Much better than you. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Taking trips is a lot less expense, time, work, and headaches. Trust me, you don't want to see how mad a hen gets when they're wet. I often hear how it is so great being in the country away from all the thieves and villains. His oldest brother and brother-in-law recently had been drafted. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. 25. Yep all the same stuff. Then he got madder than a wet hornet. He got so mad he threw the stone tablets down on the ground and smashed them against a rock. But how can I, a former player, convince her that I’m serious about this, about her, about us? Talk about facebook lighting up like a Christmas Tree with people madder than wet hornets and I was trying to tell many as possible to turn that joke off and go to MYTV30. Good luck. There are plenty of expressions that have to do with animals being angry—mad as a march hare, madder than a wet hen (or hornet’s nest)—but not many come to mind about dogs. When they say 'madder than a wet hornet' they aren't lying. 26. When someone has “stepped into a hornet’s nest,” that means they’ve unintentionally wandered into a violent or contentious situation. They would scare the bejesus out of a trespasser. But the biggest surprise of all is that I’m not scared. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I start getting madder than a wet hornet… I would be looking to who ever lives close and knows the land around there. 1872: New Northwest (Portland, OR) 19 May 2/6: How d’ye spose I feel then? Now he was madder than a wet hornet. Be sure to check out our gun classifieds where you can buy, sell or trade your gear. I want to thank you for reinforcing how blessed I am that my area is constantly observed and we tend to be the ones that gain gear from others. Doc: "No, let him cool down some first." August 28, 1979. When moms were really mad they were madder than a wet hornet, although the switch stung whether from a wet hen or hornet. Earliest childhood memory was getting nailed on the top of my head by one while swimming in West Lake near Portage. Reply. Madder than … Madder than a boiled owl. Before sunrise this morning I was in my hunt house on my private property. Madder than a wet hen is an idiom usually used by white people belonging to southern US who are taken as unsophisticated as per details on internet. It's a Micro size geocache, with difficulty of 1.5, terrain of 1.5. Get your answers by asking now. In the winter or colder months, I make a yummy Broccoli, chicken, and rice casserole that I put in the oven, and everyone loves it. Trending Questions. Stirred up, angry: “When he saw them coming he got _____.” MAD: 488: FURIOUS: 107: HOT UNDER THE COLLAR: 90: RILED: 73: RILED UP: 69: AGGRAVATED: 41: UPSET Having deer hunts ruined. It's located in Arkansas, United States.Not one of our more clever hides, but I've been wanting to put one here ever since construction started. 29. Reactions: 1 person. Mad as a Hornet – Very mad. It is stuck in this river. I’m beyond surprised when she marches back into my life a couple of months later, madder than a wet hornet because I knocked her up. Still, we can all point out plenty of times where our pups were not very happy with us. Life is always better with a little laughter. It's not pretty. Stands missing, people on quads, mushroom hunters, poachers, dumpers.....even had a guy buzz my stand with an ultralight plane to scare off any game. That snowboy wasn’t at all happy... you’ve heard the phrase madder than a wet hornet? Laughter is important in business, so get ready to have a good laugh over here every now and again. Battle to save local breweries; DRINKERS KEEN TO ENSURE SURVIVAL Madder than a hornet in an old coke can! Apparently, that involved dunking the poor creatures into a barrel of water. 1887: Mat. Synonyms for mad as a wet hen and mad as a hornet that may be found in a thesaurus are angry, furious, outraged, irate. I have dealt this with this sort of ***** for decades. Site Supporter. We say someone has “stirred up a hornet’s nest” when they provoke an attack from spiteful enemies or vociferous critics. Mad as hops was first recorded in 1884 and is thought to have been the writer's version of hopping mad; mad as a wet hen, first recorded in 1823, is puzzling, since hens don't really mind water. I’m excited. What county you in? My girls love the rain - but they hate the water hose! We never had anything stolen when we were out that way but always had trespassers and I never doubted they’d have stolen anything of value (other than one trail camera) had we left it out there. Laughter is important in business, so get ready to have a good laugh over here every now and again. Sorry that happened. Mad as a wet hen and mad as a hornet are phrases that mean extremely angry, enraged, very exasperated. Scott is a great guy for sure but Mgderf’s place is in Fountain Co and Ethan is the CO out that way. 9 Years. 0 0. May 30, 2009 13,084 83. Go. Criminals are brazen now and willing to shoot officers. Festus put his two cents in: "Madder than a wet hornet. If only JavaScript is disabled. too many scumbags in the world. Which came first, chicken or egg? It’s just that dog emotions work a little differently than a human’s. Join. Everyone froze in their tracks. “Madder than a hornet” is another colloquial expression used to describe a fit of bad temper. Still have questions? The allusions to a hornet, which can launch a fierce attack, and hell, with its furious fires, are more obvious than the other variants. I had my remote cabin similarly robbed last year. 27. I'll deal with the fuds on public ground for the limited hunting and adventures I do. 19 “I was waiting for you,” Rabbit said. They left me a call though . Answer Save. 1881: New Ulm Wkly (MN) 23 Feb. 3/2: The owner of the hay was madder than a wet hen. I hope you catch the scumbags. Unfortunately it's the norm. Time itself seemed to stand still. Madder than a wet settin’ hen. Restore Second Amendment and eliminate all taxes on firearms. It would seem that it is the same out there just with less of them in the way and under foot. Is "He was now madder than a wet hornet" a metaphor or idiom? J. Doddridge Backwoodsman and Dandy 42: Every body that was not ax’d was mad as a wet hen. Madder than a Wampus Cat in a rainstorm. I feel for you. Not worth the trouble to me. 1 of 2 Go to page. If you’re east of Indy, I can give you Scott Johnson’s direct number, he’s one of COs out here, I always call him if I have questions or concerns. Mick Madder, spokesman for Coventry and North Warwickshire branch, said: "Less than 10 years' ago, there was not a single brewery in Warwickshire. He said his dad was “madder than a wet hornet” when he left for the Army. Life is always better with a little laughter. I aspire to own hunting ground, but my main concern aside from the cost is lowlifes who poach and steal. It's a joke. She Was Madder Than A Wet Hen Some of you may have heard the phrase, "She was madder than a hornet", but both have the same connotation: someone is very mad. I am sorry this happened, it seems like there is less respect for life and property now than ever before. My place here in Indiana where I live has not had any issues and it’s as isolated as you can be in Indiana. Madder than an Old Wet Hen – Very angry. You name it. You must log in or register to reply here. Mad as hops was first recorded in 1884 and is thought to have been the writer's version of hopping mad; mad as a wet … You could store some of your tannerite out there. Madder Than A Wet Hornet (GC3MJ76) was created by codeyrex on 5/30/2012. Rating - 100%. 4 years ago. The music stopped. Jan 25, 2012 #9 jomoncon Songster. 37 0 0. The move has Clintonites madder than wet hornets with one political insider quoted in the New York Observer as saying it was the biggest "F**k you" he's ever seen in politics. 1 Answer. huh. Talk about facebook lighting up like a Christmas Tree with people madder than wet hornets and I was trying to tell many as possible to turn that joke off and go to MYTV30. Sorry to hear that Mgderf. Maybe I should try talking to him again." It's not my land but a buddy and me are the only ones with rights to the 80 acres we hunt. Re-boot Funny Political Picture Thread Part VI***Yeah it got worse. Doc: "The problem is he feels betrayed and his pride is hurt." Madder than a wet hornet. “I wanted to share this cheese with you.” Rabbit pointed toward the full moon’s reflection in the water. My husband Rich has the super-human ability to make me laugh when I’m madder than a wet hornet! The allusions to a hornet, which can launch a fierce attack, and hell, with its furious fires, are more obvious than the other variants. Relevance. Before sunrise this morning I was in my hunt house on my private property. Why, madder than a wet hen. But I was still pissed someone had been there. I gave some military training land mines that are as loud as an m-80 and disperse a huge cloud of talcum powder using compressed air. I have lost 7 stands, 3 cameras and 1 deer through the years. Not much you can do but invest in expensive camera equipment and live on the property to guard it. Next Last. 28. Ask Question + 100. I’d definitely let him know about it. Aaa sucks, he'll get over it - even a wet hornet dries up sometime." So much for our civilized world. Kitty: "I don't know what to do. Madder than a Wet Hen It isn’t hard to picture a wet hen in a something of a flap (pun intended). Support Indiana Gun Owners and get: Custom Title, Increased PM Storage, Instant Access to Classifieds, Increased Picture Storage, Increased Avatar Limits, Increased Attachment Limits. My husband Rich has the super-human ability to make me laugh when I’m madder than a wet hornet! Except for the 1 cow that just went missing this year. Sep 24, 2010 661 28 171 New Orleans, LA. Historical Reference: This phrase, also an American original from the early 1800s, may refer to a trick used by farmers to rouse hens from broodiness. People harvest fire wood, mushrooms, hunt and gladly help themselves to anything left in the field by the owners even if its locked up. Trending Questions. I hope you catch the ******* or *******s. Booby traps should be legalized... scumbags. Stolen stuff, poachers, illegal dumping, illegal logging, neighbors driving ATVs through the corn fields, for miles. Madder than a wet hen! Indiana Gun Owners is the most active and largest Indiana gun community online. Nov 14, 2020 #1 M. Mgderf Grandmaster. Log in, “We went out to dinner and met [Roy], and he was mad as a wet hen because she had made a blind date and he hadn’t known anything about it until it was all done and over with,” said Panchel, Shut or close the barn door after the horse has bolted. hello. "Madder Than A Wet Hen" Meaning: Someone who is incredibly angry about a situation. They take these things very seriously. They nest in the ground. You are using an out of date browser. Just saying....... Ironically enough, my remote cabin in Kentucky has several neighbors in visual range None of them did it, it was some junk stolen and these folks have really nice houses and well paying jobs. I want this baby… and I want Annie. When a hen gets wet, become not simply mad but madder in the same way these people express their anger, natured being annoyed by comparing themselves to madder wet hen. For this reason I'm a no go on property ownership. Snowboy was madder than a blizzard he was made that way!!!!!! “But I cannot reach it. Thread starter Mgderf; Start date Nov 14, 2020; 1; 2; Next. 6. Then he walked right into the middle of the party. The surrounding 300+ are heavily hunted by whoever and it is a endless fight. Address problems: Dr. William C. Adams, who lives at 4544 Old Marksville Highway, is "madder than a wet hornet" over the … Madder than a pack of wild dogs on a three legged cat. Unfortunately, in the summer I can’t deal with a hot, humid house any more than the next person. The idiom mad as a wet hen is sometimes rendered as madder than a wet … I AM TOTALLY enraged, furious, incensed, indignant, outraged, beside myself, boiling, exasperated, flaming, fuming, hot, infuriated and offended beyond the beyond. Nothing stolen but I found where someone had been poaching on my property as well. As soon as I pick it up, they all run for the coop. Report to IDNR. And, Yeah, I grabbed most of those words off the Internet so everyone gets the picture.
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