Dissolves old Karma. If you are drawn towards this totem, clouds are also important to you. Healing – Assist with hormones, fertility, thyroid, womb, after breast operations. This stone illuminates your true self. Emerald / Beryl with Chromium Angelite (A form of Celestite) – Anhydrite Healing – Creates strong constitution. Healing – Regenerates when exhausted, heals eyes, heart, liver, pancreas. Healing – Treats disorders of the eyes and ears, eliminates toxins and soothes and relaxes muscles tension and calms mental torment. Treats fevers and chills. Metamorphosis Quartz Stone of abundance and prosperity. Enhances memory, insight and courage. Helps you to always be prepared. Dispels lethargy and apathy, promotes new energy towards creative activities. Twelve strand DNA activation powerful karmic cleansers that reprograms the brain to new energetic patterns, resets your immune system. Opens you up to speak your truth. Charoite Strengthens our control over our minds. Harmonises surroundings. DRAGON AND PHOENIX - The Perfect Couple in Feng Shui. Releases grief and old traumas. Stimulates the throat, third eye and crown. Treats Parkinson’s disease, fevers, purifies blood, regulates insulin eases childbirth. Supports dieting, body maintenance, shaping and agility. A stone of transition, calming and supportive during deep emotional distress. Stimulates acupuncture points. Tourmaline Brown Dravite Opens heart. Encourages honesty in all aspects of your life. Raises energy levels. Vintage Style Abacus Shape Phoenix Stone Heart Shape Black Agate Pendant Necklace. Supports addictive personalities to make changes. Good for all spiritual healing (regression, psychic communication, divination, inner journeys) It is fast and effective especially for long standing illness. Promotes loyalty to mankind, good stone to give as a gift to newly weds, business associates & friends as it is a wonderful stone for understanding and co-operation. Stone of sympathy and healing grief. Helps to dispel fears from body and mind that are associated with anxiety and grief. Only those with open minds and pure hearts can access this information. Healing – Stimulates cell renewal. Detoxes and works on constipation and diarrhoea. It can lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. Guides you to live in each moment. Increases fertility and relieves menopausal and prostrate disorders. Can transform dreams into reality. Within this stone is the energy of magic and mystical vibrations of the earth. Assists us to move forward on our path. Placed at your front door facing out greeting people is his best position. Balances yin-yang energy. A stone of regeneration and recovery after illness. Anti inflammatory encourages flow of lymph and boosts the immune system. Healing – Regenerating on all levels. Encourages expansion in all areas. Chant or simply wear this Labradorite Mala to benefit from all the gemstone properties. Cross Crystal (X Crystal) It does all you ask and more. The symbolic meaning of the phoenix is about renewal. A very powerful healer for this time. It connects to your deep cellular memories of your life’s journey. Healing – Good for diagnosis. Clears blockages from cellular structures. Guidance, protection, loyalty. Helps the lungs, liver, feet and legs and promotes absorption of nutrients. Brings the body to a state of balance. It is said to be the Reiki stone as it goes to the area that needs the most healing. Breaks the chains that make you feel bound to negative thoughts and actions. A stone of small miracles. Promotes love of the truth, hope and gives personal insight. size:4-8-14-45 mm. Connects to the center of the universe and brings forth information about the creation of planetary form and the reason behind it all. A protective stone, brings healing and grounding to all bodies. Druzy Quartz Raises energy levels, improves motivation. A stone of truth, self forgiveness and grace. Intuition stone of the heart. Good for migraine or headache triggered by stress. It pinpoints lessons and issues that are still unfinished and how to work on them. Crystals have been used for thousands of years as tokens and talismans for their Crystal Meanings and healing properties believed to help support and enhance your personal journey through life. Kyanite The Power of Breath & Sound. Healing – Thyroid gland, heart & tissue, regeneration, good for unborn babies, mental healing. Rooster Astrophyllite (Russia, Norway, Colorado) Only found in Tanzania. Healing – Treats muscular strains, sprains and soothes the skin. Moonstone is associated with the heart chakra. Orpiment Assist in the finding of lost items and helps you to understand the messages that come from within and without of the self. Stimulates the heart center by filling the person with feelings of love. You are the one who can create what you need. Good for doctors, homeopaths and herbalists, as it aids investigation into illness. Good for groups, encourages communication. Moonstone is a stone of protection, especially during childbirth, pregnancy, and travel at sea. Helps to eliminate worries & concerns (change what you can & lets the rest take care of itself). Helps over anxiousness and quick temper. Lowers stress levels. Helpful for all throat conditions, digestive disorders. Encourages you to look past the seriousness of a situation so you can recognize the benefit. Healing – Clears depression. Promotes sense of well being. Helps to release repressed self expression that stems from the fear of rejection and judgement. Leopardite (Jasper) Restores balance to the physical, emotional, mental, ancestral, planetary, karmic and spiritual levels. Healing – Health of eyes brings eyes to their natural state. Stone of equality, unity, harmony and acceptance, each is free to follow its own growth and destiny yet remain together supporting each other. Cleans the mind of repetitive thoughts and over activity. Agate Healing – Replace extreme dieting, ideal for obesity. Enhances gentleness and encourages you to enjoy your journey now. It has a balancing effect on all level, physical, mental and spiritual. Can be quite overpowering for some people as it brings to surface emotions you may not want to deal with. Aegirine Black It also helps us to trust ourselves. Connects you to your past and the plan for the present. Helps in childbirth by strengthening abdomen & relieving pain. Helps you to see and feel the energy of nature. Healing properties of Jasper. Accesses karmic wisdom. Good for someone who is trying to juggle two jobs. Healing – Treats nervous system, abdominal distension and blood flow. Promotes independence, individuality and self worth. Healing – All levels of illness. Healing – Master healer, immune system, brings balance to all. Clears disease caused by exhaustion. Supports those with low energy eg. Treats Malaria, fevers, aids pituitary, sinus, migraine and all bacteria’s. It can release entities, thought forms & mental constraints or influences and soul imprints that no longer serve you. Helps heart, kidneys and reproductive organs. Relieves fear lifts depression & brings calmness. Dispels fear. Varieties of Jasper include Black Jasper, Black Veined Jasper, Brecciated Jasper, Dalmation Jasper, Fancy Jasper, Green Jasper, Kambaba Jasper, Leopard Skin Jasper, Mookaite Jasper, Ocean Jasper, Picasso Jasper, Picture Jasper, Red Jasper, Yellow Jasper, and Zebra Jasper. Healing – Used to promote telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance and creativity, to further healing on all levels and for healing of Earth. Awakens Inner self and innate truth. Obsidian Red It grounds the spiritual self, opening and balancing the crown chakra. Heals emotional and physical disappointment. Healing – Treats disorders of blood, ulcers, reduces pain, herpes. Fluorite Aids in the past life recall (run index finger slowly over a highly patterned large piece). Larvikite (Norway’s national rock) Amethyst is one of the most popular purple color crystals with purifying energy that promotes a deeper spiritual connection. It is said to produce electromagnetic waves which provide self-luminous quality, similar to the holy light which can be seen around trees and church towers. Aura Aqua – dipped in gold (USA) Strongly connected with nature, it refreshes the soul so you can see the beauty in all that is around you. Dragon Clears and aligns all chakras. Violet – spiritual development, astral travel. Protective stone for the aura. Before it was activated, it seemed pale-grey in color, but when it was activated it turned blood-red with swirling bubbles within it and a hint of a glow. Brings luck and bestows good fortune. Reach for the stars- for they are already here- in you and me. It stimulates the marking of time. Healing – Relieves the pain of migraines, after surgery. Chant or simply wear this Flower Charoite Mala to benefit from all the gemstone properties. Balances the hemispheres of the brain, fluid imbalances, sick animals. Cat has the ability to observe without judgment. Assists you to recognize your blossoming spirit, the light within, and the real self. Strengthens family connections. Healing – Trauma; helps to stop fight or flight feelings. Unakite Helps you to achieve stability and comfort. Feng Shui Crystals Alphabetically . Turtles usually show themselves in times of turmoil & stress. Suppresses hunger and raises metabolic rate. Helps self expression and communication. Chant or simply wear this Phoenix Stone Mala to benefit from all the gemstone properties. Supreme nurturer, supports you during times of stress. Moonstone – Milky White – Brown Helps you to assimilate Vitamin C and D. Reduces toxins in the body and calms muscle spasms. Brings vibrant and loving energy to wherever it is placed. Increases self esteem, absorbs emotional pain. E.g. Perfect for souls that feel trapped on earth. Overcomes lethargy and provides motivation, speeds up a slow metabolism and low sex drive. Helps you to feel the balance between yourself and nature. Encourages energetic and original thinking. It encourages self-awareness & self-expression, honestly & compassion. Soothes dark moods & lifts your energy. Helps us to understand we are all part of the whole. A bridge grows out of the larger crystal. Once the cells remember they dispel disorder within their structure. Draws negative energies and stress from around you. Healing – Brings peace to a troubled mind. Overcomes blockages, protects and grounds when feeling out of touch with being here. Red Mala Beads. Corrects mental & emotional imbalances. Neutralises poisoning from dental amalgam. A calming crystal, good for the garden to stimulate growth of plants. Whale can teach how to use the breath of life and manifest your dreams. Makes you more sensitive to your body and to the earth. Enhances the gift of speaking to audiences or individuals, in a way that they stay interested for longer. Jasper Dinosaur Bone When it is time enter your cave within and rest, hibernate ready for a new your to emerge. These ancient humans, like us, could not help but be enamored of something that seemed to have a life all its own. It can help to mould ones character. It is a very active crystal, cleaning and clearing the environment it is in. Excellent stone for grounding and protecting, especially in time of stress. Overcomes fear of spiders and other crawling insects. (15) $162.48 FREE shipping. Lizardite (Kennack Cove, Cornwall, England) Protection and Nurturing on all levels. Supports during the crisis period of a disease and shows you why it is occurring so it does not have to happen again. Garden of the sea. They hold and amplify energy within themselves. Healing – Aids digestion, fortifies nerves, stimulates metabolism. Aids digestion, mercury or lead poisoning, toxins, parasites and fungus’s. Prasiolite (Amethyst Green) A smooth, peaceful energy that helps you to let go of negativity and keep a positive outlook. Helps one to see beyond facades. Teaches patience and helps to calm down rage, uncontrolled anger. Calms panic attacks releases negative emotions of guilt, fear, control issues. Stimulates the metabolic process. Attracts prosperity for business trips and negotiation. Clear Quartz Chloride Green Dispels the illusion of being separate and helps to remove beliefs and condition imposed by others. Stimulates immune system. Chiastolite (Cross stone) Tiger Eye Red Bestows us with unconditional love. Amethyst. A protective stone, gives stability and structure. 911 GLMV - Duration: 3 minutes, 11 seconds. Opening the way for willingness and balance in all things. ID:X991. Jasper Pinolith (rare, from mine in Turen Mountains, Austria) Assists in the opening of new pathways and the awakening of wisdom from past. The shape allows itself to fit nicely into the palm of your hand during meditation, bringing calmness of the mind and body. Call on her when you need help to forgive yourself or another for all issues to do with children. Cradle of Humankind (Cave in Magaliesberg, South Africa) 7 million years old Restores Qi to the physical body and it’s organs. It is a symbol of creation and all that is. It brings peace by aligning all aspects of mind, body and being. Cube Assimilates potassium, eliminates fevers and swelling, brings balance to an unbalanced body eg. It teaches how to be unique and separate and yet be united with your partner. Healing – Used in the treatment of physical weakness and psychological disorders. Mordenite Warm and bright it encourages spontaneity. Healing – Reduces acidity, supports assimilation of nutrients, alleviates viral infection, detoxes, and dispels exhaustion, panic attacks and depression. They remind us not to take life so seriously, it is a dance so get up & move. Helps us to connect to inner wisdom. Relieves irritability and frustration so you can focus on the task at hand. Activates life force with great joy and excitement, a zest for living life to the fullest. Chronic Fatigue. Cleanses the aura and stimulates the chakras. It is a gemstone which is used for the purpose of controlling the emotions well. Overcome fear. Grounding energy, helping you to connect to Mother Earth. Automatic writing, telepathy, communication with extra terrestrials. Orange or Red – stimulates creativity and the playful child within. Stone of sincerity, brings truth to situation. As to “why am I here”, “where did I come from”, “who am I” & “what do I need”. They are found lying separate in a bed of pink sand, unattached to clusters. Owl also reminds us to live with integrity and truth. Prior to this revelation, little was known about the history of the Phoenix Stone, and even fewer written accounts regarding the stone's creation and use as a weapon seemed unavailable, as none of th… Enhances endurance, perseverance and tenacity. Mookaite is known for its anti-aging properties. Brings new hope, anti depressant, relieves anxiety and tension. When a finger was placed on the stone, the swirling would stop and the stone would turn opaque. Chrysanthemum Stone / Flower Stone / Celestite in Limestone Called the earth rainbow it is one of the most ancient of stones. Brings empathy and understanding to a situation. Healing – Cataracts, glaucoma, dis-alignment of iris, dyslexia. This attractive chalcedony quartz is also known as Heliotrope because in ancient times polished stones were described as reflecting the sun: perhaps the appearance of the gem reminded the ancients of the red setting sun reflected in the ocean. 5 out of 5 stars. Kyanite Green Repels negative energy and strengthens the aura. Blue- communication, channelling, calms sexual desire. Healing for kidneys, bladder, thymus and lungs. Attracts love and maintains it. Dichroic means two colours. Place on solar plexis or third eye for amplified healing or meditation. Alleviates emotional burdens and liberates feelings. Shows what is needed to heal a situation, physical and emotional, other crystals are then needed to achieve the healing. The Pendulum helps you to listen to your knowing by answering your questions without the mind getting in the way. It originated from Ethiopia. Assist in discovering and inventing. Sphene Clears depression, releases negative emotions (jealousy, anger, guilt, resentment). Good for business and finance. Increases energy when low. Sore muscles, obesity, hormone balance, thyroid. Good for travel, reduces jet-lag. Although most stones are the apple green color, some have quite a bit of yellow within them. This stone seems to drift gently through time and space, helping us to do the same. Teeth, thyroid, aids detoxing, overcomes muscle cramps. Titanite in Quartz (Sphene) Also read Calcite. Helps to break out of old patterns and conditions. This crystal has been enhanced with pure platinum; the molecules adhere to the natural electric charge which surrounds the quartz. Stone of balance, both emotionally and physically. Gives you the courage to say no where you have always said yes. Absorbs negative energy, cleans the chakras. Here are the 25 spirit animals and the amazing meanings behind them all: 1. Courage to speak out and have personal independence. Enhydro Good for someone who needs more energy & strength. Works in the here and now, while keeping your feet on the ground. It connects your truth from your heart and the truth in any situation. Obsidian is known for the meaning and properties of letting the owner sense danger. Healing – Treats hemorrhages, bruises, flow of blood from heart to lungs and purification of blood. Healing – Good for chills, gum disease, assimilation of B Vitamins, cleans the blood. Healing – Treats reproductive system, stimulates healthy pregnancies and healthy newborns. It helps to be more straight-forward and less critic in dealing with existence. Healing – Excellent wound healer, reduces scarring. Triggers immune system, Balance endocrine glands, relieves burns, scalds, eczema and allergic rashes. A wonderful healing stone that has a soft calming energy bringing peace of mind. Expands intuition and connects you to your guardian angels. Overcomes muscle pain. Clears negativity, especially in negative relationships, by allowing you to see your part in the play, so you can release and move on. Use to enhance your meditation and spiritual development. They can open the heart so self-healing can happen and your true self can emerge. Brings courage and encourages honesty with yourself. At home it creates a sense of contentment and of being blessed. It is said to purify the blood and increase life force energies. The triangles represent souls moving through lifetimes. Sodalite Phoenix gemstones. Healing Dementia. Releases depression and detachment from negativity. Good for healing heartache & showing a new way to love and be loved. Good for group work, bringing harmony & solidarity of purpose. Brings good fortune and a happy outlook on life. Helps to find the core of difficulties and balances energy fields. Calms anxiety. Mohave Agate White Lace / Peace Agate Grounds people who are spaced out & can’t commit. Healing – The striations along the side of the tourmaline enhance energy flow through the body, removing blockages and encouraging healing. Garnet (colour changing) The cavities are often layered or ribbed and sometimes are so deep that the crystal is almost hollow. This quartz has an exceptional spiritual quality. Gently releases pent-up emotions, good for anger management. A study stone, held or placed on your desk when wanting to remember. Healing – Powerful cleanser, lessens the effects of dementia. Wear for a few months and you will understand underlying patterns and how to avoid repeating old mistakes. It is said that they were placed there for us to find. (aka Yavapai Travertine) This is called Spirit Stone by the Navajo Native Americans, because they believe history is told in its layers. It has a strong connection to the Devic Kingdom, good for plants & gardens. Healing – Supports circulation, digestive, sexual organs. Brings change and positive loving energy to all things. Provides strong yet delicate connection to all things, so you can find your path. Traditional healing tool of Shamans and healers. Fish The Shell – a symbol of heaven. This stone was used in the building of Stonehenge. Alleviates degeneration of skin, hair, eyes, liver & pancreas. Helps after chemical therapies and surgery. Their aim is to dissolve the war gene in our DNA, to help us to see that everything is equal and move us into unity with “ALL THAT IS”.
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