The European court of human rights ruled that Russia violated Navalny's rights by holding him under house arrest in 2014. [81] Riot police in the city began breaking up the protest and detaining participants before it was scheduled to start. [165] After the dispersal of the protesters on Pionerskaya Square, protesters went along Zagorodny Prospekt towards Moskovsky Prospekt. Russian police have issued a strong warning against participating in protests planned for Sunday to call for the release of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin's most prominent foe. Sergey Ponomarev—The New York Times/Redux Alexei Navalny Has Wrong-Footed Putin From Inside a Jail Cell. [190], A number of actions against repression were held in Russia on Valentine's Day. [160] Protesters gathered near the Bryantsev Youth Theatre. Protests in Russia began on 23 January 2021 in support of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny after his arrest and the release of the film Putin's Palace, which revolves around the connection between President Vladimir Putin and a palace allegedly being built for him. The government’s mood apparently changed following the failed assassination attempt and a deeply embarrassing investigation by Bellingcat, which exposed the attack as the work of an FSB hit squad who had shadowed Navalny around Russia for years. [77] However, Facebook and YouTube have countered this claim. It was reported that Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov informed U.S. [48], On 6 February, the Russian government expelled three diplomats, each from Germany, Poland and Sweden for allegedly participating in the protests on 23 January, leading to protest from the United States and EU leaders. [142], A woman who was kicked by a riot policeman during the protest in a widely circulated video was hospitalized again after her condition worsened. Предварительные итоги акций протеста 23 января, "Протесты в регионах в поддержку Навального: массовые задержания и требования перемен | DW | 23.01.2021", "Акция в Иванове: 500 участников, антипутинские лозунги, задержание", "Массовый митинг в поддержку Навального и против действующей власти прошел в Иванове (фото) | Частник.ru", "На несогласованную акцию в Ижевске вышло около 1 тысячи человек", "Как прошли митинги за Навального: свыше 2 тысяч задержанных по стране, "прогулки" по центру Казани". [174] Around 7,000 protesters gathered in the city according to media estimates. Полиция задерживает людей на Манежной площади", "Russia Expels European Diplomats Over Navalny Protests – Foreign Ministry", "Germany, Poland, Sweden to Expel Russian Diplomats in Tit-for-Tat Move", "Russian Communist Lawmaker Detained for 'Observing' Navalny Protests", "Navalny's associates announce protests planned for February 14", "Russian law enforcement threatens more felony prosecutions ahead of pro-Navalny flashmobs planned for Sunday", "Российские государственные агентства сообщили о подготовке терактов на массовых уличных акциях cообщают "Открытые медиа, "Акции против политических репрессий 14 февраля. [186], On 8 February, a Saratov lawmaker from the Communist Party, Nikolai Bondarenko, was detained on charges of violating protest rules. He also urged Russia to "fully cooperate with the international community's investigation into the poisoning of Aleksey Navalny and credibly explain the use of a chemical weapon on its soil". [2] According to MBKh Media, around 2,500 people attended the protest in Ufa, Bashkortostan, around 5,000 people attended the protest in Chelyabinsk, around 3,000 people attended the protest in Samara and around 3,000 people attended the protest in Arkhangelsk. On 30 January, the day before protests would begin again, a video of him was published where he announced his resignation and urged people not to go to the protests. Navalny was charged with violating a suspended sentence he received in 2014 while he was in Germany, a sentence that the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2017 previously ruled as "arbitrary and unreasonable". History of World's Largest Bribe, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, "Navalny Allies Announce New Courtyard Protests", "За рубежом прошли акции солидарности с Навальным (ФОТО, ВИДЕО)", "Putin er nervøs og forsøger at kvæle protester fra Navalnyj-tilhængere i hele Rusland", "Polisen ingrep mot demonstration i Stockholm", "Demonstration för Navalny i Göteborg upplöst av polis", "Policija u Beogradu zabranila skup podrške Navaljnom zbog kršenja epidemioloških mera", "POLICIJA U BEOGRADU ZABRANILA SKUP PODRŠKE NAVALJNOM ZBOG KRŠENJA EPIDEMIOLOŠKIH MERA", "В Тель-Авиве и Хайфе на митинги солидарности с Навальным пришли тысячи человек", "Dueling rallies in Moldova support, criticize Kremlin foe Navalny", "Alexei Navalny: 'More than 3,000 detained' in protests across Russia", "Police crack down on Russian protests against jailing of Kremlin foe Navalny", "Russia Police Violence in Spotlight After 3,500 Protesters Detained", "Russia: Momentum for protest is growing over Putin's 'palace' and Navalny's imprisonment", "Активисты ПАРНАС 23 января участвовали в протестах по всей России",, "Активисты ЛПР по всей стране вышли в пикеты в поддержку Навального и против правового беспредела", "Источник: Ижевск. He also addressed his earlier remarks on protests being suspended, saying: "My poorly worded phrase was interpreted by everyone that the protests are cancelled. [59] An investigation by Bellingcat and The Insider implicated agents from the Federal Security Service (FSB) in Navalny's poisoning. Boris Johnson described the ruling as “pure cowardice,” which failed to meet “the most basic standards of justice”. Protesters moved towards the central square before being dispersed. "Ершики против коррупции: как в Красноярске прошла самая масштабная акция протеста", "В Краснодаре акция в поддержку Алексея Навального прошла практически без задержаний", "Липчане собрались на несогласованную акцию", "Police clamp down on Russian protests against jailing of Kremlin foe Navalny", "Hundreds of Navalny supporters joined protest in Murmansk", "В Челнах во время массовых протестов задержаны 37 человек", В ХМАО по итогам митингов в поддержку Навального в полицию доставлено 11 человек, "С крестом и электрошокерами: показываем акцию Навального в Самаре в 15 фото и одном видео", Более тысячи протестующих пришли на главную площадь Саратова и устроили митинг под окнами правительства, "В Сочи на Площади Флага состоялась протестная акция", "Фоторепортаж: как в Сыктывкаре прошел несанкционированный митинг в поддержку Навального", "Колонна из митингующих, автозаки и ОМОН: в Тюмени прошла несанкционированная акция протеста — репортаж", "В Череповце прошел несанкционированный митинг", "Глава штабов Навального подтвердил намерение провести акции 31 января | DW | 25.01.2021", "Леонид Волков анонсировал новые акции протеста через неделю", "Team Navalny announces location of this weekend's protest in Moscow", "Navalny's Team Plans Weekend Protests Outside FSB", "По итогам митинга в поддержку Навального в Москве в суды поступило 448 дел", "Russian TikTokers Detained for Attacking FSB Car at Navalny Protests", "Следователи доложили Бастрыкину о 20 уголовных делах по акциям 23 января", "Против Леонида Волкова возбудили уголовное дело из-за "призывов" к подросткам участвовать в протестных акциях", "Protester Kicked by Russian Police Re-Hospitalized", "Олега Навального после обыска забрали полицейские", "Russian Police Search Navalny's Apartment, HQ – Aides", "Russia braces for latest Navalny protests", "Мэрия Москвы предупредила о закрытии центральных станций метро", "В Москве перед акцией в поддержку Навального оцепили здание ФСБ на Лубянке", "В Москве перенесли место начала шествия сторонников Навального", "Полиция начала массовые задержания у метро "Красные ворота" в Москве", "В Москве закрыли станции метро "Красные ворота" и "Сухаревская, "Волков снова сменил место митинга в Москве — теперь он зовет всех на Комсомольскую площадь", "As It's Happening: Russians Stage Fresh Navalny Protests", "Юлию Навальную отпустили из отдела полиции Щербинки", "Navalny's nationwide protests: Round II", "У "Матросской тишины", где держат Навального, начались массовые задержания", "Рэпера Оксимирона задержали на акции протеста в Петербурге", "Рэпер Oxxxymiron задержан на акции в поддержку Навального в Москве", "Oxxxymiron отпущен из полиции после задержания на митинге в Санкт-Петербурге", "В центре Санкт-Петербурга полицейский направил табельный пистолет на протестующих", "В Петербурге объявлено об окончании митинга-шествия, но людей продолжают задерживать", "Площадь Минина и Пожарского частично перекрыта из-за митингов", "В Нижнем Новгороде 31 января станция метро "Горьковская" будет закрыта до 16:00", "В нижегородских соцсетях появились видео задержания на акции протеста 31 января | Открытый Нижний", "В Нижнем Новгороде на акции протеста задержан журналист Александр Пичугин | Открытый Нижний", "Протестующих вытеснили с площади Минина и Пожарского", "В Екатеринбурге закрыли большую часть станций метро", "Евгений Ройзман вышел на шествие в Екатеринбурге, несмотря на предупреждение прокуратуры", "Протестные акции в поддержку Алексея Навального", "Акции в поддержку Алексея Навального. [46] Police then cordoned off Manezhnaya Square and Pushkinskaya Square. The woman was later reportedly taken to intensive care. VK blocked access to a number of pages on the protests, with the pages stating that it was blocked on the requirement of the General Prosecutor’s Office. There has also been a physical price to pay. Там (почти) никого не задерживали и не били", "Demonstrators call for Russian opposition leader's freedom", "Репортаж о протестах в городах Австралии и Новой Зеландии: за и против", A Palace for Putin: The Story of the Biggest Bribe,, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 March 2021, at 14:12. A Moscow court has sentenced Alexei Navalny to two years and eight months in a prison colony in a landmark decision for Vladimir Putin’s crackdown on the country’s leading opposition figure. [72] Several were jailed or fined on charges of disobeying police orders or organizing a public event without notifying the authorities, with Sobol being fined and released. Russian police standing guard near the Moscow city court on Tuesday. [145], Navalny's coordinator in Nizhny Novgorod, Roman Tregubov, was arrested on 28 January and the next day was sentenced to five days in jail. He started out as a Russian nationalist, but emerged as the main leader of Russia's democratic opposition during the wave of protests that led up to the 2012 presidential election, and has since been a thorn in the Kremlin’s side. [36][37][38] Also according to OVD-Info, at least 82 journalists were detained. [184], In St. Petersburg, the Gostiny Dvor and Nevsky Prospekt metro stations were closed. He also called on the Russian government to "release citizens detained during peaceful demonstrations". In 2020, he was again hospitalised after a suspected poisoning, and taken to Germany for treatment. In April 2017, he was attacked with green dye that nearly blinded him in one eye, and in July 2019 he was taken from jail to hospital with symptoms that one of his doctors said could indicate poisoning. Outside the courthouse, she stood next to Navalny’s two lawyers, Olga Mikhailova and Vladimir Kobzev. [184], According to OVD-Info, 1,463 people in total were detained, including over 1,180 in Moscow and 280 in St. | 31.01.2021 | Камера №1, Demonstrations and protests in Russia in 2021, Putin's Palace. [166] Protesters then moved to outside the building of the city's legislative assembly, where they clashed with police and were forcibly dispersed. Police officers detain a young demonstrator during a protest near the Matrosskaya Tishina prison where Alexei Navalny is being held, in Moscow, Russia, on Jan. 31, 2021. Riot police began breaking up the protest and clashes between police and protesters broke out, with officers hit with snowballs. [194] A similar human chain took place in St. Petersburg at Voskresenskaya Naberezhnaya. [102] In Yakutsk, where temperatures reached −50 °C, several hundred protesters gathered in the city's main square. [74] On 22 January, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow issued a statement warning against calls to the protests or participation in them.
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