He had a big nose, according to Baleka of the Qwabe, as told by her father. He is the bird that preys on other birds, The regimental system clearly built on existing tribal cultural elements that could be adapted and shaped to fit an expansionist agenda.[21]. Though Shaka probably did not invent the iklwa, according to Zulu scholar John Laband, the leader did insist that his warriors train with the weapon, which gave them a "terrifying advantage over opponents who clung to the traditional practice of throwing their spears and avoiding hand-to-hand conflict. Polynesian researchers now know that the word "shaka" is not of Hawaiian origin. Indeed, the core Zulu had to retreat before several Ndwandwe incursions; the Ndwandwe was clearly the most aggressive grouping in the sub-region. And as they stemmed from ancient families it is entirely possible that states of that type existed in a more remote past. Dingane was a … This wave of … It has many meanings. It is probable that, over time, the Zulu were able to hone and improve their encirclement tactics. He had an illegitimate son called Shaka Zulu. Shaka synonyms, Shaka pronunciation, Shaka translation, English dictionary definition of Shaka. When Senzangakhona (Shaka's father) died in 1816, Shaka's younger half-brother Sigujana assumed power as the legitimate heir to the Zulu chiefdom. Shaka When he became chief of the Zulus in 1816, the tribe numbered fewer than 1500 and was among the smaller of the hundreds of other tribes in southern Africa. Shaka definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Middle passages. [36] Normal estimates for the death toll range from 1 million to 2 million. And while the gesture is meant to be from another planet, its inspiration is anything but alien. He supplemented this with a mixture of diplomacy and patronage, incorporating friendly chieftains, including Zihlandlo of the Mkhize, Jobe of the Sithole, and Mathubane of the Thuli. King Shaka was born in the lunar month of uNtulikazi (July) in the year of 1787 near present-day Melmoth, KwaZulu-Natal Province, the son of the Zulu chief Senzangakhona. Which Word of the Day means “happening within or being the created world of a story”? As the story goes, Shaka was born around the year 1787, the son of Senzangakhona, who at that time reigned over the tiny chiefdom known as the Zulu. [13], Dingane and Mhlangana, Shaka's half-brothers, appear to have made at least two attempts to assassinate Shaka before they succeeded, with perhaps support from Mpondo elements and some disaffected iziYendane people. “Hang loose,” “Right on,” “Thank you,” “Things are great,” “Take it easy” – in Hawaii, the shaka sign expresses all those friendly messages and more. His life is the subject of numerous colourful and exaggerated stories, many of … If somebody did something good, cool, or righteous; You can give them a shaka as a sign of approval or praise. Used to express a variety of positive meanings including "all right", "hello" and "goodbye".quotations ▼ 1.1. His book, Myth of Iron: Shaka In History, posits that almost every book written on Shaka over the last 170 years has been drawn from the distorted and embellished works of two colonial writers Nathaniel Isaacs and Henry Francis Fynn. Shaka was born and raised in the southeast of what is today South Africa, and during his short but turbulent and violent reign, he brought together hundreds of independent Nguni chiefdoms. One version claims that the shaka sign was first used in the 1940s as a symbol of blessing by a local Hawaiian folk hero named Hamana Kalili from Laie who happened to be missing the three middle fingers on his right hand due to a sugar mill incident. They also argue that Shaka's line was relatively short-lived and receives undue attention, compared to other, longer established lines and rulers in the region. General histories of Southern Africa are also valuable including Noel Mostert's "Frontiers" and a detailed account of the results from the Zulu expansion, J.D. However, apart from their reputation as great military leaders, history has remembered these two men quite differently. However, Shaka proved a brilliant military organizer, forming well commanded regiments. Shaka's half-brother Dingane assumed power and embarked on an extensive purge of pro-Shaka elements and chieftains, running over several years, in order to secure his position. He fled Shaka's employ, and in turn conquered an empire in Zimbabwe, after clashing with European groups like the Boers. The shaka has contested origins. By definition a culture has symbols, language, values and norms. Using his standard formula of eighteen years per reign, Bryant calculated that the Swazi, Ndwandwe, and Hlubi lines could be traced back to the beginning of the fifteenth century, while the eponymous chief Zulu had died at the beginning of the eighteenth century. The true origin of the name “shaka… [16] He was tall and his skin tone was dark brown. A great part of Shaka's life and rule has been referenced in Henry Rider Haggard's fiction novel, Nada the Lily. [14], The figure of Shaka thus remains an ambiguous one in African oral tradition, defying simplistic depictions of the Zulu king as a heroic, protean nation builder on one hand, or a depraved monster on the other. Or could it be that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t just a sport or a Martial art it is a culture or a way of life. Spoken pronunciation of shaka in Hindi and in English. Who pursued the sun and the moon. Dingane was a … The Sho-mon or lowest of the disciples of Shaka, or hearers who meditate on the cause and effect of everything. Most popular accounts are based on E.A. Shaka observed several demonstrations of European technology and knowledge, but he held that the Zulu way was superior to that of the foreigners. "[16] The throwing spear was not discarded but used as an initial missile weapon before close contact with the enemy, when the shorter stabbing spear was used in hand-to-hand combat. Shaka Zulu found refuge in the Mthethwa Paramouncy and fought as a warrior under the leadership of Jobe and later under the leadership of Dingiswayo. The result was, that though [Shaka]'s armies were occasionally annihilated, they were rarely defeated, and they never ran away. With Qwabe, Hlubi and Mkhize support, Shaka was finally able to summon a force capable of resisting the Ndwandwe (of the Nxumalo clan). [31], A 1998 study by historian Carolyn Hamilton summarizes much of the scholarship on Shaka towards the dawn of the 21st century in areas ranging from ideology, politics and culture, to the use of his name and image in a popular South African theme park, Shakaland. [35][36] Further unquantifiable deaths occurred during mass tribal migrations to escape his armies. Hawaii’s symbol of aloha traces its roots back to the early 1900s. Nevertheless, the concept of "light" forces is questionable. The prophecy of the old Sangoma had come to pass. Using different informants and genealogical charts, A.T. Bryant arrived at similar conclusions. Historian Donald Morris holds that the true site is somewhere on Couper Street in the village of Stanger, South Africa. Click again to see term 1/45 His impis (warrior regiments) were rigorously disciplined: failure in battle meant death.[34]. Age grades were responsible for a variety of activities, from guarding the camp, to cattle herding, to certain rituals and ceremonies. [41] Other scholars acknowledge distortion of the historical record by apartheid supporters and shady European traders seeking to cover their tracks, but dispute the revisionist approach, noting that stories of cannibalism, raiding, burning of villages, or mass slaughter were not developed out of thin air but based on the clearly documented accounts of hundreds of black victims and refugees. "[27], Scholarship in recent years has revised views of the sources on Shaka's reign. The initial problem Dingane faced was maintaining the loyalty of the Zulu fighting regiments, or amabutho. The true origin of the name “shaka… It is sometimes held that such support was used more for very light forces designed to extract tribute in cattle and slaves from neighbouring groups. Settlers and adventurers of Portuguese origin in Senegambia, the Cape Verde Islands and other areas of the West Africa. The Sho-mon or lowest of the disciples of Shaka, or hearers who meditate on the cause and effect of everything. South African historian Dan Wylie has expressed skepticism of the portrayal of Shaka as a pathological monster destroying everything within reach. [3], Shaka further refined the ibutho military system and, with the Mthethwa empire's support over the next several years, forged alliances with his smaller neighbours to counter the growing threat from Ndwandwe raids from the north. [10] In this way a greater sense of cohesion was created, though it never became complete, as subsequent civil wars attest. Shaka's troops maintained a strong position on the crest of the hill. The shaka sign is the famous surfers' hand gesture. [43] Rubinstein also notes: One element in Shaka's destruction was to create a vast artificial desert around his domain... 'to make the destruction complete, organized bands of Zulu murderers regularly patrolled the waste, hunting for any stray men and running them down like wild pig'... An area 200 miles to the north of the center of the state, 300 miles to the west, and 500 miles to the south was ravaged and depopulated...[43]. William Rubinstein wrote that "Western guilt over colonialism, have also accounted for much of this distortion of what pre-literate societies actually were like, as does the wish to avoid anything which smacks of racism, even when this means distorting the actual and often appalling facts of life in many pre-literate societies". Soga and Bryant related each of them to a larger grouping they called Mho. [7], In the initial years, Shaka had neither the influence nor reputation to compel any but the smallest of groups to join him, and upon Dingiswayo's death, Shaka moved southwards across the Thukela River, establishing his capital Bulawayo in Qwabe territory; he never did move back into the traditional Zulu heartland. European Colonization . Historian Donald Morris states that Shaka's first major battle against Zwide, of the Ndwandwe, was the Battle of Gqokli Hill, on the Mfolozi river. His teachings greatly influenced the social outlook of the Zulu people. He actually r*ped his own brother! It can be used as a positive reinforcement. The praise song is one of the most widely used poetic forms in Africa, applying not only to spirits but to men, animals, plants and even towns.[47]. Shaka had made enough enemies among his own people to hasten his demise. There was no need to record messages, he held, since his messengers stood under penalty of death should they bear inaccurate tidings. A standard general reference work in the field is Donald Morris's "The Washing of The Spears", which notes that the sources, as a whole, for this historical era are not the best. When the surf culture grew and spread through California and America during the 1960s, a new body gesture gained enthusiasts. Shaka is often said to have been dissatisfied with the long throwing assegai, and is credited with having introduced a new variant of the weapon: the iklwa, a short stabbing spear with a long, broad, and sword-like, spearhead. Shaka was born in 1787 Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from February, 2021, to show that you’re far from frumious! But in recent years, historian Dan Wylie has challenged this narrative of the Napoleonic African king. His reforms of local society built on existing structures. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Sha-ka. of his attempts to revise Western thinking about Shaka.[46]. The subtle contrast between the broad-shouldered stasis of the Buddha and the animation of the bodhisattvas and their mounts is a pleasing visual interpretation of the theological meaning of the iconography. [12] (He died in mysterious circumstances soon afterwards.) The meaning of Shaka is "chief". He further claims that even though these stories have been repeated by "astonished and admiring white commentators," the Zulu army covered "no more than 19 kilometres (12 mi) a day, and usually went only about 14 kilometres (8.7 mi). In fact, European travellers to Shaka's kingdom demonstrated advanced technology such as firearms and writing, but the Zulu monarch was less than convinced. The Most Surprisingly Serendipitous Words Of The Day, 600 New Words And Definitions: The Latest Updates To Dictionary.com, The Dictionary.com Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. Shaka brah! Much controversy still surrounds the character, methods and activities of the Zulu king. The Vulcan Salute, made famous by Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock on the original Star Trek, has become a cultural icon recognized even by those who have never been to a sci-fi convention. Senzangakona exiled his illegitimate son Shaka and his mother Nandi. Euro-centric historians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries regarded the mfecane as the result of aggressive nation-building by the Zulu under the rule of Shaka and the Nbebele under Mzilikazi. [38][39][40], According to Julian Cobbing, the development of the view that Shaka was the monster responsible for the devastation is based on the need of apartheid era historians to justify the apartheid regime's racist policies. Originally it means to "hang loose", or to chill and be laid back. [citation needed], Shaka was able to form an alliance with the leaderless Mthethwa clan and was able to establish himself amongst the Qwabe, after Phakathwayo was overthrown with relative ease. Mfecane, (Zulu: “The Crushing”) series of Zulu and other Nguni wars and forced migrations of the second and third decades of the 19th century that changed the demographic, social, and political configuration of southern and central Africa and parts of eastern Africa. If somebody did something good, cool, or righteous; You can give them a shaka as a sign of approval or praise. He was ultimately assassinated by his half brothers Dingane and Mhlangana. The fast-moving Zulu raiding party, or "ibutho lempi," on a mission invariably travelled light, driving cattle as provisions on the hoof, and were not weighed down with heavy weapons and supply packs. [23], The expanding Zulu power inevitably clashed with European hegemony in the decades after Shaka's death. It was not until around 1825 that the two military leaders met, near Phongola, in their final meeting. The King shoud place such trees in forests (not in or near villages). Soga implied as much when he used genealogical evidence to argue that the Zulu were an upstart group inferior in dignity and distinction to established chiefdoms in their region, for example, the Hlubi, Ndwandwe, and Dlamini lines. A greeting gesture in which the thumb and little finger are extended while curling the three middle fingers in a semi-fist. Her father also told Baleka that Shaka spoke as though "his tongue were too big for his mouth." US Preside… On the death of Shaka's father (c. 1816), Dingiswayo lent his young protégé the military support necessary to oust and assassinate his senior brother Sigujana, and make himself chieftain of the Zulu, although he remained a vassal of Dingiswayo. For example, in Brazil the shaka sign is associated with Brazilian jiu jitsu, while in … He was one of the most influential monarchs of the Zulu Kingdom, responsible for re-organizing the Zulu military into a formidable force via a series of wide-reaching and influential reforms. Shaka definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. His name is an amalgamation of the Rastafarian term for God and that of a Zulu warrior, Shaka … The initial king of the Zulus was Senzangakona. hold that popular depictions of Shaka as a suddenly appearing genius creating innovation are overstated, and that to the contrary, Shaka was a borrower and imitator of indigenous methods, customs and even ruler-lineages already in place.
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