See more. Persian Baby Names Meaning: In Persian Baby Names the meaning of the name Cyrus is: From the Persian name Kurush, meaning throne. Cyrus (Persian: کوروش) is a male given name.It is the given name of a number of Persian kings.Most notably it refers to Cyrus the Great.Cyrus is also the name of Cyrus I of Anshan (ca. The name was associated with the Greek 'kyrios' by early Christians. Now, a Messianic connection has come to light. Kyros (Old Greek) is an old form of Cyrus. Cyrus' Prayer [34] May all the gods whom I settled in their sacred centers ask daily [35] of Bêl and Nâbu that my days be long and may they intercede for my welfare. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology. Cyrus took over what was left of Assyria in 547 BC and conquered Babylon eight years later, becoming lord of the Jewish exiles. Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.. N.B. Discover more at Kidadl! Amazingly, the Lord took His people back to the Promised Land through a pagan king’s edict, not David’s line. The origin of the name is not known, but in the early Christian period it was associated with Greek kyrios ‘lord’, and borne by various saints, including an Egyptian martyr and a bishop of Carthage. Learn about the meaning of the name Cyrus and discover all there is to know about it’s origin and history. A user from Iran, Islamic Republic of says the name Cyrus is of Persian / Iranian origin and means "It is English form of Koorosh the persian king". 650 BC), King of Persia the grandfather of Cyrus the Great; and Cyrus the Younger (died 401 BC), brother to the Persian King Artaxerxes II of Persia. Meaning of Cyrus Isaiah 44: 28 Isaiah who prophesied from about 740-761 B.C called CYRUS by name almost 150years before he ruled (559-530 B.C)! Cyrus the Great (c. 600 or 576 – 530 BC) figures in the Hebrew Bible as the patron and deliverer of the Jews.He is mentioned 23 times by name and alluded to several times more. Cyrus Name Meaning Polish: possibly from the personal name Cyrus, derived from the Greek form, Kyros, of the name of several kings of Persia. Cyrus definition, king of Persia 558?–529: founder of the Persian empire. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. It is derived from the element 'kyrios' which means lord. 2: Cyrus is largely used in the English language and its origin is Old Greek. May they say to Marduk, my lord: "As for Cyrus, the king who reveres you, and Cambyses, his … The mysterious ties between Trump, Cyrus, and the Messiah are revealed through two mystical methods of understanding the Torah. This pagan king is important in Jewish history because it was under his rule that Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity. A submission from Uganda says the name Cyrus means "Throne or King's chair". In 538 BC, he decreed that they could go home (Ezra 1:1–4). Meaning: The meaning of the name Cyrus is: Sun. Has this been a famous name? In sixth century BC, King Cyrus … According to a user from Canada, the name Cyrus is of Persian / Iranian origin … Cyrus, like Trump, was powerful and rich but not at all devout. Answer: Cyrus is a king mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible and is identified as Cyrus the Great (also Cyrus II or Cyrus the Elder) who reigned over Persia between 539—530 BC. Later historians said that Cyrus read this prophecy and was so moved that he carried it out. And like Cyrus, Trump supports Jewish national aspirations. The meaning here is of the lord.
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