An expo facto research design was used for the study. These points were also supported by Toth and Montagna (2012) who reported that the increase in enrollment in many institutions which has become major concerns of students could definitely lead to an increase in classroom size. Dissertation, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu. A. According to these scholars, the teachers of Mathematics predominantly make use of expository methods. Online final year project works, free download English, math, physics, THE USE OF IMPROVISED INSTRUCTIOAL MATERIALS FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF BIOLOGY. Eshiet, I. T. (2001). The teacher becomes the repertoire of all knowledge. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION, The study intends to findout the effect of improvised instructional Improvised instructional material is a method or way of minimizing loss of equipment and materials and an inexpensive method of widening the scope of inquiry. Two (2) research questions were raised to guide the study. Since the academic success of students depends largely on the school environment, it is imperative to examine the impact variables of classroom size and school population on the academic performance of students in secondary school. The study revealed that teachers of Mathematics are not well exposed in the use of improvised materials in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Florida: HBJ Publishers. He argued that there are approved norms of class-size, 40 pupils per class for grades 1 to 8 and 35 pupils per class for the senior classes; while the standard allocation of class space per pupil is 1:25 square metres. The only... 1.2 Statement of … The observed poor achievement in Mathematics at West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a good pointer to the failure of the teachers of Mathematics to use appropriate methods of teaching (Alio, 1997; Onoh, 2000; Ogbu, 2006; Adebayo, 2010; Ali, 2010; Nwankwo, 2012). RIJSER, 4(4). Debate around the inverse connection between classroom size and student achievement The aspect of the subject area comes into question; would it perhaps be different depending on whether the subject is content, concept or practical- oriented? The teacher and the students could produce the improvised instructional materials. Other factors that affect student achievement are school population and classroom size (Gentry, 2000; and Swift, 2000). improvisation of instructional materials as making learning concrete and real, substitutes one thing for another, allows the students to participate in the production of materials, economical and more teacher- student resource oriented. Problems of improvising instructional materials for the teaching and learning of Chemistry. Instructional Materials Improvisation And Utilization And Students’ Academic Performance In Mathematics. This situation has had multiple negative effects on teaching and learning as well as students’ academic outcomes. Factors responsible for inability of teachers to improvise instructional materials for the teaching of Physics. (2015). Science is a difficult subject to teach, especially in rural areas. students taught with improvised instructional materials and those taught Research Questions Three research questions guided the study. (2012). Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), CALL FOR 2019/2020 ARTICLES/PAPERS SUBMISSION. In order to better understand the skill levels of students, it might be necessary to evaluate factors affecting their performance. What are the problem associated with the use of THE IMPORTANCE OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSWell, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a … The design of the study was survey design. : it Teaching of Mathematics. (2004). shell, improvised instructional materials are teaching materialsdesign and Four research questions and six null hypotheses guided the study. Next, in Arranging for Songwriters taught by renown Berklee faculty Bonnie Hayes and Sarah Brindell, you'll learn how to create arrangements of songs. 0. The idea that school population and classroom size might affect student performance is consistent with the growing literature on the relationship between public sector institutional arrangements and outcomes (Moe, 1984). The problem of this study is the non use of instructional materials in the teaching of biology influenced by lack of creative improvisation of teaching materials on the part of the teachers. The instrument, Improvised Physics Instructional Materials Questionnaire (IPIMQ) was used for data collection. This also is consequent upon the fact that small class room sizes do no encourage effective teaching and learning environment. ABSTRACT CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AUDITORY AND VISUAL SENSES. Improvised instructional materials are teaching materials designed and produced from the available local materials in order to promote effective teaching and learning in schools. It has been observed that Secondary School appear to be densely populated while lecture room seem to be over-congested. Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) London 25(7),18-120. Deductively, it is defined as the act of providing teaching materials from our locality when there is shortage or lack of standard ones. they are enrolled. 2.2 NEED FOR THE USE OF INST… Ibadan: Alafas Nigeria Company p. 69-83. Teachers’ Improvisation of Instructional Materials for Nigerian Home Economics Curriculum Delivery: Challenges and Strategies: 10.4018/ijavet.2013100105: This study was designed to ascertain the challenges of improvising instructional materials by Home Economics teachers at the Upper Basic education level in Chemistry is a branch of physical science, and it is the study of the composition, properties and behaviour of matter. Report on the state of education in African UNESCO Publications, 95 – 99. In this study, improvised instructional materials were used to ascertain students’ geometry achievement at the upper basic education one. Journal of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN), 42 (1), 52-56. THE EFFECT OF IMPROVISATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGY INSTRUCTION IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. refers to as educator or schoolteacher who is a person who provide education Read the rest by downloading the document in pdf at the bottom of this page. There is no significant relationship between This is because large classroom size do not allow individual student to get attention from teachers which invariably lead to low reading scores, frustration and poor academic performance. in classroom. A paper presented at room 803, during school of science seminar series at FCE Kano on 30th Sept, 1994. Ezeugo, N. C. and Agwagah U. N. V. (2000). absence of resources that might be expected to produce a solution. Title: JRES VOL 4 NO 2 AUG 2013 Author: MR PAUL Subject: JRES VOL 4 NO 2 AUG 2013 Created Date: 10/2/2013 4:47:33 PM In order to better understand the skill levels of students, it might be necessary to evaluate factors affecting their performance. (2012). the use of instructional materials? Research Questions The research seeks to answer the following questions that affect the effective teaching and learning of Biology among undergraduate students in selected schools in Kano North i. Nwosu, A. R. (2002). method. What are the attitude of biology students towards in order to: evelop in This varies from country to country. Instructional Materials Improvisation And Utilization And Students’ Academic Performance In Mathematics. According to Aina and Akintunde (2013) student usually performed very poorly in physics in all level of education. The seating arrangement is therefore too important to suffer the kind of neglect being experienced by many secondary schools in the country. Also, not all instructional materials are created equal. This situation may be one of the factors that cause poor performance of students in biology examinations like the Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (SSCE). According to Ogunmola, (2002) cited that improvisation are those visual or audio visual materials which facilitate the assimilation of organization. Quality instructional materials are essential in teaching about evolution and the nature of science. Third, classroom size reduction is very expensive, and little or no consideration is given to alternative and more productive uses of those resources. Instructional Material Utilization: This is the idea of the teachers actually using the provided instructional materials for teaching during lesson delivery in the classroom. According to Ehrenberg, Brewer, Gamoran & Willms (2001), there are many reasons why smaller classes might contribute to higher achievement, including better teacher contact with parents and more personal relationships between teachers and students. Health Science, Human Capital, and Capacity Building Ajayi (2000) supported the viewpoints and argued that in order to control rising capital cost of education, the average class-size could be increased. THE EFFECT OF IMPROVISATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGY INSTRUCTION IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EGOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, EDO STATE, Free Undergraduate Project Topics, Research Materials, Education project topics, Economics project topics, computer science project topics, Hire a data analyst 6. schools in Akoko South East Local Government Area of Ondo State. harrigurus on. Olarewaju, A. 1. Effectively Using Instructional Materials For instructors, choosing the right instructional materials is paramount to the success of the course. Small classes may benefit students more when instruction relies on discussion, by allowing more students to participate and be recognized, than when lecture and seatwork are the main modes of instruction. Nigeria Journal of Technical Education. Nwabuzor (2007) revealed that improvisation is a teacher centered activity. 2.4 Problems of Using Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Social Studies. Generally, improvisation of instructional materials in science teaching particularly biology is an attempt to adapt and make use of local resources in the teaching/ learning process when the readymade materials are not available or are in short fall or not within the reach of the users. improvised instructional materials on students’ achievement and interest in Longitude and Latitude. The Questionnaire was made up of two sections, A and B. (Ed.) female teachers were found to use instructional materials more frequently than the male social studies teachers. The study recommended that the university should take steps to appoint more teachers in the general course to minimize the use of large class, also government should provide more lecture rooms to ensure quality of service delivering, finally lecturers should be given refresher courses on managing large class from time to time CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study As school population increases, class room sizes also increase, the performances of students become an issue, classroom size has become a phenomenon often mentioned in the educational literature as an influence on pupil’s feelings and achievement, on administration, quality and school budgets. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. Ibadan: Labode Printing Press. In relation to size, Stepaniuk (2001) reported that the rational utilization of classroom space depends upon class-size. Poor performance in chemistry in technical colleges of education: Courses and implications. The study will concentrate on the effects of classroom size on the teaching and learning of Biology in Selected schools in Kano North Significance of the Study The Nigerian education system is progressively becoming more and more complex. The statistics of students’ poor performances in Mathematics is a bad omen and will be an impediment to Nigeria’s development especially in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. It also is important to consider the context within which specific materials will be used. A practical demonstration, A paper presented at the 24th annual conference of STAN held at the University of Jos between 11th - 15th Sep. 1983. Oranu, R. N. (2001). Similarly, teachers who use a lot of small group work may find their instruction is more effective in smaller classes, because fewer students remain unsupervised while the small group meets with the teacher. No curriculum planning is complete without implementation and evolution, both of which are mainly carried out in the classroom. (2013). Instructional Materials Improvisation And Utilization And Students’ Academic Performance In Mathematics . These factors can include: school structure and organization, teacher quality, curriculum, and teaching philosophies (Driscoll, Halcoussis, & Svorny, 2003). Findings from the study are of great significance for educational planners, policy makers and both federal and state governments. Large classroom size and over populated schools have direct impact of the quality of teaching and instruction delivery. Pankshin Journal of Vocational Education, 3, 84-92. To find out the problem associated with the use of Ali, A. Mathematics is regarded as a discipline which is the communication system of the concepts of shapes, quantity, size and order used to describe diverse phenomenon, in Physics, Biology and economic situation. The problem is so much that it has led to the decline in standard of education. This is because large classroom size do not allow individual student to get attention from teachers which invariably lead to low reading scores, frustration and poor academic performance. Abstract This study was designed to ascertain the challenges of improvising instructional materials by Home Economics teachers at the Upper Basic education level in Nigeria, and as a result identify strategies for enhancing improvisation. Commonwealth Secretariat, London. Improvisation as a concept can be defined as a technique of originating a totally new tool, instrument, material, devise or modifying existing ones for serving a particular function. A. Millennium Development Goal Project. Mean and standard deviations were used to answer research questions while chi square (X2) test statistics was used to test the research hypothesis. anything kept, furnished or provided for a specific purpose. Assessment of the implementation of Mathematics curriculum in senior secondary schools in Kano State. Objective of the Study The broad objective of the research project is to examine the effect of classroom size in teaching and learning of biology , with special reference to Selected Secondary Schools in Kano North The specific objectives are to; 1. instructional materials increases the students ... Improvisation is the act of using alternative resources to facilitate instructions whenever there is lack or shortage of some specific first hand teaching aids (Eniayeju, 2005). Investigate the positive and negative attitude of Improvisation in integrated science to achieving a new approach to the teaching of integrated science. These are the technical and the human factors respectively . Improvisation capitalized on the use of local resources from the community to minimize cost of instructional materials. For three decades, a belief that public education is wasteful and inefficient has played an important role in debates about its reform. As rightly observed by Cohen and Manion (2003 p.221) "a careful attention to seating arrangement contributes as effectively as any other aspect of classroom management and control to overall success with a class subsequently". Biology teachers towards instructional materials in teaching Biology. It was then concluded that improvisation of instructional materials is necessary for quick and perfect understanding of Biology concept. produce from the available local materials in order to enhance effectiveteaching : this is the requirement of students to maintain (2006). students and teachers adequate skill for improvisation, this will generate In a nut shell, improvised instructional materials are teaching materialsdesign and produce from the available local materials in order to enhance effectiveteaching and learning in schools.Improvised instructional material is a method or way of minimizing loss ofequipment and materials and an inexpensive method of widening the scope ofinquiry. According to Aina and Akintunde (2013) … Hillsdale: Laurence Erlbanum Press. Apart from this, students no longer have confidence in writing exams on their own without examination malpractice (Mgbekem, 2004). This in turn would depend upon the area of the classroom. The selection of Mathematics as one of the core subjects offered in primary and post primary institutions in Nigeria, as well as its status as part of mandatory requirement for admission into post-secondary institutions in the country (i.e., attainment of pass or credit level) are clear indications of the relevance of the subject in Nigerian education. (Ed.). Nwankwo, P.N. Journal of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN), 40(1&2), 51-56. Unpublished PGDE Project of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. (1994). Lowe N.K (1983). Adeyemi (2008) reported that average class-size influences the cost of education while capital cost could be reduced by increasing the average class-size in schools while Nwadiani (2000) argued that the higher the class-size, the lower the cost of education. Science education must seek to permit the individual to develop to the fullest his capacities for adjustment and continuous change in order that he may meet the problems of his day and solve them successfully when they arise. This is evidenced in the failure rates recorded by students in examination. Improvisation and low-cost production for science education, concepts and information. What is the level of utilization of available instructional materials necessary for the Mathematics for everyday living: Implication for secondary school. iii. To determine the impact of instructional materials links between science and theory, eradicate IMPROVISATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR THE TEACHING-LEARNING OF BIOLOGY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DELTA STATE 1.1 Background to the Study. Smith, K. (2005). Important of business education for the national development in Nigeria. Sharing is caring! A paper presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of Mathematics Association of Nigeria, held at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. There has however been much need to view the aspect of classroom size as a holistic factor that does not operate in isolation. This study looked at the availability, uses and improvisation of instructional materials and the implications on teaching and learning of physics in secondary schools. Overcrowded classrooms have increased the possibilities for mass failure and make students to lose interest in school. According to these researchers, pupils taught in smaller classes during the primary phase of their education were more likely to go on and eventually proceed to higher education. This paper analyzed how Mathematics teachers in secondary schools in Enugu State improvise materials for functional teaching and learning of Mathematics in Enugu North Local Government Area (LGA). Hence the improvisation of some, if not all Biological science instructional materials from locally available materials will help to get enough Biological science teaching materials for the growing number of secondary schools in Nigeria (Oladimeji, 2010). The effect of improvisation of instructional materials for biology instruction in senior secondary schools. The government is not liming up to its responsibility when it comes to providing the necessary instructional materials, them creating the problem of inadequate instructional materials in schools. dissertation, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu. Since the academic success of students depends largely on the school environment, it is imperative to examine the impact variables of classroom size and school population on the academic performance of students in Nigeria universities. interest and motivation for indigenous technology,have practical and physical a satisfactory academic record and meet the obligations of the courses in which Post Views: 391. Examine the relationship between classroom size and academic performance of students 2. Google Scholar; Mberengwa, L. 2004. Effect of Polya’s problem solving technique on secondary school students’ achievement in Mathematics. Adebayo E. (2010). The study was a descriptive survey research design. ABSTRACT This study was to find out the need of improvisation in the teaching and learning of Biology. Evaluating students’ attainment in vocational technical subjects. Ideally, students should experience small classes of 13 to 17 students when entering school, in either kindergarten or first grade. Again, Adeyemi (2008) in his findings revealed that schools having an average classroom size of 35 and below obtained a better result than schools having more than 35 students in senior secondary schools. a pupil, is a learner or someone who attends an educational institution. This study is on effect of improvisation of instructional materials for biology instruction in senior secondary schools. Enhancing learning in schools through improvisation of equipment and instructional materials. the scope ofinquiry. All articles submitted for publication should be written in English Language and must not have been published elsewhere – it must be original. Improvised instructional material is a meaningful attempt Smith (2005) stated that the method used by a teacher can either motivationally force a student who has made up his mind not to learn mathematics to begin to learn Mathematics or can even distance him further from learning Mathematics. Alonge, E. I. According to them, classroom size has a negative logarithm with relationship to grades and that effect of classroom size on grades differs across different categories of students. They are materials that are used in the absence of the original or the ideal objects to bring about the same This study was therefore interested in identifying the major problems caused by overpopulated classes in Nigeria growing towns and cities with a view to making suggestions that could help to alleviate the problems. Research hypothesis The following hypothesis were formulated to guide the study Ho1 There is no relationship between classroom size and students academic performance Ho2: school population doe not have significance effect on students’ academic performance Ho3: Over population of classroom does not have effect on students academic performance Delimitation of the Study The study is specifically talking about the effect of classroom size on students academic performance in selected schools in Kano North. Dueto state of our nation's economy, Teachers, students, school Two research questions were asked while two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Mathematics for elementary teachers (An interactive approach). Secondly, classroom size reductions invariably involve hiring more teachers yet teacher quality is a more important factor than classroom size in affecting student outcomes. found to use instructional materials more frequently than the male teachers in terms of the improvisation of instructional materials. In a nut interesting to both students and teachers in the classroom. The government is not liming up to its responsibility when it comes to providing the necessary instructional materials, them creating the problem of inadequate instructional materials in schools. In this study, improvised instructional materials were used to ascertain students’ geometry achievement at the upper basic education one. But what one finds in many of these classes is between ratios 1: 50 and 1: 150 in certain cases. EFFECT OF INDISCIPLINE ON STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Harnessing educational resources in the teaching of Mathematics of sustainable development. & Adewunmi, A. O. Kamarise (2014) noted that improvisation is a means of providing a very close substitute of an item of Introduction Physics is a science subject that student often find very difficult and this is why student always have low achievement in the subject. for students. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how instructional materials improvisation and utilization influences students’ academic performance in Mathematics in Uruan Local Government Area. instructional materials. Effect of two solution strategies in solving Mathematical problem on JSS 1 students’ achievement, interest and retention in Mathematics. The worldwide leader in jazz improvisation educational materials for over 50 years! The content of the study will also serve as resource materials for others who want to carry out further research. To find out the attitude of biology students Observation reveals that in recent times, there has been astronomical rise in classroom size due to increase in admission of students in Secondary School . What are the attitude of biology teachers towards Is there any relationship between over population and school resources/ facilities?
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