What treasure goes to the Merchant Alliance? Cargo Runs are the newest addition to Sea of Thieves, bringing a bit more variety to the Merchant Alliance voyages. Captured Animals. The Fine Sugar Crate is an item in Sea of Thieves that players can pickup and sell to the Merchant Alliance.This item is the least valuable crate of of the 4 variants. 1 Mechanics 1.1 Merchant Alliance Voyages 1.2 Trade Good Quests 2 … Description. Raising your Merchant Alliance Emissary Flag will help get you even more reputation from those lucrative crates! The Merchant Alliance is one of the easiest companies to find in Sea of Thieves as their shop is right near the pier where you … This crate can be found in Shipwrecks or on various Islands at random.. Description. I was thinking when we out in the world exploring and we happen to find a crate … These contracts commission Player Crews to find and deliver various Trade Goods such as Animals, Explosives or Resource Crates. As such, these Commodity Crates are valuable to the Senior Traders stationed at the Docks of every Outpost who … The Exotic Silk Crate is has red and black cloth draped over it with markings on the top of it identifying it as a Exotic Silk Crate. Insider Founder. 1. If it is in a crate of some sort, you can bet the Merchant Alliance want it! The Fine Sugar Crate is has a white cloth draped over it with markings on the top of it identifying it as a sugar crate. The Emissary Quest [edit | edit source]. Sea of Thieves Game Discussion Feedback + Suggestions Merchant Alliance Crates Voyage Merchant Alliance Crates Voyage browsing. This crate can be found in Shipwrecks or on various Islands at random.. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. UnknownGhostTX. The Merchant Alliance Emissary Quest is a wealthy Cargo Map Quest offered to any Grade V Emissary of the Merchant Alliance in Sea of Thieves.The Quests reward players with a large number of Cargo Crates.. The Sea of Thieves Merchant Alliance tends to be the last faction for which players hit level 50 in Sea of Thieves. For turning any of the crates at their prime condition (which means no damage) you will get 350 gold in the regular regions (The Wilds, Shores of Plenty and Ancient Isles) of Sea of Thieves but no reputation reward towards the Merchant Alliance. This Gilded Voyage will have you digging up dozens of Silk Crates that the Merchant Alliance would love to get their hands on! Trade Good Crates are a type of Treasure that can be found all over Sea of Thieves.These Crates are presumably lost on the seas by Ships sailing under the mercantile Merchant Alliance Trading Company. The Exotic Silk Crate is an item in Sea of Thieves that players can pickup and sell to the Merchant Alliance.This item is the second most valuable crate of of the 4 variants. The Merchant Alliance Emissary Quest can be claimed from any Merchant Alliance … This topic has been deleted. Chickens, Pigs and Snakes, oh my! All three types of wildlife found on land in the Sea of Thieves are of interest to the Merchant Alliance. One of them is pigs, and if you have a pig crate, and you can scoop them up from an island to add to your ship, or sell them off to the Merchant Alliance. A Merchant Contract is a type of Quest or Voyage issued by the Merchant Alliance in Sea of Thieves.
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