In a subduction zone, plate subduction forms a trench and uplift area parallel to the trench and causes igneous activity and earthquakes. This lesson will discuss the meaning of the term 'subduction zone,' and where they occur in terms of tectonic plate boundaries. Subduction zone definition: a long narrow, often arcuate , zone along which subduction takes place | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples AP Environmental Science Chapter 3- The Solid Earth. segmented along the Chilean subduction zone. What does subduction mean? See more. During arc-continent and continent-continent collision, units deformed in subduction zones may be uplifted and exposed. Dictionary entry overview: What does subduction mean? Recent studies have shown that this depth ranges from 65–130 km (ref. Subduction zones are convergent boundaries where at least one of the tectonic plates is an oceanic crust. In common with subduction initiation, cessation of subduction has been attributed to a variety of mechanisms, including collision with continents or oceanic plateaus, interaction between the subduction zone and spreading ridges and transforms, or within the context of a broader-scale reorganisation of plate motions (e.g. Tectonic plates are massive pieces of the Earth’s crust that interact with each other. 41) or 108 ± 14 km (ref. It happens when one lithospheric plate meets another—that is, in convergent zones—and the denser plate sinks down into the mantle. 42) … A geologic process in which one edge of one crustal plate is forced below the edge of another. Definition of subduction zone in the dictionary. Benioff zones are dipping, roughly planar zones of increased earthquake activity produced by the interaction of a downgoing oceanic crustal plate with an overriding continental or oceanic plate. • SUBDUCTION (noun) The noun SUBDUCTION has 1 sense:. There may be more than one definition of SSZ, so check it out on our dictionary for all meanings of SSZ one by one. A subduction zone is a region of the Earth’s crust where tectonic plates meet. Definition in English: Supra-Subduction Zone . Subduction, Latin for "carried under," is a term used for a specific type of plate interaction. We present attenuation relationships for peak ground acceleration and response spectral acceleration for subduction zone interface and intraslab earthquakes of moment magnitude M 5 and greater and for distances of 10 to 500 km. Other Meanings of SSZ Besides Supra-Subduction Zone… On the surface, the subduction zone is manifested as deep faults stretched along Sakhalin. When the Philippine plate reaches a depth greater than 100km, the water it contains lowers the … What does subduction zone mean? Meaning of subduction zone. Subduction definition, an act or instance of subducting; subtraction or withdrawal. Information and translations of subduction in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Please note that Supra-Subduction Zone is not the only meaning of SSZ. 5). (noun) 1. a geological process in which one edge of a crustal plate is forced sideways and downward into the mantle below another plate Familiarity information: SUBDUCTION used as a … Regions where this process occurs are known as " subduction zones ". Translation for 'subduction zone' in the free English-Dutch dictionary and many other Dutch translations. The region where subduction takes place is called a subduction zone and usually results in a deep ocean trench such as the "Mariana Trench" in the western Pacific Ocean. ; Examples are the earthquakes in Sumatra, 2004, all in subduction zones. ‘Nevertheless, subduction of Africa beneath Iberia starting in the Late Eocene has been proposed.’ Origin 1970s via French from Latin subductio(n-), from subduct- ‘drawn from below’, from the verb subducere. Definition of subduction in the dictionary. Examples include the Aleutians, the Kuriles, Japan, and the Philippines, all located at the northern and western borders of the Pacific plate. Subduction zone earthquakes cause ocean ward displacement of the overriding plate. There are 2 main types of subduction zones: Oceanic-oceanic plate boundaries: If the subducting plate subducts beneath an adjacent oceanic plate, an island arc is formed. Subducting oceanic plate The oceanic crust melts as it descends into the lithosphere and upper mantle. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a seven hundred mile area that runs along the Pacific Coast from Cape Mendocino, California, to Vancouver Island, Canada (Schulz). Subduction zones represent steady-state convergence. ; This earthquake was a thrust in a very oblique subduction zone. The remains of the subduction zone in the form of an ophiolite complex have been identified from geological and geophysical data. Meaning of subduction. Block-diagram showing a cross-section of the subduction zone beneath the Philippines. Because subduction involves movement of material downward, it is difficult to observe the products of subduction in the present-day world. locked zone; for subduction zones, the cou pling coefficient is usually between 0.5 and 1.0 ( Scholz and Campos, 2012 ). The arc has formed due to subduction along the Cascadia subduction zone. What does subduction mean? Subduction definition is - the action or process in plate tectonics of the edge of one crustal plate descending below the edge of another. Subduction zone, oceanic trench area marginal to a continent in which, according to the theory of plate tectonics, older and denser seafloor underthrusts the continental mass, dragging downward into the Earth’s upper mantle the accumulated trench sediments. Synonyms for subduction include subtraction, deduction, reduction, decrease, diminution, debit, deletion, detraction, discount and removal. The mean depth below subduction-zone volcanoes to the top of the deep seismic zone (Wadati–Benioff zone) has been given as 124 ± 38 km (ref. The plate boundary contact between two such plates generate very large, shallow subduction zone earthquakes such as the Sumatra 2004 M9.1 event, and the 2011 M9.0 Japan earthquake, and is only active to relatively shallow depths - approximately 60 km. Subduction and mélange. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is the wonky name for the place where all this mayhem will begin. It is probable that the Neftegorsk earthquake was a result of activation of this ancient subduction zone. The seismogenic zone down-dip width is defined as the Such uplift area is called a volcanic island arc or island arc because it is a curved chain of islands and volcanoes. The new oceanic crust that forms in spreading centers is recycled in these zones. Ongoing accretion at a subduction zone, and the obduction of intact ophiolite slabs, are not considered to be collision. Benioff zone. A subduction zone on the coast of western North America continues to create the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. The Philippine tectonic plate (on the right) dives under the Eurasian plate (on the left). ; These conditions exist in the tectonic collisions or from subduction zone accretion. This zone is where the Juan de Fuca Plate is slowly sliding under (subducting) below the North American Plate. Subduction is a kind of geological recycling that occurs at convergent plate boundaries, where two tectonic plates come together due to the motion of the fluid mantle layer of the earth. Information and translations of subduction zone in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. They occur at boundaries of crustal plates called subduction zones. We discuss the relationship between those coupling variations and other segmentation markers, namely, the occurrence of structural complexities along the Chilean coast, the subduction of bathymetric features on the subducting plate, the distribution subduction zone zone where the geologic process in which one edge of one crustal plate is forced below the edge of another occurs subduction zone A place on the surface of the Earth where two plates move toward each other, and the oceanic plate plunges beneath the other tectonic plate subduction zone Displacements decrease from the trench to become zero at the backstop, beyond which there is no accumulation of elastic strain during the earthquake cycle.
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