 5/9 (Memory aid: The people at the 7/11 work from 9 to 5, and reverse the numbers too). % of people told us that this article helped them. That is, 6-4 ≡ 2. I explain how to calculate the day of the week for any calendar date in history (works only with the modern calendar system). How to Calculate Food Cost Percentage. Okay, so you have mastered calculating the day-of-week for any date in your head, but only for the 1900's? You can add one to any January or February non-leap year Doomsday to get the Doomsday for a leap year. Calculating the Day of the Week in Your Head, a fun little exercise in calculating the day of the week - in your head. Answer: 0 + 0 + 1 + 6 – 1 = 6. To create this article, 68 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. For instance, Sunday is the first day of the week and is represented by 1, Monday by 2, and so on. As today is ‘Friday the 13th’ we thought we’d introduce a fun little exercise in calculating the day of the week - in your head. Thus, 1/16/-6,387,227 ≡ 1/16/-7227. You now have 1 day-of-week for every month. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. with the exception that years divisible by 400 are leap years. So you should always ask the question 'What Country'?' u/bprogramming. For example, the 3400s would be 5 X (34-32) = 10 (and 10, when reduced by the 7s in it, equals 3). March (month 3) has 31 days, so 4/-3 ≡ 3/28. The “Dozen-day” of any given year is the Year-day of the Dozen-year. So, 8/-6 is the same as 7/25, because -6+31 ≡ 25. Don't get frustrated if you keep getting the answer wrong at first. Note that the algorithm is based heavily on the Doomsday Algorithm, which is easy-to-use (requiring only knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), requires very little memorization, and can be extraordinarily fast with practice. Concepts. Whether you're wondering what day of the week your parents got married or want to check the weekday that a significant historical event like the terrorist attacks on the USA on September 11th 2001 happened, our Day of the week calculator will be able to work it out in a jiffy. Please note that this calculator uses calendar years in which the yea begins on January 1st. As we now know, the answer to 237 mod 7 is just the remainder in the problem 237 / 7. The years, taken at ten-year intervals, fall into a pattern. The Day Number is 1. Although it depends on the novelty aspects of your dish, your guests’ expectations, and your restaurant’s service type, a restaurant’s food cost percentage should typically be between 28-35%. Watch out for leap years. The Year-day of 1900 is Wednesday, so the Century-day of the 1900s (i.e. The Doomsday Algorithm gives the day of the week for any date (and you can do it in your head) Created 1994-02-22, Updated 2021-01-03 with examples for 2021 The best technique for Century-days is simply to memorize the simple pattern that they follow, which repeats every 4 centuries: 2, 0 or 7, -2 or 5, 3. In a few calendars, the week begins with 1 as for Monday and 7 as Sunday, which is like the ISO 8601 standards calendar. Whatever the letter for the 1st of the month is, it will be the same for the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and (if the month has at least 29 days) the 29th. From the day of the week chart above, 5 correlates with Friday therefore we have now worked out that the 18th of March 1977 was a Friday. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. See the next paragraph for the solution. Non-leap years will be referred to throughout the guide as “normal years.” The Gregorian calendar repeats exactly every 400 years. This calculator will instantly tell you whether the date you entered is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Monday through Friday. (back one letter from the year before), For 2007, it is G. (again, back one letter from the year before -- G is considered to be one letter back from A). If you know that 2/28/18,400 is a ONEday, then you can quickly determine that 3/3/18,400 is a FIVEday, because of 2/28/18,400 ≡ 3/-1/18,400 and 3-(-1) ≡ 4 and 1+4 ≡ 5. Since the Year-day of 1224 is Thursday, the Dozen-day of 1234 is also Thursday. We know that 7 x 17 is 119, leaving a remainder of 6: It also gives out a few fun facts as well as the calendar of the month. So, the Dozen-day of -1713 is 3+7 ≡ 3 ≡ THREE’Sday (since we can subtract 7 as we please). With more practice, you could quickly find the day of the week for a more challenging date, say January 16, 6387228 B.C.E. Click here to show the process when the date is anywhere between 1800 and 2199. Add the result to the Quad-day to get the Year-day. Adding a day planner to your staffing calculations, with help from the Erlang Calculator – Day Planner, will help you manage this. The foetal weight calculator lets you calculate the percentile of the foetal weight as well as the estimated foetal weight at the time of delivery. By using our site, you agree to our. The pattern looks like this: 1600 ≡ TWO’Sday ≡ 2, 1700 ≡ Sunday ≡ 0, 1800 ≡ FIVEday ≡ 5 ≡ -2, 1900 ≡ THREE’Sday ≡ 3 ≡ -4, 2000 ≡ TWO’Sday ≡ 2 ≡ -5, and so on. This article has been viewed 380,269 times. To look up or calculate wha… Estimated Foetal Weight Calculator. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. For more information on this reform and its consequences for calculating the day of the week, refer to the “Julian calendar” section of the Wikipedia article entitled “Doomsday rule”: In this guide, the notation “C.E.” and “B.C.E.” will be used. Wednesday is thus also the Year-day of 1640. Here’s a graph for that – Tuesday for the 2000’s. Next, tap the knuckle of your middle finger and say “March.” Notice as you continue that all of the months with 31 days are on knuckles, while all of the months with fewer days are in gaps. Which one is correct? 1 + 0 + 0 = 1. For example, 9/5 and 9/26 are both Doomsdays, because of 5+7*3 ≡ 26. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. For another example, we can calculate the Dozen-day of -1713. Dozen-years and Quad-years are leap years (UNLESS they are also Century-years, excluding the cases in which they are also Big Tuesday-years when they ARE leap years). Thus, February 15th is a Doomsday during leap years, but February 14th is a Doomsday during normal years. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Calculate the day of week of any date... in your head. Summing up, there are a total of (6 x 365) + (2 x 366) + (31 + 30) − 5 = 2978 days between the two dates. Let’s walk through each one of of its parts. January 1, 2015 is a Thursday. If you practice enough, you will eventually memorize more Doomsdays and all of the common Century-days (like the 1900s ≡ 3 and 2000s ≡ 2). Once you've calculated those four values, simply add them up and calculate the remainder of a division by seven (so that's modulo 7) and look up the day of the week in the following table: Doomsday Calculator – Calculate the weekday of any date in your Head; Week Number Calculator – Find the week number for any date; Date Calculator – Add or subtract days, months, years; Add to or subtract from a date and time; Duration Between Two Dates – Calculates number of days.
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