Paula was Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia between 2010 and 2018 and remains an advocate for the non-profit organisation. Medical experts on ovarian cancer, current treatments and research Jean Kittson - Voice/Face of the 2010 Campaign Nicole Livingstone OAM - Patron - Ovarian Cancer Australia Paula Benson - Director - Ovarian Cancer Australia and ovarian cancer survivor Mrs World Australia - Carin Hillman-Varma Oesophageal cancer. Ovarian Cancer Australia Chair Paula Benson with then Prime Minister Tony Abbott during the Teal Ribbon morning tea in Canberra in 2015. Ms Paula Benson, Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 34 in 2003. Ovarian Cancer Research. Kerry John Betros – For significant service to the banking sector, to the retail food industry, and to the community. Paula Benson, Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia, said Crown Resorts Foundation’s donation will go a long way in helping the organisation achieve their 25/25 Vision. "I had this little tummy, and when I'd try to pull it in it just wouldn't go in," she told The Sydney Morning Herald. Paula Benson, ovarian cancer survivor and Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia stresses the importance of women knowing their own bodies and staying vigilant, "The symptoms of ovarian cancer can be confused with other conditions but if women experience symptoms persistently for two weeks or more they should consult a doctor." Ovarian cancer. “Ovarian cancer has the lowest survival rate of any women’s cancer with a low five year survival rate of 43 per cent, well beyond the average for all cancers. “The guide also includes practical advice from women who have been diagnosed, as well as diary sections for women to record their personal information – including their medical history, healthcare Paula Benson, Chair, Ovarian Cancer Australia A … I believe that progress is infinitely achievable through collaborative, strategic efforts, and I ask all organisations and individuals involved in and with an interest in ovarian cancer research to commit to taking the Plan forward. Paula was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 34, and following her treatment, joined the board of Ovarian Cancer Australia (OCA) in 2007. Ms Jane Hill, Chief Executive officer of Ovarian Cancer Australia. Pancreatic cancer. Ovarian Cancer Australia chairwoman Paula Benson said the disease had the lowest survival rate of any women’s cancer. Ovarian Cancer Australia congratulates our former Chair Paula Benson, on being awarded the Member (AM) of the Order of Australia (General Division) for significant service to people living with ovarian cancer, and to business. KNOW OVARIAN CANCER Australia will know ovarian cancer. Breast cancer in men. This is Paula's speech: Paula Benson, Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia, gave a fantastic speech at this event, and I would like to take a few moments tonight to reiterate Paula's comments for those in this place that were unable to attend and for those listening in at home. According to Ovarian Cancer Australia chair Paula Benson available screening tests were inadequate in detecting the disease, making it important for women to be aware of symptoms. To the Ovarian Cancer Ambassadors including my parliamentary colleagues, Kelly O'Dwyer, Sarah Hanson Young and Gai Brodtmann and to my many other Parliamentary colleagues who join us here today. Everyday, four women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and three women die from it. Paula Benson – For significant service to people living with ovarian cancer, and to business. available,” said Paula Benson, Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia and an ovarian cancer survivor. Sarcoma. Prostate cancer. “Given there is no detection test for ovarian cancer, it’s vital that women know the risk factors and the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Managing Director of Twitter Australia, Suzy Nicoletti, has joined the board of Ovarian Cancer Australia. Paula is a Director of the Victorian Funds Management Corporation, a Trustee of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Trust and Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia. Another very worthy recipient was Williamstown local Paula Benson, who was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for significant services to people living with ovarian cancer and for business. Paula was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2003, aged 34 years, she joined the Board of Ovarian Cancer Australia in 2007 and was elected Chair in 2010. It’s extremely concerning how poorly understood the genetic risks of ovarian cancer are amongst Australian women,” Ms Paula Benson, ovarian cancer survivor and chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia, said. Thyroid cancer. Children's Cancer. What is Australia doing about it? Ovarian Cancer Australia is the country’s only national organisation dedicated to raising awareness of ovarian cancer, delivering support to women and their families affected by the disease, and funding the best ovarian cancer research. Mesothelioma cancer. Myeloma. A SENIOR Labor politician and his wife are celebrating the birth of their first child born using a surrogate mother. This is an insidious disease. "Then when I put on a dress I hadn't worn for a while, it wouldn't fit." Fallopian cancer ... Melanoma of the skin. Today anybody can buy a teal ribbon from selected outlets in support of National Teal Ribbon Day in support of ovarian cancer awareness and research. Ms Jan Antony, who will be addressing us shortly, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Breast cancer in young women. Ms Paula Benson is the successful recipient of the Award for her extensive work in the areas of gynaecological cancer consumer support and research. Members of the Board. Unlike breast cancer, there is no early detection screening test for ovarian cancer. Paula Benson, chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia and herself an ovarian cancer survivor, said promoting the issue is vital. Cervical cancer. Stomach cancer. This month is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month so it was great to see the timely acknowledgement of Paula Benson who received a Member of the Order of Australia (AM). “I know I am one of the very lucky ones because my GP did all the right things for me,“ Ms Benson said. To the Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia, Paula Benson and Ann Maree and the many other women here who have their own stories of courage. Paula held the positions of Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs at National Australia Bank, Producer of Channel Nine’s A Current … Paula Benson, who formerly chaired Ovarian Cancer Australia, has been appointed a Member of the Order of Australia. Paula Benson, director of Ovarian Cancer Australia, experienced weight gain and a protruding abdomen before being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Neuroendocrine tumours. DRIVE CHANGE We will strive to reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer by 25% and improve the five Login; ... Help Paula Benson reach their target. Endometrial cancer. It has the lowest survival rate of any form of cancer in Australia, as we’ve heard. Paula Benson first volunteered her professional skills to Ovarian Cancer Australia in 2006, three years after her own cancer diagnosis. Paula Benson Sarah Adam-Gedge Simon Lee Carolyn Reynolds Chair Jo-Ann Hicks Our Board SUPPORT YOU We will deliver best practice, accessible support informed by consumers. This led to more than a decade of leadership within the organisation, which she chaired between 2011 and 2018 and for which she is being honoured as a Member of the Order of Australia. Kerrin Benson – For significant service to the multicultural community, and to refugee settlement. 1 OVARIAN CANCER AUSTRALIA 15th ANNIVERSARY Wednesday 20th July, 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Honourable Heidi Victoria MLA, Member for Bayswater and representing the Leader of the Opposition Ms Paula Benson, Chair of Ovarian Cancer Australia Members of the Board It’s estimated that more than 1,500 Australian women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and this year it will claim around 1,000 lives. Testicular cancer. Paula Benson is Executive General Manager, Corporate Affairs at National Australia Bank Ltd. View Paula Benson’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers.
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