Post navigation ← Gold Dredging. • Gold Prospecting: For Better or Worse--It Was A Dark and Overcast Night • Ask The Experts - Were you aware of the new recording fee in California? After a half dozen public comment meetings all up and down the state after the bill was passed, the CAWB took the data WMA, AMRA and many others provided them on the science surrounding dredging at every one of these meetings, they then sat down to see if it was “deleterious” to fish and fish habitat. BRIAN WILLIAMS Greenhorn Posts:14. Notice a trend here? It is about their ideology, not facts, science, truth or even something as basic as common sense. 2019 Schedule of Events June 22 & … The CAWB stated last summer in our numerous and continual conversations with them that they had in fact agreed to permit dredging and would release the draft proposal in January of 2019. Make the regulations/permits so costly, so onerous, so confounding that people give up. The Department will notify suction dredge permittees if the litigation affects suction dredge permits issued by the Department.Consistent with existing regulations, all persons who obtain a suction dredge permit issued by the Department are subject to applicable state and federal law, including the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). • Legislative and Regulatory Update Uploaded by Gold Prospectors Association of America on 6/21/2019 Show subtitle #goldrush #goldpan #goldprospecting Get out there and start your own gold Adventure! Even if there are no more political or staffing interruptions, it is highly unlikely any permitting will be available in 2019. They would then hold public comment meetings for the public to provide their input, then move forward from there with the permits. February 13, 2019. zero comment. We told them “don’t take our word for it, look at the studies, the science, the facts and then make an objective determination based on that”. Ask The Experts - How do I recover gold in pyrite? In the September 2018 issue, Scott Harn, Editor of the ICMJ, gave his thoughts on the matter and how things appear to be shaping up at this time. Copyright 2021 American Mining Rights Association. The 2012 Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) regulations. A Tax To Drive Out Foreigners. Ask The Experts - Is this ICOG deposit commercially feasible to mine? My question is how strong is the possibility that dredging will be allowed in California in 2019? 05 Dec 2019 12:44 AM: ... many weekends in California Gold Country but not intimately to know where to look in 20 acre increments that have accessible open gold bearing ground. This is truly a great win for all gold miners! We are pretty sure if you are like us, you’re fed up with over-regulation, dishonest politicians, state agencies delaying their duties under the law and environmental groups having way too much say in what we are told are our fundamental rights as mining claim owners. • Using Geologic Publications to Discover Collecting Sites We do not know, but due to the fact that they are following the EPA NPDES permitting structure, it is likely to be expensive. • Melman on Gold & Silver Would it be a pretty sure bet we will be able to gold dredge in California? What is highly likely as a result of Allen putting the CAWB evaluation into the bill was, Allen thought they would toe the political line and have the same ideology he and his enviro buddies have…… “shut it down”. ... Lots of ways to mine for gold without dredging or high banking. Q: What should be considered in a Joint Venture on a gold claim? Take the Delta Gold Diggers for example, say they have 20 dredge claims, the club would pay for one permit, then certify their members to dredge under that one permit. 21. After Phase 2 upgrades are completed, production is expected to be 200,000 ounces per year. You can carefully search the bedrock cracks with a sensitive metal detector and recovery small (and hopefully large) gold nuggets from down in the cracks. Was this politics? Now they just watch their forests burn. This opens up a giant can of worms for the club or association. We are not happy with the potential for a permit for a single miner paying thousands when many miners pull less than an ounce in a season. There is lots of gold all throughout the river. Training, best practices, written rules, etc… We are not overly fond of this. We either push back, and push back hard, speak out at the top of our lungs, without fear and with conviction or we move to …………oh that’s right, there are no other countries like America. You can be sure that we will keep our readers up-to-date on anything that develops as the possible permitting of dredging moves forward, but so far it does not seem very optimistic that the final result will be practical or the fees affordable enough to allow miners to get back in the water. The politicians understand one thing…they cannot continue to piss off their constituents (those in their districts) and get re-elected. It’s one rule for you, one very sweet rule for them. I know, I grew up there and most of my friends were timber fallers and worked for logging companies. website builder. Under that authority, the use of any vacuum or suction dredge equipment by any person in any river, stream or lake in California is prohibited, unless authorized under a permit issued by CDFW. I dredge multiple rivers, do I need a permit for each waterway? Let that sink in for a minute. • PLP Update Ask The Experts - Were you aware of the new recording fee in California? It is like stepping up to a group of bullies who are picking on a 12 year old girl. CAWB objectively evaluated the process of small scale suction dredging and determined yes, in fact it should be permitted so when they started leaking this very thing, politics (we believe) likely came forward and stopped them from going public with their proposal to permit the activity. We find it a bit odd that right before the 10 year fight for suction dredging seems to be gaining some ground, this happens. This site was designed with the .com. The map shows the location of 13,500 historic California gold … Nearly two centuries after 300,000 people rushed to California to search for gold, ... laws governing suction-dredging in California by amending both the ... structure in Spring 2019. They hate small scale mining and will do anything to shut it down. How much will permits cost? Basic prospecting equipment like gold pans, sluice boxes, and highbanker can be used to recover placer deposits from creeks and rivers. Their cost is fairly minimal (probably around $50) but due to the unbelievable restrictions on the waterways, it is a short season and the costs just keep adding up. If you are looking for a knight in shining armor, or one person to save you, I can assure you that is never going to happen. CDFW regulates suction dredging and the use of any related equipment in California pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 5653 specifically. A permit will still be required from DFW in addition to the permit from CAWB. • How to Beat the Heat--and The Bedrock This is the second meeting in the past 3 weeks and yes, they still do in fact intend on creating a permitting program for 2019 and intend to have the draft proposal out for the public comment process by Spring. This is precisely what the CAWB scientists and those tasked with this project did. MAY 2018: UPDATE FROM AMRA ON DREDGING BAN IN CALIFORNIA BEING LIFTED NEXT SPRING About AMRA American Mining Rights Association is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit, tax-exempt Association based in Coulterville CA. I thoroughly enjoy your videos and all your prospecting information. They have an unlimited bank roll of money in your tax payer dollars to defend whatever actions they create against us. Unfortunately I just received this update in my email today. Gold has been mined in this region since the early 1800s. Surprisingly to them, that did not happen. What do you think? The dredging fields are located near Canyon City, Oregon along the John Day river. That gold discovery was largely responsible for California's rapid growth and influx of … California Suction Dredging Lawsuit Update. Firstly, we would like to state that the CAWB are not the bad guys here, there were mandated by the bill Democrat Ben Allen passed. Ask The Experts - Can a British citizen purchase a mining claim? This has the effect of dramatically reducing the cost of the permit for the end user. California agencies have not yet developed those regulations or permits. When the lawsuit last year was settled by PLP, WMA and a few others, this locked the California miners into these regulations. I hope the odds are in the prospector’s favor because if it looks really hopeful and promising as it sounds I would sure like to make a purchase of a nice dredge while I have the opportunity before the prices go sky-high again. Shawn. With so many people after prospecting gold, soon, the gold stock started dwindling. Many turned to drugs, alcohol and most of my rural towns dried up from the destruction of a renewable resource because of an owl. You MUST participate. • Ask The Experts - A few questions about 'peak gold' Coulterville CA 95311, To hell with the fact that there are numerous states in America and numerous agencies suction dredging to create fish habitat as our video showed them. Posted in Videos. • Large Gold Deposit Types Can’t dredge certain times of the day, some areas are completely eliminated, log books must be kept, can’t dredge near a bank….on and on. Sound familiar? PO Box 467 There are many detectorists who flock to this Californian desert in hopes of finding gold. Lots of hydraulic mines and dredge fields are located in the Yuba River country. They would then hold public comment meetings for the public to provide … There is yet another fly in the soup here folks. We do not know and as recently as last week, they still are not telling us, or anyone else. We, like many others can lead, can go on the front line and push for you, but we have to know you are there as well. To them, so what if a suction dredge creates perfect fish habitat or that it removes 98% of the mercury from their drinking water. Much of what they do in the form of laws and regulations do in fact infringe upon our rights, but do they care? The language in that bill was so vague, anything “mechanized or motorized which aids in the processing of material” is deemed a suction dredge and therefore subject to fines and the equipment can be confiscated. No, it is clear they do not. • Ask The Experts - How do I recover gold in pyrite? They found suction dredging “deminimus” and determined it should be permitted. My name is Brian and I am a GPAA member. We were told some of these folks left for other jobs, what we are hearing from our insiders is a bit different. Check back soon! They’ve passed laws which explicitly exclude them from any liabilities from their actions. Most South California detectorists think of the Dale District in the Mojave Desert as being the best place to explore if you are around in the area. Get ICMJ’S Prospecting and Mining Journal online or delivered to your door. Dave McCracken seems to think 2019 is the year for Ca gold dredging in his recent newsletter, maybe its more than just a rumor? You MUST be heard. • Prospector Unearths Huge 'Duck’s Foot' Nugget As always, thank you for the update, as well as for everything you do. ---MembershipDonationClaimsSend us a link/News articleGeneral Inquiry, American Mining Rights Assoc. Folks, this is serious stuff here. I’m only asking because right now I can purchase used 4- to 6-inch dredges almost anywhere online for an amazing deal. The takeaway of this article should be that there are countless areas in California that you can still find gold, and not just in the Mother Lode. This is your ticket into the rugged California Motherlode for a extreme gold prospecting adventure! California dredging update: We recently put up a post asking for people to call the Senators who passed SB637 brought forth by Senator Ben Allen (D-Hollywood) called “the suction dredge bill”. These are incredibly restrictive and onerous. And metal detectors can be used to locate gold nuggets from ancient river channels and bench deposits located high above the existing water line. Preamble And Resolutions Adopted in California in 1850. We march from the Capital right over to the California Water Board just 4 blocks away. California Gold Country is a region of the State where gold was discovered in the mid-1800's. By now you are also likely aware that SB637 was presented and passed by Hollywood Democrat Senator Ben Allen in 2015 and required the CAWB (California Water Board) to evaluate the science surrounding dredging and to either permit the activity, or explain why it should not be permitted. Several prospect maps of dredging fields belonging to the Empire Gold Dredging Company. How long will this take? We are including a link to the closed rivers, streams and areas in the state, and it will astound you as it did us. Regardless, I’m not surprised in the least, and am definitely IN regarding the march/protest if given decent notice. Historic Gold Mines - In recognition of the California Gold Discovery to Statehood Sesquicentennial (1998-2000) CGS produced the Map of California Historic Gold Mines (MM 009) as a poster at the scale of 1:1,500,000. Our rural communities are dying from many things; lack of tens of millions spent yearly by the small mining community and dredgers for 10 straight years, over-regulation, forest mis-management and forest fires, the highest taxes in the country and an ideology which truly confounds reality. AMRA was created by miners, hikers, hunters and public land users to preserve and maintain their rights as they pertain to the use of our public lands. My question is how strong is the possibility that dredging will be allowed in California in 2019? The permits are good perpetually, meaning that you pay for the permit in 2019, then if you want to dredge next year, you do not have to re-apply, just pay the fee and go dredge. The Bawl Mill We’ll be addressing this idea at a later date, but sooner rather than later. AMRA Public Outing at “Roaring Camp Mining Company”, For daily updates, click on the Facebook trough tab at the top of the page, California Code of Regulations (suction dredging). Covers mining, prospecting, suction dredging, metal detecting, geology, ore deposits, regulation, equipment, extraction, assaying, history and more. That state and federal agencies ignore us, our voices and our rights should not surprise anyone by now. What do you think? • California Sniping A Father’s Day to Remember: 24,000 Ounces Gold in Quartz, Gold Prospecting: For Better or Worse--It Was A Dark and Overcast Night, Using Geologic Publications to Discover Collecting Sites, Prospector Unearths Huge 'Duck’s Foot' Nugget, Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices. • Ask The Experts - Can a British citizen purchase a mining claim? A: I am getting a lot of questions on this topic. Since the Court ruled that California’s dredge permitting moratorium is unconstitutional, making it unenforceable as a matter of law, The New 49’ers are not going to prohibit suction dredging on our mining properties. If we were to organize something like this peaceful protest, we would want over 1000 people to show up. The CAWB stated last summer in our numerous and continual conversations with them that they had in fact agreed to permit dredging and would release the draft proposal in January of 2019. Yesterday we met with the California Water Board (CAWB) in Sacramento over the permitting of suction dredging for 2019 along with several other mining organizations here in CA. ... ©2019 by Rich Ass Dirt Adventures. On that note, I suggest that if you are free enough to put true wealth away in the form of gold, you are already much smarter than those whose only opportunity to acquire gold is to take it away from others. ICMJ's Prospecting and Mining Journal is a monthly publication dedicated to gold, silver and precious metals. Additional articles that might interest you... Free: 14 Jun 2020 11:31 PM: Well said Shawn ! Thank you. 2019 Schedule of Events June 22 & 23; July 20 & 21; August 17 & 18. Another productive method is to do some crevicing. California dredge update. Brian. From the President of AMRA on California suction dredging; First of all, we would like to apologize for the length of this write up, but it is necessary. There is a learning curve to successful gold prospecting. 10. So literally right before going public, they had 2/3’s of their staff gone from the department. It has now been 10 years since we could legally suction dredge in California. Ask The Experts - I need help with more in-depth mining research, Ask The Experts - A few questions about 'peak gold', Ask The Experts - Seeking advice on processing pocket gold. Proudly created with Not enough. You MUST speak out. Northern California Couple Find $10 Million in Gold Coins LOS ANGELES -— A Northern California couple out walking their dog on their Gold Country property stumbled across a modern-day bonanza: $10 million in rare, mint-condition gold coins buried in the shadow of an old tree. The town of Downieville was one of the main gold camps during the California Gold Rush. In a recent Facebook post, Poe stated that suction gold dredging will be returning to California in 2019.
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