Ferguson is running against Republicans Brett Rogers, Mike Vaska, and Matt Larkin. Mr. Mason is a Kenosha native and principal violinist with the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra. Reeves also stated that she is the only leading candidate in the race with foreign policy experience. Espinoza has garnered attention by publishing a false and inflammatory voters pamphlet statement attacking Reykdal. Presidential Primary, March 10, 2020. Attorney General Bob Ferguson's accomplishments during his two terms in office are impressive. Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has spent his entire career serving the people of Washington. Elimination of Straight Party Voting. She is running on an extremely progressive platform that includes a Green New Deal with 100% renewable energy by 2030, protecting and expanding Social Security, national rent control, universal basic income of $2,000 a month, paid family leave, and Medicare for All. First Name: Last Name: Clerks will be at their offices on Saturday, Oct. 31. Finally, MacEwen was one of the Republicans who frivolously sued Gov. Island County. Washington State Voters' Guide - November 3, 2020 General Election Published on Sep 23, 2020 Visit www.piercecountyelections.org or call 253 ⦠In presidential elections between 1900 and 2016, Washington cast votes for the … Mason County Guide All races in Mason County Legislative District Guides. Skamania County. The Elections Department of the Pacific County Auditor's Office administers all elections (federal, state, and local) in Pacific County, maintains voter registration records, provides voter information, and registers voters. The Michigan Secretary of State recommends that absentee ballots be mailed in by Oct. 19. Customizing the Progressive Voters Guide for your location... State and local candidates paid for by Fuse Votes. She sponsored bills during her first term in the House to strengthen the maritime industry, improve access to health care, and ensure gender pay equity. If re-elected, Reykdal will continue to advocate for these priorities and work with schools across the state as they make the transition back to in-person education. In most precincts of Mason County, this is a completely separate location (see information below). Click here to find your ballot. First elected in 2016, former state Rep. Kristine Reeves is also running for the open 10th Congressional District seat. Lippman is a disbarred lawyer and anti-vaccination advocate, Spring doesn't think we should have closed schools during the pandemic, and Higgins wants to inject religious teachings into public education. 470. A member of the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Vaska's priorities include reducing regulations for business and streamlining the permitting process. Around the County; Beyond the game; Full Court Press; Home Tips; The Land; The Makers; MC History Spotlight; Mental Health Matters; Outdoor Report; The Scoop; Opinion; School News. Phone: 360-427-9670 ext. The primary election … Former port commissioner and progressive state Rep. Gael Tarleton is now running for Secretary of State, who serves as the state's chief elections officer, among other roles. Election Certification and Data Information about how Kitsap Elections ballot tabulation systems are tested, election certification and other data as it becomes available. Click for Free Calendar Event Submission. Chris Reykdal is running for re-election to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to continue his leadership of our state's public schools through this challenging time. Facebook. In addition, Heck said he wants to use the office and his extensive experience to lobby swing senators on progressive issues. SEIU 925 Public Service PAC, WA State Council of Firefighters Support Team (FAST PAC), SEIU 775 Quality Care Committee, Justice for All PAC; Top 3 donors to PAC contributors: SEIU General Fund, SEIU 775, SEIU Local 925, You are viewing content from a previous election (August 4th, 2020). Submissions or corrections after deadline will not be accepted. Mason County is just South of Bremerton on the Kitsap Peninsula and it's one of the most purple areas in the state. Here is our non-partisan guide to information about our local, county, state and national elections. Seattle, WA 98101. Normal Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm. Franz has the experience we need to guide and protect our state from increasingly dangerous fire seasons to the rising threat of climate inaction. League of Women Voters of Mason County Washington. It is maintained by office staff. Precinct Polling Places / Township and City Hall Locations Yearly Election Dates . We expect to process more ballots than we ever have in a single election. Contacts were made to all the districts to offer assistance with voter ⦠Mason County Auditor. The other leading candidate in this race is Phil Gardner, who worked for Rep. Denny Heck for 10 years. Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz has been a proactive force for protecting our communities from climate change. Pellicciotti has been a solid legislator and is the best choice in the race for Washington State Treasurer. Please consider helping us keep local news active by sending a PayPal payment. Davison Sattler is endorsed by Republican elected officials and is not progressive. Booth Gardner, and TVW co-founder. Please call (360) 902-4180 for assistance, M - F 8 a.m. 5 p.m. 2020 General Election Voters' Guide Ballots mailed by October 16 General Election Local Votersâ Pamphlet â November 3, 2020. Before he was elected as governor in 2012, Inslee represented both sides of the Cascades in Congress, opposed the Iraq war, and worked to increase accountability and oversight for Wall Street banks. US coronavirus: More Covid-19 deaths reported in the past two weeks than any other 14-day period in the pandemic. Kitsap County. This is the official election website of the Mason County Auditor. Governor. You are viewing content from a previous election (November 3rd, 2020). Davidson previously served as the Benton County Treasurer from 2003 to 2016. Main Line: (360) 249-4232. Precinct Committee Persons List and Information Voter Registration Numbers. Voters also have the option to vote at the clerk’s office using an absentee ballot. Help Fund Local News. “Voters should take the time to read directions under each section heading of their ballots regarding how many candidates to select for each race,” Mason County Clerk Cheryl Kelly said. In past legislative sessions, he voted against protections for LGBTQ school children and against expanding access to reproductive health care for women. An emergency request can also be made in the case of a personal disablement, an illness or death. Skip to main content. While the national media is focused on the presidential race, there are many other races and proposals that voters will need to select as well. State Senate Floor Leader Marko Liias was first elected to the Mukilteo City Council in 2005 before being appointed to the state House in 2007 and finally the state Senate in 2014. 2020 MASON COUNTY/ MASON CITY ELECTION RESULTS . The county confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on April 7, 2020. Heck was elected to represent the 10th Congressional District after it was created in 2012 and decided to retire after the impeachment hearings in December 2019. It was created by the Michigan Legislature in 1840 as Notipekago County, then renamed Mason County in 1843.The county was administered by Ottawa County prior to the organization of county government in 1855.. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below congressional districts on your ballot. Fax:(360) 249-3330 We recommend Doglio because of her strong track record of progressive leadership and support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations. Population by Place in Michigan There are 692 places in Michigan. Heck has had a long, effective career in both the private and public sectors, most notably as a five-term state representative, House majority leader, chief of staff to former Gov. Rep. Derek Kilmer is running for re-election in the 6th Congressional District. Darcy Huffman is running a strong campaign and deserves your vote. Click here to find your ballot. March 10, 2020 Election: March 10, 2020 Presidential Primary Official Results Free Soil Township Proposal Official Results . His proactive, decisive, science-driven efforts have saved countless Washingtonians from getting sick. Ferguson is the clear progressive choice for Attorney General of Washington.
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